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January 6, 1976
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25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2.5X1 . 25X1 se Journal -Office of Legislative Cotrnse]. Tuesday -- 6 January 197f; Pa~;'e 2 5. LEGISLA~.C'ION Called George Gilbert, OMB, and xnguxre ~v et. er OMB needed a separate let:tGr addressed t.o them on the bills on congressional. oversight before tlxe Senate Govex?nment Qperatiorxs Committee. We have been asked for comments by both the Committee and OMB. Gilbert said a letter to the Committee routed as usual through OMB would be sufficient. of the Senate f~.ppropriations Conxmitte called t;o rr-..guest i:hat: someone ~ from the l~.gerxcy come own and change the on the Committee's safes. I spoke with. Office of. Sect~.rity, a.nd xzzade arrange__ ments for f.wo technicians to make the changes tomorrow aft:ernoan. I then advised Jane about our plans, `7. II:CAft.TNG Met: with Jixn. Michie, Se:uate Judiciary'Subcommittee on ~l.dxninistrative F'ract;ice axxcl .Px?ocedure staff~cc~n-- cerning Senator Edward Kenneciy'.s (D. ; Mays. ): iixforxx~al. request that the Agency reconsider the grounds for exempting certain portions. of the lc}63 IG report on drugs which was released under thc::C'reedoxrx of lnforrnation .pct. I informed Michie that except for the last sc~nt:ence of paragraph 9 on page lU, all of the claimed exemptions in the docum.eni: wexe reconi'irmed. X left with Michie a revised page 10 which included the sentenoe previousl}r excluded. Michie asked that I meet with him. at`the earliest: opportunity to go over all of the Subcommittee's exhibits of :Agency clocuxnents in their report to be certain there are no problems. 25X1 yy y^r r^, R fi"" ..gyp ;.. k.~ 4 ..;.. R - ~' if 1 ! a, ~... ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ d~1 ~.,;$ M .../ ~ . g ~ Approved For Release 2006/01/03 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010052-9 -~~~~ M02660R000200010052-9 a'e R ~ ~ ~~ Approved For le e~~1y"~ ~i~~I~DP78M02660R000200010052-9 Journal -- Office of Le~;islativc:. Gounscl :E'agc' `1 Tuesday -- 6 January 1976 25X1 13. LIAISON Attended the funeral for Mx. Riclxard Welch at: Arlington Cemetery. Senators Claihaxne Pell {D. , R.I. ), and Charles Mathias (R., Mcl. ), Represse.ntat:ive Ral~ext McClary (R. , Ill. ), and aides, and I~'rank Slatix~.slxelc and Bi11 1-log~.n, House Arn'ied Services Committee staff, alsa ai:texzcled. 25X1 14. LEGISI,ArS'ION Galled Jinx Oliver, OMB, and xequestecl that OMU' approve imrn.ediate i:r. ansmittal. of our intelligence SOL1rCeS and metliads legislation to Congress naw that we have ironed out our differences with the Depa-rtme:rxt of Justice. I also made a plug for its inclusion in the President's legislative p:rograns and the State of the Union message. A follow-up letter fxom t:hc Di.xectar to James Lynn, Dir. ector, OMB, is being pr epared. 25X1 l5. IAISON ~ . ; At: his request, reviewed wi emp on en i ate Depart:n~ent, f:lie various options xeasonably available concerning aid to Angola and cortclucied i:hai: following the drativ dawn on Reserves, nothing fuxther can. 1:~e accozriplished without cangressianal approval. 25X1 16. LIAISON ,~.t ha.s regLxcst, x eviewec7 with F`xed Ruth, Legislative Assistant to Senai,or Dewey I3artlet:t (R. , Okla. }, the various reporting xequirements to Congress on co~Tert actioxl for a speech by the Senator. I agreed to send hina a??copy of "Cruicle Ta CIA Statutes and I,aw. " 25X1 l7. LIAISON 1,~VJ.~.eatox Byers, .l?