(Sanitized) MISSION 5508 18 APRIL 1966

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Approved For Release 2000/04/17: CIA-RDP78B0460A005200010033-5 ASSEM CONFIDEN IA PHOTOGRAPHIC :INTERPRETATION REPORT 25X1 C 25X1A MENOW -MISSION 5508 18 APRIL 1966 N P I C/R-153/66 MAY 1966 25X1 ApprRovROICi N1~~ 'TUntndij 7 - r'A-RDP78B04560A00520001 GROUP i EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION D033-5 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 Approved For Release 2000Ii3 FID LDP78B04560A005200010033-5NPIC/R-153/66 iii. ii . NO FOREIGN DISSEM 25X1 C PREFACE This summary report contains additional information on "new" and "change" targets and order of battle infor- mation on all targets listed in the Index (MI) for this mission. Items are arranged in sections. The "New" section provides a description of targets newly identified or known but reported for the first time by NPIC. The "Change" section provides a description of pre- viously reported installations showing a major change, or those where an analysis of current photography furnishes more precise information. The "Order of Battle" section provides information on targets where order of battle can be identified. When there are no "New" or "Change" targets, or order of battle information, the appropriate section is omitted. "New" and "change" targets are arranged 1)by country, 2) within the country according to subject, 3) within the subject by WAC area, and 4) within the WAC area by geo- graphic coordinates in ascending order. Order of battle information is arranged 1) by subject, 2) within the subject according to country, 3) within the country by WAC area, and 4) within the WAC area by geographic coordinates in ascending order. The map base used (when available and applicable) for the derivation of coordinates is the latest edition of the US Air Target Chart, Series 200, or AMS Series L509 1:250,000 (China); or ONC; or AMS Series 1301, IMW (Tibet, Western China). The header line for each target contains, reading from left to right, the target name, the geographic coordinates, the World Aeronautical Chart number, the Bombing En- cyclopedia (BE) number, and the NPIC target number. The COMOR target number, when available, appears above the photo reference data. Photo reference data includes frame numbers and sym- bols denoting limiting conditions, photo interpretability, target coverage, and the mode. Symbols for limiting conditions affecting photography are C (Clear), SC (Scattered Cloud Cover), HC (Heavy Cloud Cover), H (Haze), CS (Cloud Shadow), S (Snow), O (Obliquity), SD (Semidarkness), GC (Ground Cover), CF (Camouflage), and GR (Ground Resolution). Interpretability of the photography is categorized as G (Good), F (Fair), or P (Poor). Target coverage is denoted by the symbols T (Total) or PT (Partial). The mode of coverage is indicated by ST (Stereo), NS (Non-Stereo), or PS (Partial Stereo). When appropriate, an index follows "new" and "change" targets and another follows order of battle information, with targets in each index arranged alphabetically within a country. AAA defenses are divided into three categories: light (ZPU-1, ZPU-2, ZPU-4, 37 mm), medium (57 mm, 85 mm), and heavy (100 mm and larger). The term HMGAA (heavy machine gun antiaircraft) indicates a weapon smaller than a ZPU-1. Where a category cannot be determined, the site will be listed as an AAA site and the number of guns indicated (example: 6-gun AAA site, occupied/ unoccupied). CONFIDENTIAL Approved For R6*M"00 !'0 005201 033-5 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 Approved For Release 2000Mf1V!D#NFJPP78B04560A005200010033-5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 25X1 C 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D THUONG DINH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AREA 2059N 10548E 0616 IMMEDIATELY SOUTH OF THUONG DINH AND 2.9 25X1D NM SW OF HANOI AT UTM NEWLY IDENTIFIED VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AREA CONTAINS 1 LARGE AND 7 MEDIUM VEHICLE MAIN- TENANCE BUILDINGS, 1 LARGE, 7 MEDIUM, AND 11 SMALL STORAGE BUILDINGS, AND 3 BARRACKS, 1 ADMINISTRATION, 1 MESSHALL, 10 SUPPORT, AND 8 MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS, OB -- 31 CARGO TRUCKS, 5 VAN TRUCKS, 1 BUS, 1 SEDAN, AND AT LEAST 8 UNIDENTIFIED VEHICLES. SEE ATTAGHI+ ANT HA DONG COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY 25X1D 2058N 10548E 0616 256-H 1.2 NM EAST OF HA DONG AT UTM FACILITY CONSISTS OF AT LEAST 1 LARGE DIPOLE AND 3 SMALL RHOMBIC ANTENNAS. A SECURED AREA CONTAINS 1 LARGE AND 6 SMALL SUPPORT BUIL I S Approved For ReJeastP261 5200010033-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 20000 FADLF MMQP78BO4560AO( 010033-5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM C Target Numbers Target oordinates WAC BE NPIC ACTIVITY -- 1 CARGO TRUCK. 