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Approved For Release Mp08 CR RDP78BO456OA001200010044-7 Copy NPIC/R-316/63 3 Pages December 1963 SUPPORT FACILITIES AT SAM SITES, PALANGA, USSR Declassification by N I MA/DOD Handle Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Control Only This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER TOP SECRET I Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78B04560A001200010044 GRow, / E.c laded *- "'c wngro _ "d d.. -0-1 a0-1 i . Approved Fdr'Rflease`290~T08121 . CIA RDP78BO456OA001200010044-7 NPIC/R-316/63 Area A This area (Figure 3) contains six buildings, an earthen mound probably used for an acquisi- tion radar, and the SA-3 site. The six buildings range in size from 20 by 20 feet to 100 by 30 feet, and were constructed between SUPPORT FACILITIES AT SAM SITES, PALANGA, USSR This report presents a detailed analysis of the support facilities at and adjacent to the Pa- langa SA-2 and SA-3 SAM sites (Figure 1), in- cluding the facilities contained in and adjacent to a secured area previously reported as aprob- able SAM assembly area. 1/ However, further interpretation of this and similar areas recently identified at other SAM sites throughout the USSR indicates that although the area probably per- forms some phase of SAM support, it is not necessarily that of SAM assembly. Palanga SAM site A03-2 is located immediately east of Palanga Airfield at 55-58-48N 21-06-25E. Palanga SAM site A03-3 is located immediately north-northeast of Palanga Airfield at 55-59- 30N 21-05-50E. Their support facilities can be divided into three areas (Figure 2): Area A, which includes facilities associated with the SA-3 site; Area B, which includes the facilities con- tained in and adjacent to the secured area pre- viously referred to as a probable SAM assembly area; and Area C, which includes the facilities adjacent to the SA-2 site. All three of the areas are connected by road, both to each other and to the surrounding country. F PALANGA Moscow ~~71 ZU~ ;r c? FIGU AM SITES AND ASSOCIATED SUPPORT FACILI- TI ES, Approved For TOP a SECRET: c Mpg?1Wr5~ P001200010044-7 Approved For Re1e9se 2X0812't TCllC 6B0M 01200010044-7 - ,+. ~uu X 20'-~~ j 1 VEHICLE q` SHED 50' X 20' f' 20' X 20"? 5' x Black denotes items first see Green denotes items first see Blue denotes items first seen Red denotes items first seen and - The largest of the buildings (100 by 30 feet) is probably a vehicle shed; it is lo- cited on the site access road and is connected to the road by a service apron. The exact function of the remaining five buildings, located about 200 feet south of the SA-3 site, cannot be determined at this time. There are no indica- tions of;security measures at either the SA-3 site or at any of the buildings. This area (Figure 4) is located to tl-e east of Airfield, immediately north-north- east of the SA-2 site, and 0.5 nautical miles south-southeast of the SA-3 site. It contains a secured section with three buildings serviced by a generally circular service road, six other buildings outside the security fence, a previously identified POL storage area, 2/ and approxi- mately 37 vehicles. The nine buildings in the area range in size from 30 by 20 feet to 240 by 75 feet, and eight of 75' X 05' V E:FiH E/iD 60~,. I?.R tl ?.A.BL E---~~1 PIPEL{NE /^ I--:VEHICLES-d 3b' X 30' 240,' X 7 ATHLETIC FIELD V(s SA.2 AM SI T T ... _11 11.1 Black denotes items first se Blue denotes items first see Brown denotes items first se Red denotes items first seer 200 400 600 800 PaL:- OR.A6E: REA_; _ Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA001200010044-7 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF RAW fF T RUFF Approved For Relele 20 CIA- B04560A001 200010044-7 NPIC/R-316/63 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D them were first observed on KEYHOLE photog- raphy of- The single building farthest west was present in , and is probably associated with Palanga Airfield. The vehicles first appeared on KEYI 10LE photography of = and were still present in They vary in length from 15 feet to 25 feet. Within the secured section of this area, the largest of the three buildings (240 by 75 feet) is adjacent to the generally circular road and con- nected to it by a service apron. The next largest building (70 by 60 feet) is located on the road and is probably drive-through. The smallest building M feet) is located adjacent to the road, but the exact manner in which it is served cannot be determined. Approximately 26 of the vehicles are located within this section. An overhead probable pipeline connects a 60- by 30-foot building located outside the fence with an undetermined point inside the secured section. Area C This area. (Figure 4) is located immediately east of Palanga Airfield and contains the Palanga SA-2 SAM site together with 14 associated build- ings. All of the buildings in the area were pres- ent when the SA-2 site was first identified on KEYIIOLE photography of- and all are similar to those normally found in an SA-2 on-site support facility. TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF SECRET/No Foreign MAPS OR CHARTS SAC. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Shoot 168-1HL, 2d od, Jul 62, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) DOCUMENTS 25X1D (TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF/No Foreign Dissem --control 2. ACIC. Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the World, Vol 34, p 187, Jul 61 (SECRET) REQUIREMENT CIA. C-RR3-80,580 NPIC PROJECT J-327/63 stamp subsequently dropped) 1. NPIC. R-224/63, Approved For ReleaseeO2001/08 ECR RDf_UFnA-9601~pQ 00010044-7 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2001108/21 : CIA-RDP78B04560A001200010044-7 Approved For Release 200 /008/.21 :Sc . - 78B04560A001200010044-7