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Document Release Date: 
January 25, 2005
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Publication Date: 
April 15, 1976
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78M02660R000300020037-4.pdf70.53 KB
ABRAHAIyRIBICO.}J~pJ1 .V~Wd%Mr Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300020037-4 JOHN L. MC( LLAN. ARK. /''~ - CHARLES N PERCY. ILL. HENRY M. J1CK$ON. WASH. JACOB K. JAVITS. N.Y. EDMUND S. MUSKIE. MAINE WILLIAM V. ROTH. JR.. DEL. LEE METCALF. MONT. BILL BROCK. TENN. JAMES B. ALLEN. ALA. L DWELL P. WEICKER. JR.. CONN. LAYITOH CHILES. FLA. SAM NUNN. GA. JOHN GLENN. OHIO RICHARD A. WEOMAN CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR Ottice of Legislative Counsel C.I.A. Washington, D.C. 20505 COM M ITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS April 15, 1976 Re : S. 2925 Attached is a copy of a bill which has been referred to the Government Operations Committee for consideration. The Committee would appreciate your views regarding the provisions of this bill and any recommendations which you may have concerning possible Committee action. Please transmit your reply in quadruplicate. Your prompt attention would be appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, USG 7 'Knifes ziates 'Senafe Q4--dL- ". Abe Ribicoff Chairman Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300020037-4 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300020037-4 94TII CONGRESS 2D SESSION S. 2825 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES FEBRUARY 3) 1976 Mr. MusKIE (for himself, Air. ROTH, Air. GLENN, Mr. RELLMON,. Air. IIUD- DLESTON, Air. NUNN, and Air. GOLDWATER) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Government Operations A .ILL To provide for the elimination of inactive and overlapping Fed- eral programs, to require authorizations of . new budget authority for Government programs and activities at least every four years, to establish a procedure for zero-base review and evaluation of Government programs and activi- ties every four years, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 Lives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,. .3 That this Act may be cited as the "Government Economy and 4 Spending Reform Act oj" 1976". DEFINITIOT S AND SPECIAL RULES 6 SEC. 2. (a) For pu_poses _of-this Act- 7 Ul The term `"l~ ~l /e~t~~ ~th~~ DP7' 6MbA0020037-4. Appr v d or Release 6 II -