25X1 D CONFIDENTIAL Approved For R4baslec 005200010033-5 25X1C Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 ApproL Eor Release 2000(4 1WPl? .IRQP78B04560A005200010033-5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM C d WAC Target Numbers Target oor inates BE NPIC -NORTH VIETNAM- MISSILES 25X1A HANOI SAM SITE C18-2 25X1D 25X1D 2032N 10554E 0616 392-A 29.3 NM SSW OF HANOI AT 30-32-M 105-54-,E5 AREA APPEARS TO BE RETURNED TO CULTIVATION. MILITARY INSTALLATIONS HANOI AREA ARMY BARRACKS WEST YEN LANG 2101N 10548E 0616 112-I FOUR AREAS 1.9 NM WSW OF HANOI RAILROAD CLASSIFICATION YARD AT UTM 25X1D AREA A -- 41 BARRACKS., 4 ADMINISTRATION., 10 STORAGE, 2 AUDITORIUM, AND AT LEAST 18 SMALL SUPPORT BUILDINGS. AREA ALSO CONTAINS A COMMUNICATIONS AND WEATHER STATION. AREAS B,C, AND D -- POSSIBLE TECHNICAL SCHOOLS NOT NECESSARILY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MILITARY AREA HANOI ARMY BARRACKS WEST TAY HO 25X1D 2102N 10548E 0616 112-R 1.8 NM NW OF HANOI., AT UTM AREA CONTAINS 41 BARRACKS, 3 ADMINISTRATION., 9 STORAGE, 33 SUPPORT, 3 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, AND AT LEAST 10 SMALL MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS. A SEPARATELY SECURED AREA WITH 4 GUARD TOWERS CONTAINS 22 BARRACKS., 1 LARGE IRREGULARLY SHAPED ADMINISTRATION., 2 SMALLER ADMINISTRA- TION, 1 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND 13-SUPPORT BUILDINGS,. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReteaseG200 5200010033-5 25X1 C 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/OAS nPM\FRDP78B04560A005200010033-5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Target Coordinates WAC Target Numbers BE NPIC UNDER CONSTRUCTION. OB -- 31 CARGO TRUCKS, 5 UTILITY TRUCKS, 13 :MOBILE GENERATORS, 1 CRANE, AND 6 UNIDENTIFIED VEHI 25X1A BAC GIANG AMMUNITION DEPOT 25X1D 3.8 NM NW OF BAC GIANG AT UTM 2118N 10608E 0616 238-F SE.CURED AREA CONTAINS 8 LARGE REVETTED STORAGE, 2 PROBABLE STORAGE, AND 1 LARGE BARRACKS BUILDING. ELECTRONICS/COMMUNICATIONS HANOI COMMUNICATIONS SITE 25X1D 2103N 10548E 0616 112-N SOUTH EDGE OF DONG KHU AT UTM FACILITIES CONSIST OF 1 PROBABLE FISHBONE- TYPE ANTENNA AND 2 POSSIBLE HORIZONTAL DIPOLE ANTENNAS. A CONTROL/SUPPORT AREA IMMEDIATELY NE OF THE ANTENNA FIELD CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 20 BARRA KS/SUPPORT BUILDINGS. BASIC SERVICES BAC G I ANG--4ANG~ SON; :RR.REAL IGNMENT 25X1 D 2123N 10616E 0616 400 RAILROAD OBSERVED FROM UTM RAILROAD REALIGNMENT IS UNDER CON TR N 25X1 D Approved For Re a e 2?IQ 1"D W1 05200010033-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000V@? M[) PMIRPP78BO4560AD05200010033-5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM R-153/66 Target Numbers Target Coordinates WAC BE NPIC IS OPERATIONAL. 25X1D 5 Approved For RedoacII~ONFIDENTIAI 200-5 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA005200010033-5 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 D Approved For Release 20000 FIDcNJ R_P78BO456OA005200010033-5 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 25X1 C R-153/66 Tar et C di t WAC Target Numbers g oor na es BE NPIC -NORTH VIETNAM- GROUND THUONG DINH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AREA 2059N 10548E 0616 112-U2 08 -- 31 CARGO TRUCKS, 5 VAN TRUCKS, 1 BUS, 1. SEDAN, AND AT LEAST 8 UNIDENTIFIED VEHICLES. "MM9&im 25X1A HANOI ARMY BARRACKS WEST TAY HO 2102N 10548E 0616 112-R OB -- 31 CARGO TRUCKS, 5 UTILITY TRUCKS, 13 MOBILE GENERATORS, 1 CRANE, AND 6 UNIDENTIFIED VEHICLES. MISCELLANEOUS TRUCK CONVOY NEAR HANOI 2102N 10548E 0616 AT LEAST 17 CARGO TRUCKS (AT LEAST 6 WITH CARGO TRAILERS) OBSERVED PARKED OFF MAIN ROAD AND PARTIALLY CONCEALED BY TREES 2 6 NM W ST OF NOI AT 25X1D CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Rl1eaus;12O1 05223] @033-5