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May 19, 1976
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Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010007-9 CIA Its! T FETAL USE ONLY JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSI.J, Wednesday - 19 May 1976 1. (Unclassified - BAA) LIAISON Spoke with Wendy, in the office of Representative Otis Pike (D., N. Y. ), and set up an appointment STAT fo to meet with the Congressman at 3:30 p.m. today. 2. (Unclassified - BAA) LIAISON Called Guy McConnell, Senate A ropriations Committee staff, and set up an appointment ?TAT or IC Staff, to meet with him ST T tomorrow at p. m. was advised. 3. (Unclassified - BAA) LIAISON Called Ann Bolton, in the office of Representative Edward J. Derwinski (R. 111.. and ,set up STAT an appointment for OCI, to meet with the Congressman on Friday, 28 May at 11:30 a.m., to 25X1 debrief him on his recent trip to Mexico City. has STAT STAT STAT 5. (Unclassified -- LLM) BRIEFING Rita .Arge.nta, in the office of Bill Hogan, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, called to schedule a briefing for the Subcommittee on Intelligence for 1! riday, 21 May, at 10:30 a. m. in room 2337 Rayburn House Office Building, concerning Panama. The Director's office was advised and a pre- briefing session will. be held with the Director at 11:3 0 a. m. tomorrow and Messrs. NIO/ LA, OCI, C/LA, OCI, and myself will attend. CIA IAN TE. ;i AL USE 0ir' L CC. I;YY~e;L;.:~l.... STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010007-9 Fi iA r e i FV k lease 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010007-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 19 May 1976 6. (Internal Use Only - LLM) LIAISON Called Ron Tammen, Legislative Assistant to Senator William Proxmire (D., Wis. ), explain- ing that I was just checking at the staff level and not representing the Director's position, but would like his advice as to whether he thought the Senator, in connection with the 24 May 1976 briefing of the Subcommittee on Priorities & Economy in Government, Joint Economic Committee, would be amenable to the Director making introductory remarks and then turning the briefing over to the experts and whether it would be possible for the Director to excuse himself after assuring that he had answered any questions the members may have in the area, such as those relating to China. In response to his query, I said that in either event, the briefing would represent the position of the Director. Tammen said he would have it checked out and would have Richard Kaufman, of the Committee staff, inform me of the results as well as the room number and the names of the staff who will be attending and the status of their security clearances. 7. (Unclassified - LLM) LIAISON In the interest of arranging for a courtesy meeting betwee. IC Staff, and myself, called Chuck Snodgras,., i e_e.__w_ __._e__------.___e, Mouse Appropriations Committee staff, and it was agreed we would see him sometime after 3:00 p.m. tomorrow. In response to his query, I said a similar meeting with IC Staff, was in the making. 8. (Unclassified - LLM) LIAISON Met with Representative Otis Pike (I)., N. Y.) concerning the subject which was covered in the exchange of letters with the Director dated 17 May 1976 and he agreed with our proposed steps. (See Memorandum for the Record. ) 9. (Internal Use Only - LLM) LIAISON Briefed Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff, Ralph Preston, I:[ouse Appropriations Committee staff, Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, and Guy McConnell, en t priations eomminittee staff, on a sensitive matter based upon in- ormation provided by CI Staff. There was some criticism of such operations relating to 5o fn the .risks to the individual and the possibility of losing more that we are gaining. This criticism was not of the Agency. CIA IN ERiNAi_ USE ONLY STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010007-9