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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 10, 1964
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Approved Fort,$Iease 2004/11/30: CIA-RDP78B0477Q,0007 RESEARCH ON PHOTOINTERPRETER PERFORMANCE 10 July 1964 Declass Review by NGA. STAT Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA000700040105-6 Approved F * elease 2004/11/30: CIA-RDP78BO47 A000700040105-6 RESEARCH ON PHOTOINTERPRETER PERFRMAZdCE TECHNICAL CONFERENCE The conference mentioned in the previous newsletter was held in June and attended by DNB, AH, WH, DD, FF, RW and FS. Presentations and discussions dealt with optics and modulation transfer functions, photographic techniques and terminology, related experimental re- search, psychological factors, statistical analysis and photointer- pretation. Lab work included making a gem, mierodensitome-=y and determination of transfer functions from edge gradients. Comments received from the participants indicate that the objective of the conference (to enhance the insight into, and understanding of, each other's field of specialization) was achieved. COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHY The collection of (wide-coverage) photography of specific terrain of interest is proceeding and nearly completed. JT has beee assisting FF and RW in the collection of the material. Also, RW has visited an AF installation to obtain photography of AF sites, especially missile sites. Prints from much of this photography are being formed into large mosaics. These mosaics and other material will enable precise flight path planning which is required for the acquisition of photography to be used in making gems. Thorough flight path planning is required because (1) the camera/altitude combination will yield converage only about one mile wide along the flight path and (2) it is necessary that the proper P.Y. keys be included in the photography of each target area of interest. The dme consumed .in this planning activity is considered necessary to ascertain maximum validity of the experimental design and its execution. The flight path planning is expected to be completed within three weeks. JT will then obtain the photography required for the gems. The photography will take about 4-6 we ks and to separate the photo- acquisition activity from the project LUhi't acquisition effort has been named project DIM VIEW. FS is making arrangements for the processing of the film. MICROSCOPE STAGE To facilate the test administration and enhance precision of location of images to be viewed by photointerpreters, a microscope stage is being designed. The stage will automatically bring into the field of view specific areas of gems to be examined, in proper sequence. FS o SD/7 Avrvied For Release 2004/11/30: CIA-RDP78Ff4A000700040105-6 + cafjST WcT Pt~c~2c~scooaE STd~4E'(;~ TA FELT WeuOrte" Approved For Release 2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA000700040105-6 e 4w ON. (F -F) \,.. Qfs-) Approved For Relear2004/11/30 : CIA-RDP78BO477OA000-AW040105-6 (4 +Rvalt8NJtF) R)RJ~! A1IWMGt~AAH_y Cam) W PANTS P"t 1 MPrtte C E'HS F14M PROCE=1AA (F5)