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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/05/11 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300330174-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/11 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300330174-4 l .. NPIC/R-314/64 May 1964 m tpy of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission br- tifie revelation of its contents in' any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner ~-- sreifudieiol to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially jndoctrinated_and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and BARANOVICHI ARMY` BARRACKS __SW BARANOVICHI,?- USSR BELORUSSIAN MD-, Declass Review, -- NtIMA/DoD _-TALENT regulations. NAT1QNAt PHOTOcRAP - HC -INTERPRETATION CENTER Handle v1'? TALENT - KEYHOLE Control_?Only-___ TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF This report is one in a series on Soviet Ground Force and logistic installations being prepared for a I)IA,CIA Panel. 1h(2 series is being coordinated, publisjicd and disseminated by NPIC. The photo-raphit analysis is being performed IW [rie \!'I(1 Photographic .\nalksis Group, the CIA Photographic Intelligence 1)i~ision (.\P1C), and the Production Center 1Plc. (I)1_A). the photographic analysis for this particular re- port was performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and letter designators for the facilities observed at these installations are identical with those appearing in the project requirement. A\hen a specific fLicility is not^ observed both its title and letter designator are oiiiitted in the report. lilies and letter dell nators tor. the various facilities are as follows: (A) railroad service, (Li) road service, (C) landing strips, (D) a dminirtr.itivc and troop housing areas, (1_) storage areas, (F) am- munition .storage area.., ((_;) PUI. stura=e areas, (11) other buildings and facility' (,1) ccluipnlcnt maintenance areas, (K) athletic fields, L) sm.ill- arms firing r}rages, AIh driver training areas, iA) tank assault gun firing ranges, (P) flat ;ra cctory firing range_s, (i?) i1rtillery uni'plac~inents (bath rie.~), (IZ-) infantry or combined arms1ield train- facilities o,? tracking activity. TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Haranovichi ;\rmv Barracks Southwest is located on the Southwest edge of Baranovichi (1-igure 1). the installation is not directly rail served, but a large rail yard borders the north edge. An all-weather primary road gives the installation good access to 1_esnava, Slonim, Brest, and Bobruysk. 1 he Losnaya Military Training Area (IA-I) is located approximately 8 kilometers (km) southwest with an all-weathor road connecting -the-two installations. Barano- \fchi Army Barracks Last (AL-2) is in close proximity and is connected by a road network with the Army Barracks Southwest. The installation covers approximately 250 acres and includes two administrative buildings, 10 ba-rracks, 67 storage buildings, two rever- ted -storage buildings, 28 support buildings, The installation is not directly rail served; however, it is bordered on the north edge by a rail yard. - A primary all-weather road connecting Baranovichi with Slonim,' Brut, and the Bara- novichi-Lesnava`= 1 r ainii~g Area .:ewes the in- stallation. -lhe proximity of the installation to the urban complex gives the installation good access to city streets. Administrative and Troop Housing Areas Area DI (1- figure 3) contains one admin- istrative builO5 f3, four ha:'racks, and ei_ht support buildings enclosed by a ecu: itv f-_ reL . One administrative, one lu tracks, 11;,i tvvO support buildings have been constructed since and 21 vehicle storage/maintenance buildings (l igure_ 2 and 3). A small arm:: firing range and drill field are also located in the installation. 111,? area is covered by WI :\LENd pho- tography and 11 KEYHOLE missions between Comparative analysis . e , _ aled the same apparent general level of usage between with reduced usage during the winter months. Si_*nificant changes from -include the addition of one barracks, one administrative buildings, 41 storage and t,,-,o .evened storage buildings, 12 support build- ings, and 12 vehicle storage/maintenance sheds-: No significant changes have occurred since 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 2.5X1 D INSTALLATION 25X1D I ALEN_I coverage. Area. D2 contains one administrative building and six barracks with heavy track activity evident. Both areas are occupied. General Storage Areas 25X1D25X1D Area El contains six storage buildings,. to constructed since Area 1:2, ._.unsecured, -contains -30 small- storage buildings, all const ucte~ since Areas E3, secured, and L4: contain nine and 13 buildings respectivel} . 25X1 D Extensive track activity ~~as observed throughout the areas between 25X1D Ammunition Storage Areas - Area 1 contains two -evened, 7t'-bv.35- foot ammunition storage buildings, bunke:-.e Con- 2 5X1 D 25X1 D. 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF RAIL CLASSIFICATION AND REPA'R YARD Rai road, double track Railroad. single track Road Fence ------ Area outline E3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO BOB RU V SK-&i EST H I G-':- ~ TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF FIGURE S. BARANOVICHI ARMY BARRACKS SOUTHIW'EST. Sketch co,mr:.'ed WATER TREATMENT BASIN_ 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 D Other Buildings Thirteen support building; ~~er observed in Area 11, eight of which have been con;truc- 25X1 D25X1 D by 5() feet, one 100 by 30 feet (new ), two 150 by Fit feet (new), one 300 by 80 feet, one 180 by 60 feet (new), and three support build- ing. Approximately 10 acres have been added for motor pool space. Three support build- ings were also observed. Area J3 contain; a 200- by 0,5-foot and a 200- by 35-foot building. Lxtensiye track activity in all areas in- Area J1 contains five vehicle ;het; (three 210 by 65 feet and two 18S by b0 feet), and six support buildings. All but two of the 210- by 65-foot sheds and two support buildings arc new since Area J2 contains the following buildings and sheds: (those new since _are so in- dicated) five 320 by 60 feet (new), four 180 P UOT06 R.N P H 1 25X1 D dicates they are occupied. 25X1 D A new, 430- by 70-foot small arms firing range (Area L, Figure 3) was observed. The small range observed in has been removed. \IAP< OR Cli\HT- l-5 :Air Target Chart. eerie- 2(11). ~,heet' 1G~-1 ll1 . :ad ed, Dot 62 (rE:CRE:"h) t'r Air Tar_et Cor.plev ) art. eerie - l~n~, Sheet S ilt'^-:ee,1, 2d ed. l ( ?l~ ii-1 (SECRET) D0Ctk I E\Tr Arcs. DPIR-t-..., i.-. :