Career Service Panel Office of Research and Devlopment 11 September 1972

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Approved For Release I 9 1 P79-00 17A000100050008-7 Career Service Panel Office of Research and Development 11 September 1972 0900 hours Room 607 - Conference Room 1. Review of agenda for 11 September 1972 2. Review of minutes for 14 August 1972 3. a. Staff changes b. Promotions c. Trainin notes 25X1A9a 4. Report on CSP requests and recommendations 25X1A9a 5. Briefing by (BSD/ORD) (Fellowship in Congressional Operations) 6. Fitness Reports a. 25X1A9a Report letter the CSP on ORD ratings meetin fitness report as requested on 14 August at 1972 25X1A9a b. imp emen a ion o p oved Career d s (ORD-4949-72) 25X1A9a bwbw 7. Review Criteria 25X1A9a 8. Nominee for Midcareer Executive Development Course #34 (5 November - 22 December 1972) 9. Decision on date for the Performance Appraisal Workshop 25X1A9a 10. Recom n for Quality Step Increase g ORD) (AN , s ep to GS-13, step 3 25X1A9a EX-2 APDIR WN - ISM TCLASSFED. pR~ cr Release I 999/p i'~.~ A.,I~pW-00317A000100050008-7 Approved For RBI-ease 19 4 /O1- e9A 79-00317A000100050008-7 CAREER SERVICE PANEL Minutes of the Meeting 11 September 1972 A 61 : (Arrived 9:35 A. M.) (Departed 11:30 A. M.) (Arrived 9:30 A. M.) (Departed 11:30 A. M.) ecretary 1. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 0905 hours. 2. There was one addition to the agenda for 11 September 1972: 11. New business 25X1A9a a. Proposed revised ORD Charter 3. moved to approve the minutes for 25X1A9a 14 August seconded the motion. Vote unanimous of those mem ers present. Motion carried. 25X1A9a 4. submitted his monthly report 25X1A9a CSP members in written form. (Copy is attached) also stated that at a recent Personnel Officers __ Personnel had stated that clerical help is going toVbe5harder to come by due to the high cost of living in this area and the publicity on the danger of living in the D. C. area. 5. M reported the following: a. Dr. Stevens was not able to attend the CSP meeting because of a scheduled meeting at Headquarters. b. The Special Panel/ORD was now working on a schedule for both promotion and evaluation consideration for clerical and secretarial personnel. c. Criteria being established by the Special. Panel/ORD on evaluating GS-4s through GS-9s. Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000R0W446 9 25X1A9a WN - SISAMI Approved For Rease 1999109101 : CFA-RDP79-00317A000100050008-7 25X1A9a 6. briefed the CSP on his thoughts and experiences as a Fellow in Congressional Operations from September 1971 to September 1972. stated that those 25X1A9a represented in his group were political scientists from universities, generalists, political reporters representing such newspapers as the Boston Record, Daily News, Miami Herald, etc and federal l ., emp oyees from government agencies such De t par ment of agriculture, GAO, Navy, OEO, etc. 25X1A9a went on to tell about his experiences, both with PF a e 25X1A9a and House of Re r sentatives. At the conclusion, 25X1A9a thanked for the CSP members on his excel en briefing. 7. The CSP members then discussed their various thou hts d on sen ing an ORD em to ee into aining such as 25X1A9a 25X1A9a had just completed, felt it was no a pro em for ORD to solve on h an opportunity to 25X1A9a 25X1A9a use this training. elt that the training had ose CIA 9a - ng v+..p ill Zvi i doesn't make employees o CIA look like "spooks." 25X1A9a also stated that the next time the Panel i nom nates an employee for such training that the members give thought to the ur e of such training. Such an experience stat d , e 25X1A9a does not qualify an employee for a liaison job. would not recommend anyone for this type o -o"6W and "un-goal" oriented training -- to put back 25X1A9a as a Technical Officer is a waste of one year for the Agency and the man. Management must show some initiative in p1lanning some future for these selected individual ly discussions and without much guidance as to options, indicated 25X1A9a desire to return to the technical field. It was felt by some -- h e ~ a.ha.. ? rents of 25X1A9a , ? ,- were being wasted in ORD. felt that the CSP 25X1A9a 25X1A9a /W ~w LVU.U ,uaxe sure tnat other opportunities, if they exist, ii5_th~9AAgency be made available to 25X1A9a iff XX1 stated that the following would be done on a. Talk to and find out how he feels about future career p ans and assignments now that he has completed his Fellowship in Congressional Operations. 25X1A9a b. Recommend approval to the D/ORD that this Office ask the DD/ST Career Board to search out some opportunity 25X1A9a for where his training in Congressional Operations could be used to the advantage of the Agency and make it available to 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000100050008-7 Approved For Rea se 79-00317A000100050008-7 c. Recommend in a formal memorandum to the 25X1A9a DD S T the "R" Career Service take advantage of unique capabilities, as well as his discipline; and that every effort should be extended to find a suitable assignment for him to use these capabilities. 25X1A9?1. CSP members then discussed the report submitted by 25X1A9a ZI the Agency. told the CSP members that he had circul t d 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a a ORD-4949-72 re Implementation of Improved Career Selection Procedures for their information only. 11. Rev' X 9 oposed evaluation criteria was presented by The CSP members discussed their various views on additions or deletions to the Professional Ranking Evaluation Criteria (was known as Potential Ranking emorandum dated 6 September 1972 prepared by Chairman, Sub-Panel for Evaluation Criteria.) 12. tated that the proposed evaluation criteria i not bring out sufficiently another important factor--an employee's ability to understand his own role with respect to the larger frames of community, agency and office activity. Some individuals are not capable of grasping what the larger purposes and goals are in a complex situation and what should be done beyond a direct assignment. These individuals are not as productive and responsive as a position may require and are poor prospects to assume larger responsibility. felt that more prominence should be given to the "a i ity to grasp the larger icture" factor in the criteria outline. felt had made a good point. He e at D was in a new forward-looking year and the intent addresses creativity which needs to be included in the criteria. 13. moved that the report on Professional Ranking Eva uation Criteria be amended to make Creativity as Item g. under JOB PERFORMANCE of the listing and to accept these criteria as guidelines during the evaluation exercise. seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Motion 25X1A9a 25X1A9a carried. 25X1A9a 14, moved that the CSP recommend AN ORD for a Qualit S crease from GS-13, step 2 to GS-13, step 3. seconded the 25X1A9a motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carried. Approved For Release 1999/09/01: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100050008-7 Approved For14elease I 99910-3/0F : CIA RDP79-00317A000100050008-7 25X1A96 25X1A9a 15. moved that be recommended as a nominee tor e idcareer Executive eve o men e, No. 34 from 5 November to 22 December 1972. 25X1A9a seconded the motion. Vote unanimous. Motion carrie . 25X1A9a 16, asked the CSP members to review the proposed revise ORD Charter as submitted by 25X1A9a Discussion was tabled until the meeting following t e reorganiz~tg the Office. 17. moved that the CSP table decision on date for e Performance Ap op until the first of the calendar year 1973. seconded the motion. 25X1A9a Four members voted for and two opposed the motion. Motion carried. 25X1A9a 18. The next meeting of the CSP was scheduled for 2 October 1972. (Postponed until 10 October 1972) 19. ed that the meeting adjourn at 1145 hours, seconded the motion. Vote was, unanimous. Motion carried. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a ExecuLive secretary Career Service Panel/ORD Attachments: 2 APPROVED: 25X1A9a ChairmanLQ P/ORD Approved For Release 1999/09/01.: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100050008-7