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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78T05439A000500060057-2.pdf258.54 KB
Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500060057-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000500060057-2 Copy TCS-80439/65 6 Pages April 1965 SOVIET MILITARY ORDER OF BATTLE TRANSCAUCASUS MD DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW by NIMA/DOD 4/19/00 Handle Via TALENT -.KEYHOLE Control Only This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the. meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and.794. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner- to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner .prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with_ KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER .! 7223 . oe~ TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only This report is one in a series on Soviet Ground Force and Logistic installations being prepared for a DI:\ /C.1:\ Panel. The series is being coordinated, published and disseminated by NPIC. The photographic analysis is being performed by the NPIC Photographic Analysis Group, the CIA Photographic Intelligence Division (NPIC), and the Production Center 1Pla (DI:\). The photographic analysis for this particular re- port was performed by the Production Center 1 P l a. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and letter designators for the facilities observed at tl),ese installations are identical with those appearing in the project requirement. When a specific facility is not observed both its title and letter designator are omitted in the report. Titles and letter designators for the various facilities are as follows: (A) railroad service, (13) road service, (C) landing strips, (17) administrative and troop housing areas, (1=) storage areas, (F) am- munitiop storage areas, (G) 1101- storage areas, (11) other buildings and facilities, (.1) equipment storage 'maintenance areas. (K) athletic fields, 1_) small arms firing ranges, (NI) driver training areas, (N) tank assault gun firing ranges, (P) flat trajectory firing ranges, (Q) artillery emplacements (batteries), (R) infantry or combined arms field train- ing areas or courses, (S) special training facilities, (T) unidentified facilities or tracking activity. Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOL Control System Only 4 I 0? TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF AMMUNITION STORAGE AREA (40-48N 044-15E) SPITAK, ARMYANSKAYA SSR, USSR. TRANSCAUCASUS MD 42" 44' 46` I I I TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF 25X1 C COMOR NO: Handle Vlo TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control,System Only TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Hcndle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System O?ly Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF SUMMARY An ammunition storage area is located in an isolated area 3 kilometers (km) southwest of Spitak and 20 km west of Kirovakan (Fig- ure 1). r The storage area is double fenced, covers approximately 50 acres, and contains 10 re- vetted buildings and a small separately-secured area. Five support buildings are outside the seciired ammunition storage area (Figures 2 and 3). - This area is covered on interpretable photography from KEYHOLE missions of - Comparative analysis reveals no change. DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATION Road service is provided by a single road from Spitak. The ammunition storage area contains 10 revetted ammunition storage buildings. This area is surrounded by a -double fence and a firebreak. A small area in the northern corner is separately fenced. Five support buildings are immediately outside the secured storage -area. 25X1 D 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control Sy seer- On!v Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Road * Fence Revetted building METERS IAPPROXIMAT TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF l!t Lei ~/ l FIGURE 3. AMMUNITION STORAGE AREA. Sketch compiled from TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1 D TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF H a-dlc Vic TALENT-KEYHOLE Control Syster Only