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Approved For Release 2001/08/20 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000200320067-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/08/20 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000200320067-5 ~~~`~~~ NPI~I(t~b8/63 copy r=~ $ F'oges Apri{ `19b3 PAL ~TOFAGE ~1`T` f~P~L.~'1""OVI~A, IJ~~R DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW by NIMA%DOD 3/14/04 ~ m ~ 'f ,4R~;1 NAYiY AtR ~~~~~ vi;~ _ .~ a- ~. _ ~ ~ - .. ~ - _ ~ T _.~ -may .~irn cav~rn^:...^.f to 4{xn . 4a f .-.t TaST xxi xisc ,. - ~ ~. `.. a s z h r 3 Y B~ -s~ eu#-]tlYiYEL }G _ ,~.~ t t- t s xxz .. - -(- r~ ]- Kci=1~LE a~u .. T. 'c - x~[;L - ~~xs;:rrar~e~_ ,ia ~. -; ,. .._. _~ .~ ........._ __~~r_zn_e ,., .~~~ -- TOP SECRET RUFF This report has been prepared in response to CIA Requirement DDI/RR/E/R-61/61, requesting a study of the new facilities constructed since 1956 within a POL storage site at Ippolitovka (formerly called Kremovo). The mensural data included in this report are only ap- proximate because of the poor image definition and small scale of the photography. TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF POL STORAGE SITE, IPPOLITOVKA, USSR 25X1 D A POL storage site is located at 44-04-OON 132-17-40E, 1.5 nautical miles (nm) northeast of Ippolitovka and 21 nm northeast of Ussuriysk (formerly Voroshilov), on the east side of the Trans-Siberian Railroad between Vladivostok and Khabarovsk. The Vladivostok-Khabarovsk highway lies 1.3 nm east of the site. Several reports, one of which is based on-photog- raphy, have identified the installation as a regional storage site for petroleum products serving several nearby airfields and other local facilities. 1/ 2/ 3/ Products reportedly stored include avgas, motor gasoline, kerosene, Tubes, and greases. 1/ 4/ sight- ings of LOX rail cars within the area. 6/ 7/ 8/ 5/ KEYHOLE photography of -reveals the construction of additional storage tanks, roads, and a rail spur to serve anew facility still under construction. Within a radius of 50 nm of the storage site are three confirmed MRBM launch sites. Four SA-2 SAM sites and two SA-~ SAM sites are located within a radius of 30 nm of the site. The POL storage site covers an area ap- proximately 5,000 by 3,000 feet (Figure 1). It is double fenced except for the southern boundary where only a single fence line is visible. .A ve~ooded area obscures a section of the fence line on the east. Guard towers are situated throughout the area. A small area (item 1)* under construction immediately south of the security fence does not appear to be associated with the POL storage site. The eight-tank, rail-served POL storage tank area (item 2) located west of the Trans- Siberian Railroad and O.~ run southwest of the POL storage site does not appear to be directly associated with the POL site. A single-track rail spur and road enter the southwest sector of the site from the town of Ippolitovka. In addition, the site is connected by a good road to the Vladivostok-Khabarovsk highway to the east. The administration and housing areas are located generally in the southwest corner of the installation. The warehouse and open storage areas, served by both road and rail, are in the western and central sectors. The eastern sector contains mounded POL" tanks (all except five of which are revet~ed), bunkers, and open storage of horizontal tanks. Most of the buildings and tanks existed in - and have been depicted in black on Figure 1. The new tankage, buildings, and construction noted on the -KEYHOLE photography are shown in red on Figure 1. Fifteen ne~v mounded POL tanks, five of which were under construction in have been added to the east side of the storage site and are served by new roads. "These tanks are clustered in three groups of five tanks each. Approximately 12 new buildings have been added within the storage site. A new road, ending in a loop, extends eastward from the southwest sector of the site (item 3). Three possible buildings are located along the road; and one possible TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF ~ ~ Road ~~ Railroad vciuo~e rcanroaa Fence - -Prob. Pipeline -.