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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300280002-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300280002-0 - 4 7 DECLASS! FliCATI9N REVIEW by NIMNDOD43/17/00 2- ? 141140BANDUN FOR; ATTLiimMNI. . _ . OBI ? *ROUGE 'Chici,-Requixemnte :Brunch, Recunnaissnce OrcUP).= . s PROMczuer, 6IA/PID:(NFIO). - - BUBJBC21 Highway-StUdy, Route 4,.4, tens -south Vietnam - *REFER:ACES (1) iftlquiremenit- N. C-E1-4-81,0)2 - (2). CIA/Piroject No. C 392164' TCS No. 3.480/64 /..14 115/ol& 10 March ..-45.11 Ccpy Chi 11.1' dolleetitm Guirience St:a.ff ??? 1. Thie:Memorundum is- in response the referenced requirement rec,uestints '? ? j ,-;rizi...veis ,a33-4 graphic Trafficability of Itute and .any newly c--tittracte'l unnumbered rotates. , - . I nTh ra:LAA c,13, s. to-width, surface, landslide ar6i2..s,..butt1enecks, newly ie.:Aar:traction bridges, road corfstalacti..m (allgt=ent -and. videninz) and et-ging areas". . 1 . ? C. Irticn. un any pertinent chanGes upc.n receipt "c?-.11 new cover.:ze, ? ? ? for the mar44-m c the S01412 .Vietnzam. Task Fee.StuCiy. ? 2. -Rotate' 9, .which cc net the 14,-.7tiaira. .(16 ',5aFt 1014' 4-11-0-.1.rith the Sout Vietzia..-aeser, city of 3Xxag-l.fal (i N -'"11.07 GT), is rztely 330 km :1n. This mad; whieb' was a major loz.-Ig-istical supply rzYute.between southern 1..aos Ln.d the rhArthern area 'o.-1 Eciuth?Vietn., formas? ? ' :junctions .01-h, P--ute 13 t iSens:). Junction (13 - 104 5) vith Route 123t-cut -16 3-44i. 105 55g Ftdaw 10.'5 cll.:). Enclosed s-41n-Dtetefa ph&,:to CLA/PIWIE-P-14-2/64 siai.?ws Sea() - The maj.or portion of this 25X1 D -,mte.4-4.VPet4.r tc.,?.' be -heavily travelled,. as reve..f.leil by photography taken betliteen RcWever, that perion?_:'1.f the road the ..ta.:?e/iScixth Vietntiza - s ...en b.ndned, ecec tLt sh.,;:rw cmycigri. f use-dna-ins the.t. time.. Rt..aate prove .' alteznate ? roads .fos-r short .sections of '11.)ute 9. ? The sc.me;genera.1.?ConaiteLons prey,..11 Rcut4i )A aire present on R;.;nte j. ' 3. 'The surface of Ec..ute from zr3th.b1turinz;us treated secti.cm in the via-inity? Of Tche:;:ne. (16- 24-31t 3,0-?; 141,7) ??.i.nt:1.in between Senn Junc:tion to a rough al.nst impib1e ectin ne.,r the Li.--;--oS/Suth ..r.der. Mast f the hwevez.7, appe-ga-s to h.we n el.rth surf.ce, -which is ft? L ' 4 sr. 25X1D C. SUP476=: _BIghw4y Study, :Route reint9med with grmrel ?Dr br,.Aten siiitee: The encicsed n..tte1m6.ps (cinirIDAB. P-42464,0 p437/64 ;.420- P-441/64) sh.w the.loCutin &I' the various surface. condition. .over Its ent.r rou;e s well. .s ckher ?pertinent e,J.t-kihich4were relauested The. ..enclo&ed e.nnotted.ph7itos CIJ.01D/IB-P-43C/64 throm0 varus ConOit-. from ' The bituptin..:,us tre.:.teci-cections (.4' the rc.z.ld tui.d ions at fQuna-- Balite.), The i.-d is 41th rea,aw,.y wi4ths- ' shz7ulders. The reminder =:,17. the r-c-:i ws grAided, re1ative3,rnamv shom14ers thrL:uchut. ? , 4. ="R.