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Approved ForBIease 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP78B0517.A000100030006-0 MOM., RPIC S/D/6-157 September 1966 215X1 )ORANUt FOR: Chief, Development Branch, P& re gnec had vitsited their facility to investigate t nTSnr,ds 40 o ? n a CONFIDENTIAL chief, Exploitation Systems Section, DB EvMlUation Of Unsolicited Proposal Number 149/66 Entitled "A Laser Rear-Projection Viewing System" 1. prepared the subject proposal after the urz i ser df,eplay system being developed for Rome Air 25X1 entirely different ^??+?~??????J +?.wr uss~+.4 +1 Vi iiU purpose than the proposed rear ti -projec on system, the components and techniques of both systems are identical. Recog- nizing this fact, reconfigured the display device into the proposed ~Tewer. 2. Basically, the I posal envisions the utilisation of a laser as the illumination medium for film transparencies. The light beam would be projected through the imagery as in a conventional rear-projection scheme; however, a small portion (about 3%) of the light transmitted by the imagery would be split off the optical path and focused an a photomulti ,ier. The signal produced in the photo- multiplier would be amplified and electrically processed to drive a potaesiu -djhydrogen-phosphate ( )P) electro..optic.:light modulator: The modulator would control the intensity of the beam on its next er sVVeep. The raster sweep would be faster than the minimum ~ i pt b:ility of the human eye; therefore, no visible "flicker" 25X1 beam t"OYk31" the _? .......+..s~s~ L."= .6"Co SZ" projected image format would depend on the spot size desired. If only a few hundred sc4n lines per frame are desired a ga1- ncmzeter. driven moving mirror can be effectively used however, if over two thousand (five thousand have been achieved5 scan lines are desired, it developed tortional scanner can be utilized. The most important aspect to this proposal is that th e rdwore h&s been previously developed and the calculated leney of the proposed system is well within the stmt 0--t. ~ p ' determine if z proposed system can .in fact be utilized in a rear- projection: viewer, Using a one watt laser (larger lasers are available) .. D }e< aY t . e subject proposal is for a six month feasibilit at Declass Review by eaii NIMAM IMA/DOD Approved For Rel N EN ltiRDP78B05171A000100030 Odd from a4tsatat+C de"U ding And deC1auuit1Catbba P78B05171A000100030006-0 Approved Fo~roRelea rwi - the open gate brightness can the screen should be over twenty foot- lemberts. This calculation takes into account the light losses in all of the elements between the user and the screen, This project is to determine the feasibility of developing the laser display and if feasible, the system performance could easily be increased by utilizing a more powerful laser. 4+. This proposal basically satisfies the concepts described in the Development Objectives entitled Modulated-tight Film Viewing System dated 23 March 1964. If this program is successful many advantages could be derived from this type of system. In the Laser Display previously mentioned, has successfully developed a full color display using the ee primary spectral lines of two lasers. This could lead to a full color display system that would have the capability of variation of the color balance. Since the system is.monochromatio, (using a single la;aer) optical processing could be ;performed in 'the spatial frequency plane to do such simple, but important, tasks as eliminate the scan lines produced in the collection of infrared imagery. An additional aid to interpretation of infrared i ry would be color coding the information; e.g. hot objects could be indicated as red and cold targets could be blue. , 7Fr the above analysis it is z econnended that a project be established to more thoroughly awe the desirability of a under- taking feasibility study for A Laser Rear-Projection Viewer for 'Y41.967. It is important that such an effort be started at an early date to enable the conoepts (assuming success) to be integrated with other efforts in the same area. Specifically projects such as the Advanced Rear-Projection Viewer and the Improved Rear-Projection Screen should be thoroughly coordinated with the subject effort. It is further recommended that the undersigned be assigned the primary technical responsibility for this effort, 25 X1 25X1 Distribution: Orig - Addressee 3 - TSB/P&DS pnf oh,P S Approved For Relea N 03/f 1f P78B05171A000100030006-0 GUF