- Power Line ~ Guard Tower Building ? POL Tank o Horizontal Tank 'tea Bunkered POL Storage Buried Tank Area ~??'~~ Revetment ~~ Earth Nbund TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF building is located within the loop. The security 25X1 D fence line visible on the -photography ex- eludes this new road. Whether or not the fence has been extended to include this facility can- not be determined from the small-scale _ photography. A possible siding (item 4) has been added to the main rail spur serving the o installation. The northeast end of the main rail spur, which was under construction in _ now appears to be complete. New con- struction activity is evident in the northern sector of the storage site. This activity is served by a new rail spur and possible siding (item 5). The probable removal or relocation of a guard tower and the extension of the security fence in this area can be attributed to this construction activity. The construction activity at the northern end of the site (item 6), which comprises an area 500 by 350 feet, appears to be new tankage. This tankage is served by a rectangular road pattern which has a contiguous circular road pattern on the south. Within the rectangular road pattern are five probable vertical tanks with a diameter of 75 feet.' A possibility exists [hat a sixth tank may have been installed, making two rows of three tanks each within the rectangular area. A parking apron is on the north side of the circular road, which is 230 feet in diameter. Approximately 1, 000 feet south-southeast of this area is a loop road (item 7 jwith a diameter of 230 feet. This may be a pull-off area for trucks or the beginning of construction activity for additional storage facilities. Two thousand feet southv~~est of the rectangular road pattern is another loop road (item 8) extending west from the main road serving the storage site. Tv~o probable buildings are situated on the west side of the base of the loop. Across the road from these probable buildings is a small area of unidentified ground scarring, possibly indi- cating additional construction. A trench noted on the photography (item 9), possibly a pipeline under construction from the pumping station, ended in the area now containing the probable buildings;: Only one of the buildings constructed since is of significant size 25X1 D (item 101. This structure appears to be a ~vare- house or storage-type building approximately. 360 by 65 feet and is located in the vicinity of the three large warehouses that were present in ~ The new construction in the northern sector of the POL site bears similarities to several probable POL storage sites that are not asso- ciated with large storage areas. Four examples of these are located near Astrakhan at 46-23-20N 47-57-SOE, near Poltava at 49-35-20N 34- 29-OOE, near Stryy at 49-13-1ON 23-45-20E, and near Tartu at 58-27-OON 26-41-30E (Fig- ure 2). A feature common to all these in- stallations is a rectangular road pattern with a contiguous loop road. All the installations are secured and are served by both road and rail. All the loop roads, with the possible exception of that at Astrakhan, have from one to three parking aprons. Small buildings are also visible at two of these installations. Four vertical tanks are clearly visible with- in the rectangular road pattern at Astrakhan