-Axte.) truvnrses relatively.level termin except in,the_gener..1.1 a&v..th between the 1,:losiScArdlifietnam Borer IL $out:hlietni..m (1L'4811 - 101 OC), 'where the Chine A.snmitique Mountuins are encoUntered. spee,:is sht..uld n:.;t be unuly restricted by gmder or etarves except j.ri the.aro,reeationed-m.:untqins. .1f,7; likely 1,(4ndslide fIrcs were -noted 4aongthe 5. .43'nizr7calb 1"cility, ?bine, w,..s ,-!b4erved. IV.. fuel-sup1714es could be identifiea. 25X1D 25X11) 25X1A ? 6. Al/ brides, on Route- consUdere:!-, bcttlenecke. Abc typic.d. bridge -11.1.3iiis route. except the.tf.mc locte. .n the: 1hicic CIVP1.5/IF-,-P-433/64 were mingle-14.4ne; thcref,:.re they must be l.asure CLJPILIIE-P-431A.1.4 is a photo c)f All Strei.mr were briaged an1 41 bridges were abandcmed sectic..n the rod ne,ar the bor;ler. is a, ph&q..., or this bridge .41cl it .envirns.. Wprtl rrinted by the 4'%rm.7. Mp Service, ec,xms Series L50), 13.4p:a W.T.3. 4.3-14 thru NE photo r.1ytEcn-t4is Troject were lees. 4,xt.m.nr-lon 254, .should ..Lny :A.ueSti,=s arise conterning this =emor....n..11T71. .r.acis is ....nowr to the refereucc.j.. requiremenV,.. ? rarsCLIQe1317 3 Annoti.ited (CV/PIEIIP..21-424 11-437 OThi P-441164) 4 4Aniapk;tated Pb?.,:tos (c-WpW/E-p..4,30b4 thmu4Sa P-4,33/64) 25X1A ? ? , to 25X1A 6 ? - INDOCHINA AND THAILAND 1:250,000 r R ET - teas, Tuo-Lare, irarcvect, Ere. ----;e1 Imnsmula unirprevel ? Jeep trail Pees ?- I trail iossibleL r.toraEe Passible ..ariater_ance 4 CIA/PTD/==P-441/614 ---- ? KRUNG TI-IEP RAT61ASIMA. MAMA SARAKHAN, 1,:+1,710,4 FO, V:11,1 SUPPI.ECFg`f RDI :EST EDITION 2-AMS REFER 10 7,-,S 8.4.8 NE 48-14 SER ES 1-8.--3 SE.. AST, SNEET NE 48 14 ECITITS ! No1 , GLOSSAE, G1.0SSA,F.8 ''___TOR_iSECRET=CHESS-;7.: 88:11S., ET ARVT v, Sr, OF 2 CON- !?.--7A=. AL ST 1.1E7 EPS Wirk SPPLEN1E`.7 AR, C121.73-815 AT T5 METER INTEN AL'S 784_1..T . ETA SE. VEN:ATOR I, A .T,ECT:C.. t?-? - , , ?". r ? - - - ? - ? -- . ' -.. - -- ,-- '- ,_ '-''--1-,-, -:--- :-_____ppea,.6;wea??"- Erys & 1i-cads Two-lace, i=oved? cum-face treated, grade ? ? T.,10 ic-r_roved, graded ? ?? ? mu Str-gle-lase, iricroved 4 amasullmo Icricrcroved , Jeep trail' rt'?:!---4r-.7't..?ZC-i 2 Pack. ar.-al trail ^ Bridge Ford 410- Ferry ? Possible POL stsrate e rairtenance facilities A - ; ? -4, _ ? _ SECRET-CHESS Scale 1250.000 ? 4, . 8?62 MKT. ST A., NA} SERVICE_ [-,11.5 [..1%L.C125 C0,1twe ,cr0evel_ 100 METERS . TR:O.SVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION L.?.1 ? -L.:7..1: =L.- ? HUE. VIETNAM; LAOS INDOCHINA AND THAILAND 1:250.CCO. ? I.\-. 1- I - , - , - - ? , ? . /- - _ - ? I\ _j . j _ - SAIGON HAIPHONG - NAM C.N!1 Sc.-2.!e 1:2E.C.CCO INDOCHINA AND THAILAND 1:250,000 CLACS?THAILAND VIET ,TOP SECRETCHESS 0.1C CJ-ll3IOE - 1,04/ ArANG - 1,00. 1144,1 T D NE 48-15 _ M;intenance ends ? here to border __1.110:1 WAR-, TOP SECRET-CHESS F.7.ALE TSX' TCHEFONE. LAOS: THAICAND: VIETNA1',1 '