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Approved For Release 2000/q W 1 : SK78BO456OA002500010020-9 NPIC/R-791/64 TCS-7807/64 Copy September 1964 all / 5 Pages / PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT / S TANK AND ARTILLERY TRAINING AREA / / ZHMERINKA, USSR / / CARPATHIAN MD CIA DIA Handle Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Control Only WARNING / This document contains classified info / rm ation affecting the nationa l security of the United States within the ission t b i h / meaning of the espionage laws U. S. C ode Title 18, Sec tions 793 an ransm ts its i d 794. The law pro e r / / or the revelation of its contents in an y manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any mann t to the f / / prejudicial to the safety or interest o / detriment of the United States. It is t receive TALENT-KEYHOLE informatio TALENT regulations. NATIONAL PHO f t o b n. TO he United Stat e seen only b Its security GRAPHIC es or for th y personnel must be main INTERPR oreign governmen e benefit of any especially indoctrinated and authorized to tained in accordance with KEYHOLE and ETATION CENTER / GROUP I ~~J P~SF~CbRET Eaclud.d Tram amomar c derngradinq end decloaalicoioe Approved For Release 2000/08/ CI P78B04560A002500010020- Orr .10 Apprg d For Release 2000/0891 : 4 MP7'8B0 560A002500010020-9 TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-7807/64 NPIC/R-791/64 This report is one in a series on Soviet Ground Force and Logistic installations being prepared for a DIA/CIA Panel. The series is being coordinated, published and disseminated by NPIC. The photographic analysis is being performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group, the CIA Photographic Intelligence Division (NPIC), and the Production Center 1Plc (DIA). The photographic analysis for this particular re- port was performed by the Production Center 1P lc. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and letter designators for the facilities observed at these installations are identical with those appearing in the project requirement. When a specific facility is not observed both its title and letter designator are omitted in the report. Titles and letter designators for the various facilities are as follows: (A) railroad service, (B) road service, (C) landing strips, (D) administrative and troop housing areas, (E) storage areas, (F) am- munition storage areas, (G) POL storage areas, (I-I) other buildings and facilities, (J) equipment storage/maintenance areas, (K) athletic fields, (L) small arms firing ranges, (M) driver training areas, (N) tank/ assault gun firing ranges, (P) flat trajectory firing ranges, (Q) artillery emplacements (batteries), (R) infantry or combined arms field train- ing areas or courses, (S) special training facilities, (T) unidentified facilities or tracking activity. Handle Via A roved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA002500010 N KEYHOLE PP rvstem only TOP SECRET RUFF Handle p roved For ReleasTeQ606/6~/?@J&J*P78BO4560AO02500010020-9 TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TANK AND ARTILLERY TRAINING AREA (49-04N 028-10E) ZHMERINKA, VINNITSKAYA OBLAST, USSR CARPATHIAN MD 25X1 C TCS-7807/64 NPIC/R-791/64 Handle Via Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78B04560A0025QOU1Oi~ZO ontro ystem Only TOP SECRET RUFF Appr,gved For Release 2000/08121$ CTA'=R;F 1 4560A002500010020-9 TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-7807/64 NPIC/R-791/64 This training facility is located about 2 kilometers (km) from a possible military in- stallation on the north edge of Zhmerinka, about 5 km from the center of Zhmerinka and about 6 km from Zhmerinka Army Bar- racks Southwest (Figure 1). The facility cov- ers 897 acres (Figure 2) which includes a 91- acre wheeled-vehicle driver training area, a tracked-vehicle driver training course in the northeast section of the area, four moving- target tank firing ranges, and four small-arms firing ranges. A comparative study of photography from reveals no major changes in the area. The figure-8 driver training courses were not readily apparent until- This area does not appear 25X1 D to be active on and is most active on photography of 25X1 D 25X1 D Railroad Service Railroad service is available at Zhmer- inka. A rail line runs along the north side of the area and then into Zhmerinka. Road Service Good, all-weather roads are located on both sides of the area. A third road goes through the area. Small Arms Firing Ranges Areas L1 through L4 are small arms fir- ing ranges, 400 by 50 feet, 450 by 50 feet, 340 by 40 feet, and 430 by 40 feet, respectively. Driver Training Areas Area Ml, a wheeled-vehicle driver train- ing area, covers 91 acres and consists of four figure-8 driver training courses with track activity throughout the area. One building, probably for general storage, is located at the south edge of the area. Area M2 is a tracked-vehicle driver train- ing area located on the northeast side of the training facility. Tank/Assault-Gun Firing Ranges Area N is a 2,200-foot range with four 1,800-foot lanes and four moving targets, three at 20 degrees and one at 90 degrees. 25X1 D Handle Via YHOLE Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA00250001 f4rol - System Only control TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For ReleaseTP80kii~~ X61"EP78B04560A002500010020-9 Handle is TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-7807;64 NPIC/R-791 /64 - 4 - 25X1D Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78B04560A0025000d 4~ +9LE TOP SECRET RUFF Appro5vpadd For Release 2000/0119f: ~rAC07860456OA002500010020-9 TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS/7807/64 NPIC/R-791/64 25X1 D US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0233-1711L, 3d ed, Jul 62 (SECRET) Handle Via Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA00250001 ci t IIEYHOLE `~`o'n~ tro`~ System Only TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2000/08Tic P: c - W 8B04560A002500010020-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/21-Clt E7PB0456OA002500010020-9