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Document Release Date: 
July 20, 2000
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Publication Date: 
March 6, 1963
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Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78BO4747AQQ,D100070027-5 Declass Review, NIMA/DoD , w "t, on 27 and 20 February an sneering dra g use Corporation in Santa Monica, California, to review the einspec mak the final the HTA/S film processor and to Ta tion of the Image order Number 1. The engineer- tnhancement Device, Contract Number cos letion Information re in s for the HTA/S processor are nearing p the core h details regarding the undersigned visited e, d l March ins or xh,- 7WIP T 25X1A ' ing draw ools as_well.a,s t e garding the maximum diameter sp widths and flan thicknesses must be furnished immediately to diameters varlaut ___ art due e 25X1A in order that the design of the front and rear film console can. be complete . This information has not been furnished in the p~ and te aspects of these film spool sizes. It is ow Hates ar1__n- _imp.era- the security tive that this information be furnished. -- ---- The action of the Image Enhancer was completed on 1 March 1963. Final inspection been inspected as a breadboard equip- prototype instrument which had previous sole a oPerational. Several attached. ''hewoutput 1 Y materials were examined sent has now been placed aterials arefinal veryca ?f l y by t t st enhance- 25X1A b the contract monitor. Although there is some contrast endearly by the imagery is so badly degraded by ment effect e CRT scan scscan that the filtering, imagery is not usable. The spot site of the CRT is the of the mechanism which does not perfectly the triggering th Mr limiting factor together with scan lines". A meeting was called by the contract monitor wi . 25X1A discuss this rejection action. ro- t o this p ,,M?~+.; nn had been gained during gram but that further impruvClti v ~~ - ion. should additional time and money and that the contract lt is the opinion of the con- 25X1A x rogram was well spent lete agreement with this this 1y y e p was in comp ended on tract monitor that the time and money p 25X1A and that personnel directly responsible for the program consc - entiously exploite a. ans at their disposal to fulfill the terms of the contract and that the failure to accomplish these design objectives is a forth- right right and. honest failure. It is recommended by the contract e monitor enhanc tehment iiliz- 25X1A contrhe be terminated and uthat ip nrinepartvshould ben investigated. It is further be requested to temporarily store this equipment re the in, equipse rec commended that in their facility pending a final decision and disposition. Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000100070027-5 Approved For Release 2001/07/30stR P78B04747A0Q400070027-5 In addition to the above 2 items, the following items of possible interest to LAPIS were discussed in depth. a. Equal Energy Spectral Sensitometer and radiometer. b. A high resolution step and repeat printer. c. The Electronic Viewer d. Cut sheet film processor and dryer. e. SPPL Film processor and Data Monitor. 25X1A Development Branch, P&D Approved For Release 2001/07/30 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000100070027-5