and appear to be for POL storage. One of the tanks, which is uncovered, is 75 feet in diameter. Another of the tanks, which is covered but not mounded, is 65 feet in diameter. The remaining two tanks are. mounded and are 80 feet in diameter. The area within the rectangular road pattern of the facilities at Poltava, Stryy, and Tartu is not clearly defined, but the visible outlines suggest mounded tanks. TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF FIGURE 2. SELECTED PROBABLE POL STORAGE SITES. Note the similarity to the new construction in the northern sector of the lppolitovko POL site. TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 D CONCLUSIONS 'fie existence of LOX rail cars and storage facilities for LOX cannot be determined from the extremely small-scale photography covering the Ippolitovka site. The buildings constructed since _ cannot be confirmed or negated as providing facilities for LOX production or f~ missile storage. The 15 mounded POL tanks added since _ appear to be for conventional POL storage. The fact that the activity in the northern sector of the site is located within a large POL storage facility supports the as- sumption that it provides additional storage and handling facilities for POL products, although it has been compared with facilities not as- sociated with large storage sites. In general, the Ippolitovka site appears to be a regional POL installation serving the many nearby air- fields. !,L'~PS OR CHARTS. Ippolito~ ka ACIC. LS Target Complex Chart, Series ?_v, Sheet 0?6?-99-}5-0-'5A, 1st ed, Oct 55, scale 1:?_x,000 (CO_~FIDE\TLaL) SAC. L'S Air Target Chart, Series ?00, Sheet 0?6?_-?lA, ?d ed, Jul 59, scale 1:?00,000 (SECRET) SAC. IIS Air Target Chart, Series X00, Sheet 0?_91-1 A, 1st ed, Jun v6, scale 1:?_00,000 (SECRET) 70P SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF .-lstral:han SAG L''S Air Target Chart, Series 300, Sheet 0?45-14A, 1st ed, Aug 59, scale 1:300,000 (SECRET) Poltava SAC. US Air Target Chart, Series ?00, Sheet 0?3-1-11A, ?d ed, Jun 60, scale 1:?00,000 (SECRET) Str~-~? SAC. US Air Target Chart, Series 300, Sheet 0333-30A, 1st ed, .Aug 57, scale 1:300,000 (SECRET) SACS US Air Target Chart, Series .00, Sheet 0153-13A, _?d ed, Jan 60, scale 1:?00,000 (SECRET) >~ DOCL"~SE1TS 1. SAC. DPIR-R'36-57, 30 \tay 57 (TOP SECRET 2. Arms, Moscow. 31 Oct 59 (SECRET) 3. Air, \Soscow?~ 1S Apr 60 (SECRET) 4. ACIC. TIS 0363-9945, Aug 55 (SECRET) 5. Air, Afoscow 5 Sep 5D (gECRET) 6. Air, ~loscoK? 15 Dec 60 (gECRET) 7. Air, ?Moscow 37 Jul 61 (SECRET) TOP SECRET RUFF ~r a .Pagb TC7P . ~,SFCR~T ~If'IC/R-93/63. - _ . Mq :.1963: , -SA-~~- SA~NI ~-S;IT"E . ~EAR~.:t~...#~ARTA' MINICARD COPY. .:~#~ci.nd~e v:? ~~~Y Tafis -dee(eenent contains dessified infonnofiea a'ffeClir-a #h~ 9~ctional . secvtil~. of the I,IaiRed `Stoles within tl~s mseninp.bf, the ~spiorrays .lows Li. S. rode'-Titi~r"? ~$,,, SectYaas :7~3 and;79t.. Tfis taw,~jac,?!ts trasesmis:ion :;.w nisi _t!iwinfion? of its .contents In any raaamlr to :a:a,'imoutl~aed prtyen es sahtt. ar if~fefRef of'tl> Liniiid. '$+1_afes gr .~of' tTfs iteee~t o`[ iya~y foreign poveMtberM to tl~e dtriiaerat of if> ile~ited States. It is to Ere, ^, -w~. , ~}y ~3F~IrhiopmrJ.gEpeetall;r2ndoctraaated amloatl+arizsd to sues;v~'T1~Eli'f:1Ci_YffaLE-i+-ioemation. '1ts-'s~eur3a+p ?awsf be.iaai~oinea 3o._Dace'daa>!ce-with-lCEYIiOLE arrd TIIILENT eeyviatiass_ ` -- ;: _ ;~_, ,=~ _ , -.. ,_ :NATIONAL : PHO'~"tJGRAPi-11C ,t1~iTEI~~'RE`fAZfON CENTER TOPS SECRET GROI}P 1 Eae4Ay b... .ur.~sw. - TOP SECRET Rl1FF SA-2 SAM SITE NEAR DJAKARTA, INDONESIA An SA-2 SAM site has been identified on KEYHOLE 25X1 D photography of at 06-03-205 106-38-1OE, 13.5 nautical miles nort~!est of Djakarta, Indonesia. The site appears complete. TOP SECRET RUFF