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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2000/06/30 :CIA-RDP78B04 00 ~ ,00.2-3 ---- ET PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERP 25X1 C 560A004800010012-3 GROUP 1 E%CLUDED FROM AU TOMA7IC DOWN GR ADIN'~.G AND DECLAS S;I FICATION Approved For Release 2000/06/30 :CIA-RDP78B04560A004800010012-3 i3'ARI+tING This document contains information affecting the national defense , of the-,United ...States, within the meaning of Title 18, sections ?93 and 794, of the U.S. Gode, as amended, Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited bylaw:, Approved For Release 2000/06/30 :CIA-RDP78B04560A004800010012-3 Approved For Release 2000/06/30 :CIA-RDP78B04560A004800010012-3 SECRET 25X1 C PREFACE This Mission Index (MI) lists the intelligence targets imaged on the photography of this mission. Targets are arranged 1) by country, 2) within the coun- try according to subject, 3) within the subject by WAC area, and 4) within the WAC area by geographic coordinates in ascending order. The map base used (when available) for the derivation of coordinates in the MI is the latest edi- tion of the US Air Target Chart, Series 200; or AMS Series L509, 1:250,000 (China); or ONC; or AMS Series 1301, IMW, (Tibet, Western China). The header line for each target contains; reading from left to right, the installation name, the geographic coordi- nates, the World Aeronautical Chart number, the Bombing Encyclopedia (BE) number, and the NPIC target number. The COMOR target number, when available, appears above the photo reference data. Photo reference data includes all photo references, and symbols denoting limiting conditions, photo interpret- ability, target coverage and the mode. Symbols for limiting conditions affecting photography are C (Clear), SC (Scattered Cloud Cover), HC (Heavy Cloud Cover), H (Haze), CS (Cloud Shadow), S (Snow), O (Obliquity), SD (Semidarkness), GC (Ground Cover), CF (Camouflage), and GR (Ground Resolution). Interpretability of the photography is categorized as G (Good), F (Fair), or P (Poor). Target coverage is de- noted by the symbols T (Total) or PT (Partial). The mode of coverage is indicated by ST (Stereo), NS (Non-Stereo), or PS (Partial Stereo}. The word "new" preceding the photo reference data indicates that the target is either a newly identified in- stallation or a known installation which is being reported ? a: ,.., r for the first time by NPIC. The word "change" ~nU~.,a~es that a major change is observed at a previously reported installation or analysis of current photography furnishes The iineW~' and "Change" tar- more precise infor~l~ation? gets and targets where order of battle can be identified will be described in Summary Reports. For the convenience of the user, an index to all tar- gets is included. Targets are arranged alphabetically within a country. Approved For Relea 3 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/06/30 :CIA-RDP78B04560A004800010012-3 APPROXIMATE TRACK OF MISSION C465C, 25 AUGUST 1965. 