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Approved Fol&Iease.2 0516610'6YtrA-RDP78BO47 1002700010004-9 18 October 19j6 Declass Review by'NGA. NLARGE:. > :..< the photo interpret.. _- to (oweminate more id y the :.;.s or lis analysis. tc reter, viewing rol a tti )uld be D_~ rings ;ers or to zer The :_,ractical method c__ conveying such infor: atvion is ough per. ed enlar , r: s. Such prints it possible to display the or- mation for s .__taneous viewing by several persons, leavin the orlal film free f;: sttudy. c. _vailable time se prin.;. also make photo i:.~. rete.. .ake rou; a del i_'_~~t s c_: e en_arbeme :, while ori~ ?nal at h: d c : ere: :e and the subject mat- ,aas s t: 11 fre_:'. into -prey These no--es "d be _.nval;,: _' 1c for t_.e a-alyst o _a : repares fo __ efirn 0carc_ ., o wss of o:: s e ..:e cal imp must be relccac._ ed, -)roce_: eu, and dried, _r.ffic'ienr y timo-consuming t .. .. must be re- f a few of the very highest priority discoveries. e. The present delays in obtaining p, er.lar2emen-.'s will L:.acoc table when the Center begins near-rc.._._ _ louts . Procedure. To obtain an en- L--, --oo-o interpreter an order with the photo laboratory. ..__. rains Of the film and produces -c he desired enlarv :...~.. -h conventional ra-rhic methods. Depend in, --n the priority o c... r, ;st and ck og of wort: in the labo_: -ory, the photo request may e, in one or several hour. The enlargements -thus produced are of g:. quality and are ideal use in formal briefin -.:. ? permanent ;s. or these purposes, resent system will r.c effected proposed enlarger. Howe,:. for informal briefi-, - . 1: mediaze n;.tion, when less quality Id be acceptable, the system Approved For Release 2 05106/06': CIArR?P78B04770A002700010004-S IL, Approved Fol ,ieleas~' 2005106/06 CIA-RDP78BO47 002700010004-9 is not appropriate. In these circumstances, informal briefings can only be given around the P.I.'s viewer, which seriously interferes with the ~)hoto interp.retatioi process, and precludes annotation. b. Origin of Concept. The need for immediately available enlarge- ment prints has been recognized t.roughou-.- the history of photo inte pre- tation. In recent years, with the advent .)f more strategic reconnaissance and the resulta ,;idening circle of imrr:e _ .te interest in the interpreters' findings, there has been increased demand =or more rapid dissemination of these findings to a greater number of peo-.,'o. The reauiremant was formalized in a memorandum to ?DS from the CIA/IAD--?.D/OSS 34/16/65--dated 16 November 1965, which requested the development of a rapid-access paper prixr_ viewer/enlarger to permit the P.I. to scan a roll of select an 4-rea for en--agement, and produce an enlarged paper print di ectly from t.-!-- of --,3 ;i Live film being scanned. These enlargements t,'ere to be used fc :,p c , c Iriefings, for working materials, and for division reference rr:a is '-als were not to replace the high-quality enlargements a:?c