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CIA INTEE w or? Hi se 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 26 April 1976 5. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION Called Robert Lockhart,. on the staff of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, to get a final reading on changes to H. R. 12080 (the Civil Service merit bill) before the Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service marks up the bill tomorrow. Mr. Lockhart said that he considered the one change that we were still interested in to be more of a technical amendment rather than a substantive policy change requiring Subcommittee action in the mark-up session. He,therefore said he did not intend to press to get the, change in before the mark-up. We discussed also various wording for our suggested additional language and agreed that he would try to reach final agreement on the language with Civil Service representatives, with whom be was scheduled to meet later today. He said a new version of the bill would come out 28 April and I stressed that we would hope to have our suggested language--or some other acceptable wording--in that version. He said that he would get back to me tomorrow' afternoon after the Subcommittee mark-mup to bring me up to date and to give me an opportunity to make sure that proper language had been inserted. 6. (Internal Use Only - RLB) LIAISON Met with Guy McConnell, on the staff of the Senate A ro r.iat aa.s _C_ommittee, to fill him in on S. 2925 (the zero-base u get review bill) and left with. him. a copy of the fact sheet and analysis of the bill. He said that as far as he was concerned he had no objection to our bringing Mr. James Davidson., on the staff of the Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations, Senate Government Operations Committee, to Headquarters to have an informal discussion with myself and representatives from the Comptroller's o.ffice,. 7. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION Spoke briefly with Peter Abbruzzese, on the staff of the House International Relations Committee, regarding the status of the State Department authorization bill now pending before the Committee and the possibility that Senator William W.. Proxmire'& (D., Wis.) "gift" amendment might still be inserted in the bill. Mr. Abbruzzese said that the Committee could meet to consider the bill sometime this week but that it might get put off until next week. As far as the "gift" amendment was concerned, he said he had heard nothing to indicate that anyone on the Committee was planning to raise it when the Committee considers the bill.. CIA INTERNP L USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MI266OR000200010027-7 CIA INT dyeU br klise 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Thursday - 22 April 1976 13. (Internal Use Only - PLC) HEARING Called Bob Carlstrom, OMB, and alerted him that we were delivering this afternoon, for OMB's review, our proposed statement before the house Government Operations Subcommittee on Government Information and Individual Rights, on 28 April 1976 to consider legislation to amend the Privacy Act. 14. (Unclassified - LLM) LIAISON Spoke with Ed Braswell, Staff Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, concerning matters relating to Mr. Knoche's upcoming confirmation as DDCI and procedures relating to General Vernon Walters', DDCI, retirement. 15. (Unclassified - LLM) LIAISON Called Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, and advised him of Mr. Knoche's ap r i en as 16. (Unclassified - THW) CONSTITUENT I left with Janice Fitts, on the staff of Senator William L. Scott (R., Va. ), and Marion En.glehart, on the staff of Representative William C. Wampler (R., Va.), suggested replies to the letter from a constituent,] I I explained STAT that the Agency normally does not comment on such allegations one way or the other and in this case had an added reason for, not doing so since the allegation stems from leaks from the House Select Committee report, which has not been released to the public. I also mentioned to each that the identical inquiry had come from both of their offices. They were both very appreciative of the suggested replies and Ms. Englehart said she would contact Ms. Fitts before answering the constituent's inquiry. 17. (Unclassified - THW) ADMINISTRATIVE DELIVERIES I delivered to Mike Craig, on the staff of Representative David F. Emery (R. , Maine), an unclassified report on. the Soviet/Cuban involvement in Angola and pointed out to him the pages in the Con_gt cssional Record to which he could turn to obtain information E GE L. CAR egislative Counsel cc: O/DCI DDA O /DDCI DDI I DDS&T Mr. Thuermer IC Staff EA/DDC) Compt. STAT STAT Mr. Parmenter CIA IN qp ~-oye1 For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 It~ti rHr. ONLY CIA INTERNA ffti Fylease 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 20 April 1176 II 2. (Internal Use Only - RJK) ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES I delivered a letter signed by the Director indicating that the Agency would have available shortly estimates of trends in ruble costs as they related to Soviet defense programs to the following Members.: Representative George H. Mahon (D., Texas), Chairman, House Appropriations Committee; Representative Melvin Price (D., 111. ), Chairman, House Armed Services Committee; Representative Thomas E. Morgan (D., Pa.), Chairman, House International Relations Committee; Senator John C. Stennis (D., Miss.. Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee; Senator John. L. McClellan (D., Ark.), Chairman, Senate aRriations Committee; end Senator John Sparkman (D., Ala.), C airman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The Director's letter concluded by promising each one of them one of the first copies of the completed estimates. CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MQ266OR000200010027-7 CIA INAWAY.e1JI r W *e 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 19 April 1976 5. (Internal Use Only - LLM) LIAISON Called Guy McConnell, Senate o riations Committee staff, who said he will not be back in the office until Fri ay, and spoke to him regarding the legislation to establish zero based budgeting. McConnell said it did not have a prayer this Congress and recommended that we not become too involved in the legislation at this stage as it may tend to muddy the waters. 6. (Unclassified - LLM) LIAISON Bob Fink, Subcommittee on Government Information & Individual Rights, House Government Operations Committee staff, called and mentioned a number of pages in the Rockefeller Commission report referencing different sets of numbers on the files we have on American citizens, etc. I told him we would do our best to rationalize all these numbers prior to any hearing and hopefully he would hear from us later in the week. 7. (Internal Use Only - RJK) LIAISON Spoke with Allen Brown, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, concerning his inquiry on behalf of a constituent of a Senator who wished to have a CIA memo regarding "a review of selected items in the Lee Harvey Oswald file." Based on the advice of CI/EXO, I told Brown that many documents relating to Lee Harvey Oswald were presently under review for possible sanitization or declassification'and when this review was completed the documents would be made available to the public, as appropriate. 8. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Deane, on the staff of Representative Richard L. Ottinger (D. , N. Y. ), called to say that a Mrs. Brady of their district had written to OTR, requesting a foreign policy briefing for a group of students from Pace University, College of White Plains. She had not received a reply and was wondering about the status of her request. I checked with STAT STAT who said that the letter was sent on 12 April, received in his office on 14 April, and an acceptance reply was sent out from his office on 15 April, I relayed this information to and she said she would contact Mrs. Brady and tell her to expect a reply s ort y. CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 Approved For Release 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP78MO266OR0002 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASH I NGTOM, D.C. 20505 16 April 1976 Honorable Melvin Price, Chairman Committee on Armed Services I-louse of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: fig C 76 As you may be aware, CIA has been working for some time on new estimates of trends in the ruble costs of Soviet defense programs. This is to inform you that our work is progressing well and that we expect to publish the results some time in the first two weeks of May. I am sure you will be interested in this publication and I will see to it that you get one of the first copies. Sincerely, Geor' e Bush Director Identical. Memos sent to: John C. Stennis, Chairman John Sparkman, Chairman Senate Armed Services Committee Senate Foreign Relations Committee Thomas E. Morgan, Chairman George H. Mahon, Chairman International Relations Committee Appropriations Committee (House) John L. McClellan, Chairman Senate Appropriations Committee O/DDI/PVWalsh/lm (15 Apr 76) Retyped: OLC (16 Apr 76) Distribution: Original - Addressee.,, .1 -- DCI. #,1 >` OLC 1 - DDCI 1 - Acting Director/OSR 1-ER 1-DOER- 1- Approved For Rejea: 1 -- DDI Chrono so'u .'-"t' DP78M02660R000200010027 1 raA Tfi_l9 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010027-7 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Wednesday - 14 April 1976 17. LIAISON Met with Guy McConnell, staff of Senate Aiara21at1on5--C`5-mmitJpp, Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House krmed Services Committee, (briefly), and Bill Hogan, House Armed Services Committee staff, and briefed them on the Director's session with the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee yesterday. I also left with McConnell. and Hogan copies of the Director's prepared statement and back-up material on this subject. McConnell said he saw no need at this time for the Director to have a similar session with their Subcommittee, but said that they would like to have a world wrap-up session shortly after Congress returns from recess.. I covered a number of topics with McConnell and Hogan,. including the status of the Senate Select Committee situation (especially their intention to disclose the total intelligence community budget figures in their final report). I also provided McConnell with a copy of our background paper on S. 2662. I talked briefly with Hogan about the Second Deputy legislation and think further conversations with him on this subject might be useful. 