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U V.1 W+ a fi e ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 24 March 1976 2. ADMINISTRATIVE I called Jii-n Oliver, OMB . and discussed with him the purpose behind his request to ,fact. lams, Comptroller, for information to be provided to "a Muskie Subcommittee." I expressed my concern over material being. provided to Senator Edmund Muskie's (D., Maine) Subcommittee (at this ti-rne it is unknown which Subcommittee) and alerted Oliver to the issue concerning Senator Muskie' s Budget Committee. Oliver assured me that no classified material would be passed to Senator. Muskie and if there came a time when classified material was requested, he would consult wit-11 the Agency and would either sanitize the document or delete it from the package. Oliver then requested copies of the two recent letters which we have sent to Senator Muskie concerning the budget issue and they have been sent. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE Called Melinda. Hopkins, in the office of Senator Alan Cranston (D., Calif.), and told her we had sent the Senator this morning a letter from the Director to Senator Cranston and a copy of a letter from me to Chairman Edmund Muskie, Senate Budget Committee. I told her I hoped this was satisfactory. She said the letters had not yet arrived, but if there was any problem, she would call be back. CL r Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 CIA 1NTE' ,p v .o0"ase 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 23 March 1976 5. (Unclassified - DFM) LEGISLATION Hilda Schreiber, called to inform me that the President's message on the elimination of the. one percent bonus from Civil Service annuities was to be issued tomorrow, and that our proposal to amend CIARDS in accordance with [:he Presidential message should be delivered to Congress tomorrow. 6. (Unclassified -DFM) LEGISLATION George Gilbert called to ask whether we had submitted a report on sources and methods legislation, and I replied that it was being sent to OMB today. I asked Gilbert what he knew of Administration plans for Senate Rules Committee action on S. Res. 400 and relayed our plan to send a letter and tentatively to have a spokesman testify. After checking with Mike Duval, at the White I-louse, Gilbert called back and said the White House had no plans to offer testimony, but there was no objection to our sending a letter or submitting testimony. 7. (Unclassified - WPB) LEGISLATION Called George Gilbert, to tell him that the Agency had no problem with a State Department report on S. Res. 351, a resolution which encourages the President to negotiate anti-terrorist agreements with other governments. 9. (Internal Use Only - WPB) LIAISON Received a call from Tom Smeeton, House International Relations Committee staff, who asked for position papers which reflect the Agency's views on the establishment of new congressional oversight committees. 10. (Unclassified - WPB) LEGISLATION Received a call from Tom Marrum, at the Department of Justice, who was working on a views letter on S. 2927, Senator Lloyd Bentsen's (D. , Tex.) bill to protect the identity of intelligence personnel. He wanted to know what the Agency's position on this legislation was. I told him I would be working on it later in the week, and would get back to him at that time. CIA 1NTc f,':' Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78M02660R000800040015-1 Approved For Rele se 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78M02660R000800040015-1 CIA INTERNAL USE CNL` Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Page 6 Tuesday - 23 March 1976 22. (Internal Use Only - PLC) LEGISLATION Called Hilda Schreiber, QUB$, -rrt1 inquired as to the status ofMB! ,osition to Mr. Colby's proposal to amend CIARDS to require a spouse's participation in the determination to waive survivor benefits. Ms. Schreiber stated that the Civil Service Commission has no objection to the proposal as concerns CIARDS but they are firmly opposed to the proposal for Civil Service retirees., She stated that OM ad not yet finalized its position, however, indications are OMB will be against the proposal. Q'- asic policy is to keep all. Federal retirement programs uniform wherever possible and to make exceptions for any one system only when clearly warranted. She doubted that this proposal warrants an exception. She will call me on OMB's final position as soon as possible. I again alerted her to the several other proposed amend- ments to CIARDS which do not present any problems and would be sending to OMB for clearance shortly. GE GE L. CAR 00 Legislative Counsel cc: O/DCI O/DDCI D Ex. Sec. DDA DDI DDS&T Mr. Warner Mr. Thuermer Mr. Parmenter IC Staff EA/DDO Compt CIA 1 TERINAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78M02660R000800040015-1 Approved se ON toRbE*TI Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 23 March 1976 Page 5 19. LEGISLATION Took a copy of our letter on H. R. 12080 to Hilda Schreiber fl Ms. Schreiber read the letter over and said that it looked fine to her but that she would like us to hold off taking it up to Representative David Henderson (D., N. Car.) until she could check it out with Arnold Donahue at OMB, who was not in the office at the moment. She promised to call back as soon as she received word. 2L I LIAISON Called Steve Daniels, Minority Staff, House:: Government Operations Committee, and inquired as to whether he was aware of any pending legislation to relax the