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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 206Viki'; ~c5 0 P0300R150U.0 s C o py, NO JOINT PHOTOG.RA..PH:IC INTELLIGENCE BRIEF ARM Y - NA V Y'- C ]A SUBJECT :: Sux acre-t.o..,A.irr M .ssi1e Site .NO P:I:C/J':8..25,t60 LOC.A.TION: 8 n.m NE of Z:higu.l.evsk Dam, DA.TE 2, .1. M.a ra,t~. 1 0 Volga River, USSR. COOR.D 53`3 _."N 49? i9E Figure 1. SA.M SITE 8 NM NE OF ZHTCULE VS:K DA..M _ VOLGA. RIVER. Declass Review by NGA / DoD Approved For Release 2005/12/25 : CIA- I SOP SECRET ~i r 00030005604cOPY 25X1 ( a.i,.-.Ld Di.ssemi.n_ated hr- CIA/PIC) Approved For Release 2005/12/25 : CIA-RDP78TO4751A000300050026-0 4040 Uzyukovo x?1I20 Vyslelki Tatarskiye No Vasyl'yevka Novoye Yer50em=k00' inO ~; .,. Sergeyevka Nikol'skoye STAVROt OL' ti. 0 SAM SITE A SAM SUPPORT FACILITY SUBJECT INSTALLATION 0 2 4 6 8 10 Nautical Miles 0 2 4 6 8 10 Statute Miles 0 2 4 6 8 10 Kilometers i,I Novosemeykino KUYB` SF ?. .. Preobrazhenka Zhiguli I Voskresenka LOpatino 'Chernaya Rechka 0 0 0 (n rn 25)Q rn y n ~-I bJ 0 25X1 D Approved For Release 2005/12/25 : CIA-RDP78TO4751A000300050026-0 Approved For Release A012CCIAJFt PIC/JB-25/60 REFERENCE POINT: ZHIGULEVSK DAM, VOLGA RIVER, BE No 49?29?00"E. LOCATION: 8 nm northeast of reference point. 53027' 00"N - 25X1A FUNCTION- one of a group of sites. deployed for the defense of Zhigulevsk Dam. SITE STATUS: Complete and operational. LAUNCH FACILITIES: Six launch revetments with six launchers emplaced. MISSILES: Four ca;ravas-covered missiles on trailers in hold revetments. One canvas-covered missile on trailer in launch revetment. One missile on launcher. ELECTRONICS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT: FRUIT SET radar with seven van trucks and three van trailers positioned in revetments at center of operations area.. Acquisition radar with. associated generator trailer located south- east of operations area. Probable 1.FF interrogator located adjacent to acquisition radar. COMMUNI.CA.TIONS: Possible communications building with antenna located in support area.. OVERHEAD POWER a.v.d/or COMMUNICATION LINE: Overhead wire line leads to site. TRANSPORTING EQUIPMENT: Four tractors with missile trailers located in hold revetments. Onae tractor with missile trailer located in launch revetment. Six prime movers, six sets of bogie wheels, three van trailers and one missile trailer located in vehicle parking area. Four vehicles located in support area. Approved For Release 2005/12/25: CIA-R 300050026-0 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 20b571P/E~1AR~ PIC/JB-25/60 SUPPORT AREA- Structures Description; Roof '.Type Dimensions (feet) Administration Hip 2 160 x 60 Barracks. Complex 2 75x5,5 Barracks Gable 2 75 x 35 Shed Shed 1 80x20 Shed Shed 1 60x 15 Support: buildax.ig Gable 1. 45 x 25 Support building Gable 1 45 x 20 Support building Gable 1 40x25 Support building Shed 1 30 x 20 features include nine tent support bases and two earthen mounds SECURITY: Security fence encloses site. Irregular-shaped fence encloses operations area. Gatehouse located at site entrance. REMARKS: Site is located on relatively flat terrain. in a predominantly agricultural area. A SAM support facility 4 nm to the east serves the site. MAP REFERENCES: WAG 165 AMS Series N501a. Sheet NN 39-7. PH -4- Approved For Release 2005/12/25 : CIA- 0300050026-0 TOP SECRET 25X1