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PDF icon CIA-RDP78B04560A002100010003-2.pdf724.98 KB
ApprovedrFQr Release 2001/0310P C$ 78B04560A002100010003-2 COPY NPIC/R- M8/64 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT MILITARY TRAINING AREAS MARINA GORKA, USSR BELORUSSIAN MD Handle Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Control Only WARNING DECLASS REVIEW BY NIMA / DoD This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER TOP SECRET _ R0 P if / F ..,,g..,d;c 1- --- - .tea d.d m 00 ~auo? J OF Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010003-2 Approved For Release 2SO1P03/OSCC1A-R67$B04560A002100010003-2 25X1A 25X1A MILITARY TRAINING AREAS MARINA GORKA, USSR BELORUSSIAN MD Training Area A A 6,072-acre training area associated with Marina Gorka Army Barracks and Depot - is located immediately east of Marina Gorka at 53-30N 028-12E. It consists primarily of open areas for combat training with areas of heavy vehicular trackage along the southern boundary. Training Area B A training area covering 2,446 acres is 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) southwest of Marina Gorka at 53-30N 028-07E. It contains two moving target tank firing ranges, one with a target distance of 4,500 feet (from static firing line to target) and eight 2,700-foot firing lanes, and the other with a target distance of 4,080 feet and ten 2,400-foot firing lanes. 25X1 D A comparative stud of KEYHOLE missions from revealed no significant change in the size of either area. Usage appeared consistently heavy in the summer and fall and very light in the winter. Both areas have good access roads. A spur from the Minsk-Osipovichi railroad serves Marina Gorka Army Barracks and Depot adjacent to Training Area A. No rail loading ramps were observed. No wheeled- or tracked-vehicle driver training courses, artillery firing positions or impact areas, bivouac areas or tent camps, engineer or water-crossing training sites, or airborne or air transportability training facil- ities were observed. 25X1 D MAPS OR CHARTS ACIC. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0168-1911L, 2d ed, Dec 62, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) DOCUMENTS OACSI, Army. PIB-TK-114-62, Marina Gorka Army Barracks and Depot, 17 Aug 62 (TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF) REQUIREMENT DIAXX 63-99 (partial answer) NPIC PROJECT J-446/63 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010003-2 Approved For RTeeas~~Qi d3/03 :'6~-F f8BO456OA002100010003-2 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 D Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010003-2 Approved For Release 20003/~gCCTA-RDP78B04560A002100010003-2 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78B04560A002100010003-2