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25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 M~M OF GO`TS Title LaiLe Main Organizational Problems ............. 1 Processing of Source Material............ 2 The Main Direction of Effort............. 4 Preliminary Technical Reports............ 6 Proposed Operations for the Period 1 1ebr ry - 1 May. 1952..........1.,.?,. Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 MAIN ORGARIZA.TIO MIS A. The abundance of Russian material both on and and at the Librar of Congress. Much of this material is of slight value for the purpose of the project; nevertheless, it had to be gone over, systematizes. weeded out, eta. 1. At the Library of Congress the difficulty was that our representative e, Miss Shane, was not cleared for Secret until the middle of December so that I could not explain to her the exact nature of the project. In addition to that she has two Russian-speaking assistants who cannot be told anything at all. The result of their activity was acquisition of some material which may be quite valuable in some other research on Russia but irrelevant so far as the present project is concerned. The technique for collecting material has been the followiig: (a) In personal contacts, about once a month, more specific direction is given and criticisms or approval of material obtained is offered. (b) From time to time (about once a month) I write Miss Shane directives listing specific items to be looked for. These are gathered by me in reading pertinent Russian literature, Monthly List of Russian Accessions, etc. Miss Shane decides which material is of sufficient value to be microfilmed wholly, or only the table of contents, or merely to report the title. Generally speaking her judgment is good, but once in a while I have to request the whole Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 1 - Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 book to be microfilmed inateaed of merely the table of contents, *to. (d) Each week we receive from the Library of Congress one or more microfilms with the table of contents of each article or book typewritten on Oza paper. In general, I should say the group at the Library of 0ongreess is doing good work with perhaps 90% of reported material being pertinent to the project. PROCESSING OF SOVBaE 25X1A5a1 the incoming material, both from the Library see and other places has to be systematized so as to make It 2 ' R`'ai for use. The microfilms have to be checked against the these cards have try' 1 4duced and items segrega%-~d according to various topics. has been in charge of this work, and e!t5 Msent time the situation is as follows: 2&began work on this project, possessed approximately 90 rolls of 35 mm. icrofilmed Russian geodetic, cartographic and geographic infozrmation. As agreed to in the terms of the contract, lists of these data were J_q*$Alto the contracting office in the form of two .bibliographic card copies for each 2~"A' dfa ch film. Since the inception of this project, holdings in terms of miorofiled rolls has increased to No. 148. Bibliographic cards for each of Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 2 ,. Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 these have been forwarded up to and including )(icrofilm. No. 125. Similar cards for the remaining films are available here, awaiting request for shipment. 2. -ch item on each film is crose-referenced according to four Classifications; namely, by author (or editor), by subject matter, by geographical area and by publishing agency, In addition to the above, complete tables of conten for each volume of those serials and periodicals most pertinent to this project, are being collected. The mechanics of the organization of the total mass of material may be of interest. Items appeaarin; ofilma received here are subjected to a preliminary examination and comparison, using a microfilm reader. Items of evident and immediate interest are tun enlarged and printed on paper and filed in folder envelopes. Prom a study of these items, selections for future study, translation, review or abstracting are made and listed under subject headings as listed in the contract. Priorities for each item are likewise established at this time and these items are then made available to various experts for their judgment of the contents of the article or articles submitted to them. In the above connection a most unfortunate aircumstance has been our inability to use the new reproduction machine. We have had to on an old and slow method of individually IWMawpsch item addition, to compete with other demands for the same machine. Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 3- Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Still another difficulty in the lack of suitable pertsonne3-. Na matter how a axeeful one is, mistake* are inevitable. t ,tte often the person turns out to be quite eompetent in hi not suitable for the purposes of the project. idef l competent both as to 1a=,. 'e and subject and having e aground to unravel the incredible complexities of Russia orni- nation of science, is very rare. ,evert 3 competent trtns- lators who are rapidly learni Russian technical terminology, but we find that there is no accepted Ruesiau-English terminolocy in cartography and geodesy. A perusal of translations coming to us from various sources (mostly Air Force) will make this :point quite cleet .r. .fie have to start our own Ruesiai -English dictionary at geodetic term which will be one of the bb-products of thin t:?or'k? Tax MO Certain general it d to in order to 'eecr p project directed toward a goal. rather than losing itself in a maze of detail. Such {general lines mEW 'be formuiated as follows3 A. organization of Russian geodesy and carto This ingolveess 1. The history of activities of such institutions an GUG=At at least since 1917- 29 The most recent organization of subdivisions o with their funetions? personnell, level of performance. relation to other mapping manias, etc. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : C A-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 fi!odeg and carte a . 1. Motion of the terrestrial pole and Its geodetic aspect. Determination of time and longitude, Ins t ntat o , 1. The quality of Russian 2. Muir dependence on the outsids world, D. ftscellaneous This takes care of items that seem to be of immediate interest to the sponsors of the project. They are usu .ly based on information supplied to us by the Air Force and aonsidered by them as not generally available in this country, Most of the work has been along the problems mentioned in of fundamental ismportance in Russian geodesy and, in facts its distinctive feature. It should be noted that up to the press rk hods in Russian geodesy and cartograp clear that subject 3 3. is studied by us has either been obtained by us from various libraries, or Is of open- aurae character. No reports obtainedby agents, by interrogation of refugees, etc, have been submitted to us. In faat, up to the present time we have had our hands full of Russian material, and probably it would be beat to concentrate on this phase, at least sources will then become necessary. Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 As emphasized by me in conferences with the sponsors of the project I am fully convinced that we have not yet wholly exploited the possibilities of the Merman captured documents in this country or abroad. There is. o doubt in mY mind that many important documents have been misplaced:, mis- laid.or overlooked and-have generally gathered dust in document deposits scattered throughout the Armed Services. P M IMINA,RY TZOKNIOAL REPORTS Several technical reports have been submitted since the inceptio of this project. The fact that each of these reports is preliminary only in character can not be overemphasized .25 f ion submitted in aoh represents only that data available a'. the report was written and, as naa, follows, preliminary evaluations and analyses only could be justified.. Additional information continues to become available on each subject described in these reports and will be incorporated at a later date in more finalized form. A. Technical Reports emanating from this Laboratory are described as falling into one of two categories. Reports with an "As classification refer to items appearing in the subject list of the first priority as listed in the contract. Items classified in the sBs category refer to second priority items of the contract. Reports are also given a consecutive numerical designation, (Al, A2, B1 and 32, etc.) Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 1. Al, Geodetic Gravin1etry in the U.S.S.R. 2. A2, The Problem of Reliability of Russian Maps. eports submitted to date include; Deformation of the Crust of the Earth sad Terrestrial Magnetism. In addition, several verbal requests for factual information or of evaluations have been answered through the medium4ersonal letters to the project officer. OSED OmATJo]FS FOR THE PERIOD 1. February - 1 May, 1952 A. Processing and evaluation of material will continue. It is expectel that approximately 49 articles will be translated during this period and condensations or abstracts of about the same number will be completed. At the present time, exhaustive study of the large number of papers ing with the educational, and with the publishing aspects in the mapping fields, is being carried out. A well-documented but preliminary report dealing with these fields should be available within a month or so. B. Travel proposed in connection with the work of this project is tentatively planned as foll2' t1A5a1 1. Second week of March - 0M on a routine trip to Washington, R.G. and to 'fork City. Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Washington, D.C. for routine coordination with the project officer and with our Library of Congress group. I. List of translations made at the Laboratory (Series A). 2. List of available translations made by other agencies (Seri 3s B). of condensations, svaa1 ations. ant c reviews (Series 0). Approved For Release 1999/09/01 .C 4-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00202A000100120001-3 LIST OF TRANSLATIONS Series A (made at MCRL) February 19, 1952 No. 1 - G. K. Zubakov and P.S. Zakatov: Training in Geodesy in the U.S.S.R., Sbornik NTiPS, gyp. 6, 1944, pp. 49-56. V No. 2 -? L. V. Sorokin: Gravimetricheskaya Razvedka (Gravimetric Prospecting) pp. 31104 in the book by L.V. Sorokin and others "Kars Geofizieheskikh Metodov Razvedki Neftyanykh Mestorozhdeniy", 1950- 0- 3 - Resolution of the Board of G.U.G.K. and order for carrying out this resolution .. Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 16, 1945, pp. 79-95- No. 4(a) - A. N. Baranov: Geodesy and Cartography during the war for the Fatherland (b) - S. G. Sudakov: The most urgent problems in the Improvement of the Fundamental Geodetic Network in the U.S.S.R. v (c) - F. N. Krasovskiy: The main Geodetic Foundation in the U.S.S.R. Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 2, 1943, pp. 1-43 V.V. Danilovs Requirements to be met by a textbook of Higher Geodesy Sbornik NTiPS9 Vyp. 20, 1945, pp. 95-93- No. 6 K.A. Kulikov, Motion of the Poles of the Farth and the Variation of Latitude -. Uspekhi Astr. Nauk, Vol. 5, 1950. No. 7 ?. Socialistic competition for higher quality of topographic--geodetic opera- tions. Leading article (unsigned) Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 24, 1949, pp. 5-5. VNo. 5 L. I. Perkis, Construction of vertical photogrammetrie networks by the grapho-analytical method. Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 24, 1949, pp. 27-35. No. 9