time and other stringent provisions in the recent amendments to the Freedom of Information Act. (F- I OGC, had heard through Justice sources that Representative Andrew Maguire (D., N. J. ), was preparing such a bill but did not want the word out as yet). Daniels said he would let me know if he becomes aware of any proposed legislation. I mentioned Representative Paul McCloskey's (R. , Calif. ) comments early in this session to introduce legislation to relax the law and that he had apparently dropped the ball. Daniels mentioned that Representative McCloskey is anxious to introduce legislation to establish a statutory classification program; however, Daniels has been trying to talk him out of it since he feels that Representative Bella Abzug (D. , N. Y. ), will run with it to suit her own purposes. Daniels is aware of the Agency's interests and said that he would be available to assist us when such legislation is proposed. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78M02660R000800040015-1 CIA INTER "adpr" &R Tease 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday 23 March 1976 14. (Unclassified - THW) LIAISON I called Clark McFadden, on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and mentioned to him. the problem we had with Section 110 of H. R. 12203 (Foreign Assistance Appropriations) and told him that we hoped to get somebody to sponsor an amendment from the floor to strike that section and asked if he could help us develop support for striking the section. I also gave him the arguments why the section was out of place in. the Foreign Assistance Appropriations Act. He said he would pass the information on to the Chairman of the Committee, Senator John. C. Stennis (D. ,. Miss. ).~ 25X1 15. (Unclassified - RJK) BRIEFING I accompanied OTR, to a briefing about the Agency given to approximately .30 high school students from the congressional district of Representative Hamilton. Fish, Jr. (R., N. Y.). Mrs. Hoffman, on the Congressman's staff, made the arrangements and expressed the appreciation of the students, their teachers, and the Congressman, who stopped by for just a moment after the students had left and spoke with and myself. 16. (Internal Use Only - RJK) LIAISON Met with Denis Neill, AID, to discuss the status of certain key amendments to H. R. 12203 and passed the information on to who was meeting elsewhere on 17. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION Called Reginald Jones, at the Civil Service Commission, to notify him that we would be taking our letter on H. R. 12080 (Civil Service merit bill) to ONiB er today. I read to him the portion of the letter in which,we mentioned that the CSC was aware of our concerns. Mr. Jones said he fully concurred in our letter and said that he would call over to I-Iilda Schreiber, OMB, to let her know. 18. (Unclassified - RLB) ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES In order to expedite the process of clearance of our letter to Representative David Henderson (D., N. Car.), regarding H. R. 12080, I delivered a copy of the letter to Mrs. Dorothy Mayo, at the Civil Service Commission. CIA ~ i 41 - S tl `, i `, i-l" - "_i L U a Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 CIA INTERNAL USE ul L` Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel. Page 6 Monday - 22 March 1976 20. (Unclassified - WPB) LEGISLATION Called Hilda Schreiber, ]y. and asked what position the Department of Justice and the FBI were taking on the Hatch Act amendments in conference. She said that the Administration was staying away from the conference committee because the Administration was opposed to the bill and did not want to have it suggested that various agencies could live with the bill if certain changes were made. I told her that we had an opportunity to approach the I-louse Post Office and Civil Service Committee to inform them that we would prefer to continue to be covered by the Hatch Act. She called me back later and gave me the go-ahead provided I make it clear that we oppose the bill in. general. 21. (Unclassified - WPB) LIAISON Mike Bird, Economist on the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, called and asked for economic statistics--namely, the gross fixed investment as a share of GNP for six developed countries: " After checking with OCI, I fold Mr. BijSX1 I would get back io him first thing in the morning with the figures. 22. (Unclassified - BAA) LIAISON Called Dennis Beal, in the office of Senator Lawton Chiles (D., Fla. ), and told him that we were sorry but neither Mr. Bush nor General Walters would be able to speak to the 2, 600 lawyers and wives at Law Day in Lakeland, Florida, because of conflicting schedules. Beal thanked me for returning the call. Legislative Counsel cc: O/DCI O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Thuermer Mr. Warner Mr. Parmenter IC Staff EA/DDO Comptroller Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 ". . USE 0' LY CIA 1 pre cad ffoyRe a L2905112/14 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - 19 March 1976 9. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION Called Hilda Schreiber, OMI- to inform her that we would be preparing very early next week a letter to Representative David Henderson (D. , N. Car.) stating the Agency's position on H. R. 12080 (the Civil Service merit bill). Ms. Schreiber reiterated that things were moving very quickly on the bill and agreed with our course of action. I promised to keep her informed of further developments. 