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September 1, 1976
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - I September 1976
12. LIAISON Stopped by the office of
Senator Jacob K. Javits (R. , N. Y. ) and in the absence of Ste ohen Sklar
left with the receptionist a suggested reply to a constituent, 1 -1 ST
who had forwarded a publication of .Alekesei Romanoff restating
his oft mentioned claims against the U. S. Government.
13. LIAISON Stopped by the Senate Armed
Services Committee and left with Jack Ticer a copy of a security termination
oath for 1-Iyrnan Fine, who has recently retired from the Committee staff,
to sign.
to a meeting with George Pickett, a recent addition to the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence staff, who will be working on budget matters.
I briefed him on the compartmented areas for which he will be granted
access clearance. I advised him that I had requested our Office of Security
to transfer all of the other clearances from which he was recently debriefed
when he left active military service. The Office of Security has been advised
that Pickett has been briefed.
14. I I LIAISON Accompanied
15. I I LIAISON Met with Ed Glass, on the
staff of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, and obtained
from him the necessary security documentation for compartmented clearances
for which he had gotten security approval recently.
LIAISON Accompanied
luncheon with James Price and Richard Preece, both from the Congressional.
Research Service of the Library of Congress. We discussed the characteristics
of the SCORPIO legislative data system used by the Library and the possible
use of the system by the Agency. (See Memorandum for the Record. )
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Wednesday - 8 September 1976
15. LEGISLATION Called Nanette
Blandin, OMB, and asked her for the status of the two deputies
legislation. She told me that it was still tied up with questions
regarding executive level and supergrade positions for the
Intelligence Community Staff. I questioned whether it was
necessary to consider these two items together and I asked
her to do what she could to expedite clearance of the legislation.
She said she would call me the next day and let me know what she
was able to do.
LIAISON Sam I-Ioskinson, NSC Staff, called
to inform me of his meeting with Bill Miller, Staff Director, and Rick
Inderfurth, staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He said
Miller and Inderfurth's main interest was in how the OAG does its job.
Hoskinson said they also discussed the set-up of the Committee's different
Subcommittees and their purpose and what would be expected of them. I thanked
Hoskinson for keeping me informed.
17. LIAISON Spoke with Mr. Andrews,
Official House Reporters, and requested a copy of the open portion of
today's proceedings of the I-louse Committee on Standards of Official
Conduct. I previously checked with Bill Arbogast, on the Committee
staff, and he suggested that I call Mr. Andrews. A courier later picked
up the transcript and it was delivered to
Assistant to the DDCI, per their request.
18. Spoke to Sigrid, on the staff
of Senator William E. Brock (R. , Tenn.). She requested a copy of the
Agency study on military and economic aid by the USSR and the People's
Republic of China to underdeveloped nations. The 1 September Wall Street
Journal had an article relating to this report:. Later in the day a copy
of the report entitled ''Communist Aid to Less Developed Countries of the.
Free World, 1.975'' was sent to her and she was advised-
Ica L) 1-1 1~ A
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Tuesday - 14 September 1976
1. I LIAISON GAO Mr. Zanardi and Mr. Watson,
GAO, came out to read some classified economic material on several Middle
East states. We went over the material and agreed to provide them with
two documents and extracts from other reports which they will return to us
and maintain in a safe. They requested a political briefing on Egypt and
we agreed to provide one on 20 September at 10:00 a. m.
Jim Lilley, NIO/China, to a briefing of Senator John Glenn.(D., Ohio) in
connection with his upcoming trip to China. The Senator was primarily
interested in military and technological developments, but there was also
a good hit of discussion on the Chinese leadership. Senator Glenn hopes to
be invited to visit some Chinese weapons or space facilities and asked for
reports on the Chinese space and weapons programs. Lilley is gathering
a package of materials. I arranged with Senator Glenn and subsequently
with Ben Marshall, Security Director, Senate Select Co:rnxnittee on Intelligence,
for these materials to be delivered to the Select Committee offices on a daily
basis and for Senator Glenn to review them there.
3. LIAISON Called Homer McMurray,
Official House Reporters, to inquire whether there was an open portion
of today's proceedings before the House Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct. McMurray said'-that only the preliminaries were in
open session and I told him that we were not interested in getting a copy
of today's session but would like to have a copy of tomorrow's session
at which Daniel Schorr will testify. He said it would be available for
a courier to pick up Thursday morning.
Assistant to the DDCI, has been advised.
4. I ILIAISON Charles Sorrels, Congressional
Budget Office staff, called to express his appreciation for the briefing
which he had received at the Agency last week. He said that he learned
a great deal and the information had been very helpful. He made a request
for two maps, which I said I would see that he got.
OCI, was advised of Sorrels' appreciation for the briefing.
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Approved For Rele*se 2004/10/27 : CIA-RDP78MO266ORQ00300110012-1