~G:[,1~.13, called and zvc xeviewe . t e xrxeri s of organizaf.ional. cJ-xange at t:lais time. _ .. I-Ie also said Charles Lombard, staff of the Senate l.-~e:ranaut:ical and ,Sparc Committee, needed a copy of Castro's spceclx an as~:assinat:ions :'and I said we wauld provide it. 25X1 25X1 Senate A ~ after 19 ~I~~~nua:ry. She l~ac1 advised the Depat?t~rieni:s of State and Defense. 11I~:,ARINGS Janc 1~~Ir.M:cal.lan, staff, alerted us t:hai: i:he Con~n~ittee is scheduling a 1-icaring on repxog-raxnming relating to A:ngala sometime Approved For Release 2006/01/03 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010052-9 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010052-9 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 5 January 1976 5. (Unclassified -LLM) LIAISON On a referral. of Cha.rlcs Leppert, White House staff, called Representative Robert: McClory (R., Ill.) and arranged to provide hixr~, tlxe necessary docuxa~zents to facilitate his attendance and that of his assistant, Paul Ahern, at t:h~ xnemox?ial services tomorrow for M-r. Welch, tvl~.%ch I provided to Ahern later in the afternoon. b. (Unclassified -LLM) LIAISON Met wit:J~. l~'d Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Arrxaed Services Committee, and e~;t:ended an invitation far himself, Committee staff, or an.y of t:}x.e m.ex~a~bers of our- CIA Subcommittee to attend the memorial services t:arrz.orrow for Mr. Welch. Unfortunately, none of the: Senator. s a.a?e: avai.J.a.l~l.e a.3a.d. the staff will be traveling abx?oad with Braswell, leaving t:orn.arrow. Regarding the Senate's consideration. o# tl~.c: Pus}a nox-nzx,a.tian, Braswell believes it is more probable that it would occur i:}ie v,Teelc of 2? January rathex? than the week of 2Q January. 7. (Unclassified -LLM) LIAISON :Met ujith. Brill ?~rautxg, Legislative Assistant to Senator Claiborne }?ell (J~,., :[{?I,.), anti px?ovi.decl him the necessary documents to facilitate the Sena.i:ar's ~r.z.~d his aide, Paul Goulding, to attend the memorial services for Mra ~~re}.clx i:onz.orx?aw, which was the subject of discussions earlier in the da.y. 8. (Unclassified -LLM) LIAISON Ad'Vised t:h,e ,5etlz.te - Yynrnnriai~it~n~- ~~. Coxxx~ mitt via Jane McMullan, of the Corz~rn.ittee staff, af. '~:he zr~oxrxorial services torn.or rotiv for Mr. Welch and to en.cou.rage f:he attendance by 1:}xe staff or any merxxbers who might be in town. 9. (Unclassified - LI.JM) IIEA:R.ING John. CJ~~al.r}.ears, Ser,a.t:e Government Operations Committee staff, called. tG again express his appreciation far the session he and. Chucle Meissn.ex4, a.}.so of. i:}xe C~orrxmittec staff, had. last week with our people on the oven sight quest:aox~. ~:hilders indicated that Mr, Colby will probably be required t:a ai:i:exec}. t:he on 2? January and I said he had a prior camxxxitxn.ent for 1:ha.t: d.ay. ChiJ:clers said Ambassador 1-Ieln-~s was also going to testify. In xespon~e t:a his query, I suggested he call as a point of coxat:ar.Y. ~vitlx NSA. to arrange briefings six-nilar to the one provided. by the ~gexicy. lU. (Unclassified -- Sly) EMPLOYME'N`T Mrs, .~oraf:lxy of Represent xtive l~,dward l-lt~tchin.son's(R. , Mich,) offzce cal}.ecl ar~d recJuested brochures on emp}.oyment far a constituent, 1 have pr.ovid.c:d t:he x~7af:c:rial. ~;J~ ~{ ~ ~ --~j`~~~'~ ~~-A pro ~tF~br Release 2006/01/03:CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010052-9 25X1 gpproved For Release 2006/01/03 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010052-9 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 :CIA-RDP78M02660R000200010052-9