Proposed KIQ System for FY 1977(UNTITLED)
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August 3, 1976
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Approved For-Rele se 2006/01/03 :
Z029"0100050 0-2
3 August 1976
Proposed I{IQ S 5y t:enz -for I'S. 1977
This proposal would revise the KIQ procedure to provide internal
prioritization and would issue only a limited number of KIQs in a
single year, to give special emphasis to certain questions. The
procedures would provide a structured evaluation process. It would
be understood that the purpose of the KIQ system was to highlight a
few of the many priority questions facing intelligence foi? a period of
special attention because of policy needs or perceived opportunity for
better performance. The KIQs would not necessarily designate "super
priority" issues.
Distin iii-shing Features
IC Staff management.
G:+ Limit the number of KIQs to at most 15.
* NIOs continue Strategy Reports for KIQs and annually
assess the contribution of sources to KIQ fulfi.llmnent.
a General KIQ performance evaluation prepared by IC Staff.
Under this option, management of the .h.1Q :ogram would bu Lhc:
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respon: ibility of the Office of Policy and Plansy IC ,Staff. The
principal substantive support would be provided by the Office of
Performance Evaluation and Improvement and the NIOs.
KIQ. I'ormula.tion and Operating; Strategy
KIQs would continue to be formulated by the NIOs in consultation
with intelligence producers and 'consumers. The list would be issued
annually by the DCI with the advice of the NFIB. Although repeats
of previous years would be acceptable, care should he taken in drafting
the list to reflect current intelligence and policy needs and those other
areas of concern requiring special attention to improve Community
performance. Removal from the list would not necessarily reflect a
change in intelligence priority.
Selection of KIQs would be based on:
0 general high policy concern in relation to some phase of
the subject, e. g., MBFR, Yugoslavia succession;
ca continuing inability to resolve an intelligence issue, C. g.
missile accuracy, Soviet military expenditures; or
0 a need to energize a new field of high policy interest,
e. g. , international trade policy, terrorism, Africa, etc.
All KIQ s would receive attention . ppropriatte v ith the priority
indicated in DCID I /Z. In providing special focus on the KIQs, no
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resources would be taken off other priority issues if such change
affected the maintenance of satisfactory performance on those issues.
#>tYr zte~' Red orts
Following promulgation of the KIQs, the NIOs would prepare
Strategy Reports through interagency forluns. The IC Staff and the
NIOs would be responsible to develop a more rigorous format for
Strategy Reports to aid the performance evaluation program. KIQ
Strategy Reports would focus on changes required to improve per-
formance. They would be expected to initiate new or revised
collection requirements and revised production plans or schedules
and to specify experimental analytic projects where appropriate.
Careful consultation with resource managers would be required at
this stage.
KIQ Evaluation Procedures
The KIQ evaluation process would be part of a regular comprehensive
evaluation of intelligence performance prepared by the IC Staff. E;valuationE;
would be in two sections, each sorrlewhat different in approach and purpose.
The first section would evaluate performance against the KIQs. This
ev"a.iuatiOn would focus On progress toward i.''-,,.#N goals outlined in thi
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noting achievements and deficiencies. The second section would focus
on the general level of Community perforriiance in response to continuing
needs. All. evaluations would be based upon the assessment of per-
fo.rnuunc:e as seen by the intelligence producers, consumers, and the
NIOs, and would contain recommendations for improving performance.
in preparing the performance evaluations:
a Producers would be asked to evaluate progress in terms
of the utility of collected data, general satisfaction with
collection performance and the comparative value of
collection resources. They would also assess analytical
progress generally, including new research, data base
improvements, significant findings, and the creation of
actionable intelligence.
a Consumer satisfaction would be assessed in terms of
the responsiveness, quality, and timeliness of product
and of ad hoc support.
* The NIOs would be asked to assess overall intelligence
performance in. relation to the responsibilities of the DCI
on issues of national import. Performance data would be
quantified for the KIQs as under the present systc:rri.
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