18. LIAISON I was unable to see Ed Braswell or Clark McFadden, staff of Senate Armed Services Committee, but I left for Braswell a copy of the Director's statement before the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee and back-up documents the Director used in his session with the Subcommittee yesterday. 19. BRIEFING /OPERATIONAL I briefed Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee staff, Clark McFadden, Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, and William H. Hogan, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, on the latest developments I See 25X1 GEORGE L. CARP' Legislative Counsel cc: O/DCI O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Approved For Release Mr. Thuermer Mr. Parmenter EA/DDO Comptroller 25X1 25X1 STAT Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7 Approved For Release 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP78M 26608000200010027-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 9 April 1976 Page 2 -141 6.1 ADMINISTRATIVE 25X1 SC/DCI, and I ajtended a meeting at the White House chaired by Jack Marsh, Counsellor to the President, to discuss Representative Bella Abzug' s (D. , N. Y.) request for testimony fr. om the Department of Justice and the Agency on her amendments to the Privacy Act which would repeal the Agency's exemption from that Act and would also require notification of persons whose mail was intercepted on both ends of the communication, It was agreed that we would prepare a suggested Administration position on this legislation and meet again Monday morning. and I also talked with Mr. Marsh about the developments concerning airman George Mahon's House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee Mr. Marsh suggested that I discuss the matter with Don Ogilvie, Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs, OMB. Mr. Marsh mentioned the regular White House Smoker for members of the Congress and suggested that I might wish to attend. I told him I would be happy to come to the Smoker this evening. Unfortunately this session was later scrubbed for the lack of Congressional acceptances. 7. LIAISON Met with Jim Calloway. lla -A.pproriatjpr Qpmmittee staff, and Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, to keep them posted on the latest developments in the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee regarding our program. I promised to keep both informed on the ultimate res s problem and told Galloway that if the Director appeared before Chairman 25X1 George Mahon, House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, as we hoped he would, that we would also offer the same treatment for the Senate Appropriations Committee. Calloway was most appreciative of my keeping him informed on this matter as Braswell and Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, have been in the past. 8. LIAISON Mr. Arnold Punaro, in the office of Senator Sam Nunn (D., Ga.), called and requested ten copies of the publication, "A Dollar Comparison of Soviet and U. S. Defense Activities, 1965-75. " I told him we would put these in the mail for him. . CON H L)cNnn \L Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010027-7 Approved Fur el 1~~/R~:DP78M02660R000200010 7-7 ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 8 April 1976 1. EGISLATION Called Bill Hogan, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and discussed further his request that we prepare a clean bill amending our.CIA Retirement Act incorporating the additional changes to H. R. 11088. Fifty copies of the clean bill were later delivered to Hogan. Hogan noted that Linda Kamm, Associate Counsel, of the House Budget Committee, called him and indicated that the effective date of the funding proposal will have to be made effective 1 October 1976. Hogan said this change can be made easily in the clean bill. 2. I LEGISLATION Together with I 25X1 DD/Plans and Systems, OF, met with Bob Schafer, Jim Capra, and Bob Hale, of the Congressional Budget Office, and discussed the information and data which the Agency used in arriving at its cost estimate in H. R. 11088 which amends the CIA Retirement Act. They asked for an up-to-date actuarial study and will contact Ted Kroll, of the Treasury Department. They made clear that they will have to make a separate cost evaluation and their figures will undoubtedly differ from ours. Schafer said he had checked with the House Budget Committee people and H. R. 11088 is an open-ended authorization entitlement bill and will not require separate authorization legislation after it becomes law. 3. LEGISLATION Picked up from Jon Holstein, on the staff of the I-louse Committee on International Relations, a. Committee print of the State Authorization bill. 4. LIAISON Delivered to the offices of the Chairmen of the Senate Armed Services and A ro riations iittees, and the House Appropriations Committee, a eserve withdrawal letter dated 7 April. The letter for the House Armed Services Committee. was being revised. CO NF! EN MIAL Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000200010027-7