10. (Unclassified - DFM) LEGISLATION Called the Senate Rules Committee and spoke with John Coder-, of the Committee staff. He informed me the Rules Committee had been granted an extension in their deadline on S. Res. 400 until 5 April, and that the resolution had been concurrently referred until 29 March to the Judiciary Committee. He indicated the Rules Committee would hold a hearing probably on. 31 March, but that no firm plans had yet been formulated for it. 11. (Unclassified - DFM) LEGISLATION Called J. C. Argetsinger, Senate Judiciary Committee staff, regarding the referral of S. Res. 400 to that Committee. Argetsinger said the Committee was unanimously opposed to giving up any oversight of FBI to a new intelligence committee, and that the Committee had sought the referral of the resolution in order to record its opposition. Argetsinger doubted that the Committee would look at any other issues in the resolution, but he felt the Rules Committee would give their objection full consideration. 12. (Unclassified - WPB) LEGISLATION Spoke with Tom Greene's secretary, House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee staff. She said Greene could not keep our appointment for today and wondered if I could see him Monday, 22 March at 11:00 a. m. I said this would be fine. 13. (Unclassified - SK) LIAISON Received a call from Debbie in Representative Andrew J. Hinshaw's(Ts'., Calif.)) office, requesting general information about the Agency- for a constituent. I forwarded a: package of related material to them. CiA ~.: Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 CIA INTE0WvME0 Il se 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 16 March 1976 1. (Unclassified - JMD) LIAISON After checking with the Director's office, I called Mildred Ward, Secretary to Senator John Stennis, and arranged for the Director to meet with. the Senator on 1 April 1976 at 2;p. m. EA/DCI, was advised,,.: 25X1 3. (Unclassified - GLC) BRIEFING Accompanied the Director to an all-day briefing of the House Appropriations Committee, Defense Subcommittee. (See Memo for the Record.) 4. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION I called Mr. Thomas H. Countee, Jr., OMB, to discuss our position on. 5.1864 (Federal Energy Information Bill). I informed Mr. Countee that we had not yet received a request from Congress for comments on the bill but that we had dis- cussed this with committee staffers and that we would be submitting our comments. Mr. Counitee informed me that the White House was strongly opposed to the bill and would welcome having our input. Iz order'to expedite the process, Mr. Countee suggested that we send our proposed comments as soon as possible to him directly. 5. (Unclassified - PLC) LEGISLATION Picked up from Ben Cooper, Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs staff, a letter from the Chairman to the Director requesting Agency comments on S. 1864, an energy bill. CIA )NTERNF+L USE ONLY ---------- ------ Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78M0266OR000800040015-1 MA I NT EE `A 'ro ed For,Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000800040015-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 24 March 1976 4. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION I discussed with Reginald Jones, Civil Service Commission, what transpired during discussions between Civil Service people and the Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service staff, House Post Office and Civil Service. Committee, concerning H. R. 12080 (the Civil Service )-nerit bill)., Mr. Jones said that it was agreed that the Subcommittee should deal directly with the excepted agencies to clear up the problems related to application of I-I. R. 12080 to those agencies. Mr: Jones reiterated that it was CSC's position that they not be given responsibility for dealing with the excepted agencies under the provisions of H. R... 12080 and particularly the national security agencies. 5. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION Talked with Hilda Schreiber OMB, regarding our proposed letter and amendment on H. R. 12080 that we were ready to send to Representative David Henderson. (D. , N. Car.). Ms. Schreiber said that Arnold Donahue, ON[B, had a few problems with the amendment we were proposing. Basically, OMB's: position is that we should make every effort not to appear that we are attempting to exclude ourselves from the basic theoretical provisions of the bill regarding "merit. " Ms. Schreiber also commented that in OMB's opinion our chances for having our proposed amendment accepted by the Subcommittee on Manpower and Civil Service, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, would b e strengthened if we phrased it in line with OMB's suggestion. After discussing OMB's proposals with Mr. Cary, OGC, it. was agreed that we could not accept s suggestions but that we probably could work out a compromise with OMB tomorrow morning. t 6. (Internal Use Only - RJK) LIAISON I spoke with Dave Schmidt, on the Survey and investigations staff of the House Appropriations Committee, to request additional biographic data from him about four members of the staff: Charles G. Haynes, Richard F. McEli.ece, _ Williston B. Confer, Jr. , and Andrew J. Shannon. These four staffers will be meeting with the Comptroller's staff on the subject of Angola. Mr. Schmidt called back a short time later and provided the information.. fi) L USE ONLY CIA Ire- ..I . 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