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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2002
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78B04747A000900050020-6.pdf61.32 KB
Approved For Release 2002/07/10 : CIA-RDP78B04747A000900050020-6 Enclosed is a modified version of the drawing which you tool away with you after your visit here. STATINTL The alarm system has been modified in accordance with your wishes to operate in the following way. 1. Transmission Fault Should the computer fail to reply due to either repeated faulty transmission or failure of t e Dataphone or lines, the alarm will sound for a period of about 6 seconds and the " Transmit, Fault" lamp will light. The lamp will remain lit until the fault is cleared by pressing the "Reset Logic" button. The lamp may also be extinguished by pressing the "Fault Lamp Reset" button but this willleavethe logic in its faulty condition. 2. Digitiser Input Fault Should one of the basic counters fail due to a faulty input, the alarm dill sound for about 6 seconds and the "Digitiser Input Fault" lamp dill light. The lamp will remain lit until the counter in question is reset, and the "Fault Lamp Reset" button is pressed. It should be remembered that' there is also a fault lamp on the scales of the counter which will indicate which of the four counters caused the fault. Yours sincerely, Declass Review by NIMA/DOD STATINTL Appro&P([pase 2002/07/10 : CIA-RDP78B047147A000900050020-6 Approved For Release 2002/07/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000900050020-6 Dear John, STATINTL Just a very short note to say how pleasant it was to meet uu w' you once again, and I hope that you found your stay with. us pnone STAT useful from the point of view of discussing aspects of Data. I Ihas certain t%,ings to put forvari to you which are enclose "'ri is letter. Please pass on my personal regards to the mad Mexican and I hope we can meet again in the not too distant future. STATINTL STATINTL Approved For Release 2002/07/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000900050020-6 Approved For Release 2%W/ Tr : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000900050020-6 Approved For Release 2002/07/10 : CIA-RDP78BO4747A000900050020-6