25X1 C Approved For Re~pa~p ~nnninai~n 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D Approved For Release 2000/06/30: 8B04560A004800010012-3 25X1 C AID INS7Al.LA7I0N5 Lit~G-SHUT A~~F~F~-~ dU~~?R ~;HIA?LAI-SHIN AIRFIE~i~ C~~tU~ p~IL37ARY II~Si'Ai.Lr~3IC3P~a5 HA;I-KCIU Pi3~T ,~~ ~Al/AL SASE SNU-HANG 5~3~E'~Y ~EPt~7 HAI-~C31/ y ~ O YU--LIt~ Et~~iST;~t UEF'Ei~S# A=~3 ~iUA SIDE ~i~~9U 201 1I21E 181 1927E 183~N 1#~959E 1942 14944E 2~~1i~ 11~i6E 2~~IN 1116E 2~iN 1118E l 15929E R ET 25x1 c Approved For Release 2000 10012-3 ~~322~~~ Approved For Release 2000/06/30 : CI 04560A004800010012-3 25X1 C T,,...e. 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D TU~iG-MEI CH CtIASTAL YLt~L.I N N# I L I TARY BARRACKS !~ flEFENSE ~'Ct$ I ~ I UMS YA-ll7hlG NAVAL, BASE ~ Yil-LIN ARMY BARR~4Ci~ 25X1 D I 1 25X1 D I 25X1 D ~ YAi~HSIEIV kRMY BARRACKS YU-L.TP! ARMY BARRACKS ~3t3RTNEA 25X1D ~ TEA1G-CNiAQ M ACTIVITY 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D I I~~'4S~i.:I g.~.~iaic?.,i.C MiL.ITARY EsA~.~AEKS AREA Approved F~r~~.leas 1813# 113933E ~ 0618 1813N 113941E 1817N 113933E 1819N 10931E 18281V 193?E 1823N 1/3958E 1828~i Ilifdl3E 18311 ~~~~~ I 13618 SE 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D Approved For Release 2000/06/30 : CI $B04560A004800010012-3 25X1 C W A ~ AREA T - I N ~iILiTARY I1V~7ITUTE CtiIA-1_Ai-SHIH ARMY BARRACKS CHIi~G-LAN CHiAi~~ ~#?Tt1R TURPEUt~ BURT SASE ~d - ~ LITARY ii~STALLATIflIdS E~~-TiEhl ARMY BARRACKS 1=lE~TRCIN ICSdCI~M~U1~iCAT ICIt~S I_iNG-SHUT RADAR Si~E TA-HUA CHI Afl 1~A13AR S 111 E SI?A~~~?~A1V~ p~iSS~3lsle RAiiAR SITE i8471~1 i7.~23E i~3i#~ 1934E i'~43~1 i~942E i933Ai 1149E i823;~ iiB~3E 18471 ii3iE i9591~d i185~,1= SECRET Approved Fori~~se 2 Approved For Release 2000/06/30 : Cl B04560A004800010012-3 25X1 C RESEARCH ANI3 i3EVELDPA~ENT i-iD-SHE~1D PRO LE ACRICi/I.TL~RAL F~SGF~ IS7 CDMDR STORAGE (TIEN-7U-TSUN STORAGE AREAS UI 25X1 D I URBAN COMPLEXES 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 D HAI-liOU CDMPLEX COMDR - YU-LIN CDMPLEX COM(lR ~ Approved For Release 2000/06/30: CI B04560A004800010012-3 25X1C R- I'~DEX PAG -GHiNA- 32 E 1 CHIA-LAi-SHif~ AIRFIELD ~ CHIA-LAi-SHiH ARMY BARRACKS CNiNG-LAfd CHiANG M~3TOR TORPEDO Bf~?~T t~ASE 3 CHIUhiG-GHOU ARMY SUPPLY DPI7 ~ BARjAC~CS Mid 3 HAI-AN PORT 1=ACILITIES 1 HAi-Kt3U AIRFIELD 4 HAI-KflU CJMPLEX 1 HAi-KflU PORT A~t3 ~iAVAL BASE HO-SHENG PRtIBABLE AGRICULTURAL R~L~ I(VST ~ ~ LING-SHUT AIRFiELi~ LING-SHUT N~ILITARY TRAii~I~zG AREA 2 Li~1G-SHUT POSSIBLE MILITARY BARRAC~CS AREA 2 3 LING-SHUI RADAR SITE 3 SHAIvG-LAt~iv POSSIBLE RADAR SITE i SHU-CHAi~G SUPPLY DEPOT HAI-KOU 3 TA-HUA CHiAC RADAR SITE 3 TAB-HSiE~i ~`ILiTARY I('JSi ITUTE 2 TEs~G-CHIACI MILITARY ACTiifITY ~ TiEN-TU-TSU~1 STORAGE AREAS UI ; Z TU~~G-MET CHDU COASTAL DEFENSES ~ WAS-IA~G BAR.~iACKS AREA ~ 1~E~-GNiAG MILITARY ISTALLATIC~MS ~ AEG-TIEt~ ARMY BARRACKS 2 YA-LUNG (dAVAL BASE ~ YAI-HSIEN AIRFIELD YAI-HSIE~I ARMY BARRACKS I'dIlR3~lEAST 2 2 YU-LI~i AR'~Y BARRACKS NORTH 2 YU-LII~ AR'~Y BARRACKS ~iORTHEAST YU-LI~i COASTAL DEFENSE A~iD RADAR SITE 4 YU-Li#~ %iiPLEK 2 YU?LI~# DEFENSE POSITIONS Approved For 1&~e 2 Approved For Release 2000/06/30 : C~B04560A004800010012-3 25X1 C Yl}-LIB Il.I7;~hY BARRACKS YU-I.IIV ~IAVAE BASE A~lC~ PORT SECRET Approved F~v~l~teas 0010012-3 Approved For Release 2000/06/30 : C - B04560A004800010012-3 25X1.C Approvec~~F~~LReI