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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 1, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78B04560A002200010023-9.pdf277.7 KB
A oved For Release 20QT~R/17S'MP78B04 OA002200010023-9 Copy NPIC/R-264/64 4 Pages May 1964 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT ROCKET TEST FACILITY I NEAR PERM, USSR, NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER TOP SECRET GROUP I Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP78B04560A0022000100 ~ la,.9a~"dd,le._t; ZZX/ TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/01/1 Figure 3) are as follows: PERM, USSR, NPIC/R-264/64 stand for testing liquid propellants and associ- ated facilities, including a checkout building, a control/observation building, a possible labo- ratory building, a warehouse for rail-to-road transfer, fuel storage tanks, and engineering, shop, storage, and administration buildings. 1/ Changes since (annotated on 25X1 photography ofl reveals new indications of activity at the Perm 25X1 D Rocket Test Facility, located at 58-O1N 56-34E, 10.5 nautical miles east of Perm, USSR (Figures I and 2). As reported from photography from , 25X1 D missions dating from 25X1 D the facility contains NORTH SEA NORWAY f7lC y' rPC~LAN SEAS FINLAND KALI G EST ROCKET TEST FACILITY NEAR S.MI?E"ROPQ, SA OD`ESS KAPU AS T;A AKHA AK Z ? MM.ANSK ' ZREN7'.S SEA KARA ? SEA A possible tower PERM KUYBYSHE\ SVERDL ' O SK OLGO GRAn -.-;, ? . TIN YAR' OHELYABINe14 GORY EVI I 1 ARAL SEA,., )yK ARA \alkhash'I SARY-SH AGAN+ '\ ASW KHABAD ALMA-ATA j AFGHANISTAN / Boondarles'end names v.e~noi necessorlly- ';?SVOBODNYY J-A ~?? M JAPAN KOREA P A or building crane has been erected immediately northeast of the unidentified building (item 7) in the south-central part of the facility. An area of earth scarring, extending approximately 500 by 300 feet, appears in the central part of the facility. Two new small structures are observed near the wall approximately 700 feet north of the test stand (item 1). An earth scar extends southeastward from these small structures to a point 200 feet southeast of the control/observation building (item 3). Earth scarring indicating possible construction is ob- served at a location midway between two storage buildings (items 15 and 17) in the Storage Area. IT SEA ake L aykal IRKU TSK CHIT R JI1 SEA Or OKHOTSK 25X1 D Approved For Release 2006/01 23-9 TOP SECRET LAPTEV SEA \TYIC/K-264/64 ApprofcQ ForMMT2d Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002200010023-9 TOP SECRET 25X1 i ApprovedTP?Rek&&' AE6 0111Z - - 00010023-9 NPIC/R-264/64 LENGTH WIDTH (10T) (PT) ROOF COVERAGE (SQ FT) 75 x 75 x 19011 5,625 2 195 x 120 23,400 3 40 x 40 1,600 4 135x 40 5,400 5 1.20 x 45 5,400 6 100 x 40 4,000 7 100 x 40 4,000 8 160 x 110 17,600 9 100 x 30 3,000 10 100 x 40 4,000 11 IRREGULAR 2,700 12 85x 40 3,400 13 150 x 40 6,000 14 140 x 45 6,300 15 110 x 50 (2) 11,000 16 60 x 30 1,800 17 130 x 30 3,900 18 75 x 30 2,250 Railroad Road - Trail W= Wall Fence -:: power line Scar Scarred area FIGURE 3. LAYOUT OF ROCKET TEST FACILITY NEAR PERM, USSR. Approved For Release 2006/01 TOP SECRET TOP SECR T Approved For Release UUU/Q 1CIC. CS Air Target ('hart, S -ries 20n, Sheet 015E-11At.. dd ed. Nov 59, scale 1::200,000 (SECRET) NPI(. R-49 '64, Rr.rker Trsr Faritity hrrr perm, USSR, Jan 64 (TOP SECRET Approved For Release 200 010023-9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP78B04560A002200010023-9 Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP78B04560A002200010023-9 TOP SECRET