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Approved For For Release Release 2001/01(0: ?NI BP~eeaawaaooit Door oo3~5 A roved pp(S~CReP78B04560A002100010037-5 NPIC/R-95/64 "go Copy" b 4 Pages February 1964 TAYBOLA IRBM COMPLEX, USSR Handle Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Control Only This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER TOP SECRET GROUV ~ - E.c~dea (.om c / ae.w.oa~?g ova aedo_rtmano~ ii i ii ~ /iii i ii i iiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iii i i i i i i i i ii i i i ii i i x z Approved5@@$W4l:LBW:B'YCAg7BW560A002100010037-5 TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010037-5 NPIC/R-95/64 TAYBOLA IRBM COMPLEX, USSR 25X1A 25X1 D 2.5X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D ASSOC AREAS: Launch Area No 2, 3.3 nm to NE; Launch Area No 3, 5.7 nm to ESE TDI NAME: Taybola Launch Site 1 LOCATION: 2.8 nm NW of Taybola FIRST APPEARED IDE NT : CONSTRUCTION STATUS: TERRAIN: Rolling VEGETATION: Scrub SECURITY: Single fence COMPONENTS: The completed launch site con- sists of 2 launch silos 225' apart and a third silo positioned 260' E of the southern launch silo. A loop road circumvents the mounded control bunker and serves each silo position. Directly W of the launch positions is a bldg 100' x 35'. The access road is oriented on a 265 ? azimuth and is parallel with a service road from the technical section to the launch site. A bldg 100' x 35' is situated along the access road just E of the launch site and another is lo- cated on a link road connecting the access road and the parallel road. Site Support Facility TECHNICAL SECTION: 1, 350' ESE of the launch site. Contains a pitchfork road pattern along which are located 4 small bldgs. ADMINISTRATION & IIOUSING SECTION: Lo- cated 2,100' ENE of launch site. Contains 7 bar- racks (135' x 40'), one bldg 110' x 75', and 5 smaller bldgs. A probable road extends S and terminates in the scrub growth. Secured installation 2.2 nm ESE of launch area consisting of rail spur with a road alongside which terminates in a loop. An adjoining area contains 4 barracks 150' x 40' and at least 7 smaller bldgs. - I - TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010037-5 25X9 TOP SECRET ~%F Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA 78B04560A002100010037-5 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D NI'IC/ R-95/64 Other MRBM/IRBM Activity Within 25 NM LAUNCH AREA NO 2 (TYPE IV) \SSO(: AREAS: Launch Area No 1, 3.3nm to SW: Launch Area No 3, 4.9 nm to SSE 'hDDI NAME: Tavbola Launch Site 2 LOCATION: 3.8 nm NNE of Tavbola ['IRS-l' APPEARED: IDI:\'I': CON'Si-RUCTION STATUS: Complet( TERRAIN: Rolling VEGLTA'I1OC:: Scrub SI [ R[T'Y: Single fence COMPONENTS: The completed launchsitecon- tains 2 launch silos 225' apart and a Third silo situated 260' W of the northern launch kilo. A11 the silo covers are in a closedposition onm 25X1 D The control bunker is 25X1 D mounded and e --circled by a loop read. The darkened tone of the mounded control bunker in- dicates that vegeation has been replanted. the access road enters the laLnch site from the W or an 85" azimuth. [TG[INIC,AL SE( t[ON: lust Wofthelaunchsite two roads branc!i off the access road and each connects with a bldg 140' x 35'. A square blde- 45- x. 45' is assoc:atedwiththe bldgon the S side. \DMINISTRATIU\ ITOETSING SECTION: Lo- cated approx 4,()O0' W of launch site. Contains 6 barracks 135' x 35', 3 bldgs 75' x 65', and '7 smaller bldgs. - larger bldg is located N of the access road. A road or scar leads S for approx 200' and connect= with an unidentified structure. SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010037-5 TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010037-5 This structure, in turn, is connected by an ap- parent track through the trees to a similar structure approx 1,400' to the SE. Two roads branch N off the N side of the access road in close proximity to the administration and housing section. One connects with a possible secured area containing 3 small structures; the other leads to a single unidentified structure. sisting of rail spur with a road alongside which terminates in a loop. An adjoining area con- tains 4 barracks 150'x 40' and at least 7 smaller hldgs. Other MRBM/IRBM Activity Within 25 NM Radius Of Launch Area 25X9 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D LAUNCH AREA NO 3 (TYPE IV) COORD: 68-25-45N 33-29-30E ASSOC AREAS: Launch Area No 1, 5.7 nm to WNW; Launch Area No 2, 4.9 nm to NNW TDI NAME: Taybola Launch Site 3 LOCATION: 3.1 nm E of Taybola FIRST APPEARED: IDENT: 25X1 D CONSTRUCTION STATUS: Mid-to late stage 25X1 D Launch Site TERRAIN: hilly VEGI :TATION: Scrub SECURITY: Single fence COMPONENTS: The southern launch position appears to be complete and the third silo posi- tion is almost complete. The status of the re- maining silo cannot be determined. The center SILO SILOS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 25X1 D TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010037-5 ADMINISTRATION AND HOUSING SECTION Approved For Release 2001/0303- dlAE 781304560A002100010037-5 25X9 of the launch site appears to he level, indicating that the control bunker has been backlilled but not mounded. The access road enters the launch site from the W on a 55? azimuth and encircles all the positions. A possible construction bldg and small structure are situated just E of launch positions. Site Support Facility l'L:(a{NI(',Al, SECTION: None observed ADMINISTRATION & HOUSING SECTION: Lo- cated approx 4,500' W of launch site. Contains 2 barracks 135' x 40', one bldg 90' x 35' and one smatter bldg. Installation 3.6 n-n SSW of launch area and con- sisting of rail s'cur with a road alongside which terminates in a 1 )op. An adjoining area contains 4 barracks 15C x 40' and at least 7 smaller hldgs. Other MRB Activity within 25 NM Radius of Launch Area Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002100010037-5 25X1 D Approved For Release 2001/03/09fC~k-l DP78B04560A002100010037-5 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78B04560A002100010037-5