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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 7, 2005
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Publication Date: 
November 4, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78T04751A000300070044-8.pdf74.02 KB
Approved For Release 20cT R /2?~D'IQ`RD JOINT PHOTOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE BRIEF ARMY-NAVY-CIA, (Published and Disseminated by CIA/PIC) SUBJECT : Kapustin Yar Down-Range BRIEF NO.: PIC/JB-17/59 Facilities LOCATION : 650 nm east of the Range Head DATE : 4 Nov 59 B B. E. NUMBER : None LA.T. : 47045'N WA.C NUMBER : 246 LONG. : 62000' E REQUIREMENT SI/R36/59: Examine photography of Chelkar -Aral sk area, 650 nm down range from Kapustin Yar Range Head, for impact points, instrumentation, and launch areas. REMARKS: The examination of photography covering the general. area 650 nm east of Kapustin. Yar Range Head reveals no identifiable impact points or launch areas. Two possible instrumentation stations were found on the photography. The portion of I covering the area was flown before 0700 hours, and an accurate shadow factor cannot be determined. Because of poor resolution and morning haze, all measurements are to be considered approximate. One instrumentation station, at 47014'N/62o30'E, consists of a fenced area 280 by 140 feet with three buildings 30 by 20, 30 by 15, and 20 by 15 feet; two towers 45 feet high and 40 feet apart; and a revetment 35 by 30 feet. The second station, at 47o15'N/62o14'E, is 10.5 nm west of the above station and consists of an unsecured area containing six buildings, 90 by 25, 15 by 15, and four 20 by 15 feet. Located 2, 900 feet east of this station are two dome-shaped objects 10 feet in diameter and 35 feet apart, and a 40-foot tower of an unidentified type. The scale and quality of the photography preclude identifica- tion of any equipment at these stations. The stations are connected by trails, and heavy track activity is discernible in the surrounding area. DECLASS REVIEW by NGA/DOD PIC F1E COPY Approved For Release 2005/12/25 : CIA-RE 0300070044-8 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 200M2/AC1A-R P78T04751A PIC/JB-17/59 The area north (to latitude 48o301N) of the possible instrumentation stations shows little activity of any type. The terrain is barren and has no perceivable habitation. The few villages encountered.south of the stations consist primarily of mud huts and a few tents. No electronics, storage, or maintenance facilities were evident which would be suitable to support missile activities. Approved For Release 2005/12/25 : CIA-RDP78T04751A000300070044-8 TOP SECRET