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Approved For Release 2001/08/20 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300090012-0 Approved For Release 2001/08/20 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300090012-0 MILITARY' INSTALLATIONS (AREA 3) PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKIY, USSR , Ha.ndl~ Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Control Only This document,contoin , classified information effect ng the national security of the United Statni ~itkin the peoning of the tripional. laws U. S. Code Title 18, '~ections 793 and 794. The low prohibits iti transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to on unauthorized person, as well as its S. ,, ,ny --, prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign gover-ont to the 0~,:.t,rirhont of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and outho,;zed to i~* TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its securif,t must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. DECLASS REVIEW BY NIMA / DoD P Approved For Release 2001/08/20: CIA-RDP!78TO5439A000300090012-0 TOP SECRET RUFF NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER T'tI. Military Installations (Area 3) JGr?o Coo'ds COMOR No Publication No: None NPIC; K-3ti; 04 NPIC To ,gat No: BE No Dote 0104-11 None Januarv 1Q64 R.fe..nces: L'SATC Series 200, Sheet 0104-17A, 2d ed, Jun 58 (S) 120 by 40 ft storage building (4,SOOsq ft) and one 60 by 20 ft support building (1,200 sq ft). SE of the center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiv (Figure 1) at 53-OIN 158-301: (L' I M 57t_'%'L'781- A military barracks area with billeting fa- It covers 12 acres and contains twelve 60 cilities for 040 troops (based on 50 sq ft of by 25 ft storage huildngs (18,000 sq ft ). floor space per man) is located 2.S miles SIi of the center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy at 53- OIN 15S-42E (L I NI 57LV'L'78875Q). It covers IS acres and contains 17 buildings:_ eleven Q5 Another storage area is located 1.7 miles by 45 ft barracks (47,025 sq ft),onc 40 by 320 ft SE of the center of 1'etropavlovsk-Kamchatskiv administration building (12,800 sq ft), one 45 by at 53-02N 15S-40L (U I M 57C'V'L775760). It 105 ft administration building (3,775 sq ft) and4 covers 7 acres and contains 5 buildings: three support buildings from 40 by 110 ft to 15 by 25 1185 by 65 ft storage buildings (36,075 sq ft ),one ft ^150 sq ft ). TOP SECRET RUFF