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Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000200010002-6 1 "AlUEWflY ea i!1 1330 hours 607 Conference CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2 December 1974 Room 1. Review of agenda for 2 December 1974 2. Review a. b. c. of minutes for the following: 30 October 1974 4 November 1974 12 November 1974 3. Rotation (PAS Personnel) 4. Comparative Ratings 25X1A9a 5. Quality Step Increase Recommendations (All Divisions) 6. Selection of Candidates for ORD Letter of Commendation (All Divisions) 7. Qualit Step Increase Recommendation - , DPR/ORD 25X1A9a GS-14, step 9 to GS-14, step 10 8. Promotion Recommendation TCR/ORD 25X1A9 a GS-12 to GS-13 9. Competitive Evaluation GS-9's - GS-11's 10. New business Approved For Rel EYES -k L. ' /64 Y 9',E - KITE-71NAL USE ONLY : CIA-RDP79-00317A000200010002-6 Approved For Release 199 17400200010002-6 AN- IM to L 4 CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2 December 1974 Attendees 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Chairman 25X1A9a OT ORD C/DPR/ORD 25X1A9a C/TCR/ORD C/MS/O RD is, AC/PAS/ORD C/LSR/ORD D C/OT/ORD 25X1A9a Executive Secretary Recording Secretary Absentee 25X1A9a C/CDAM/ORD TCR/ORD 1. The meeting was called to order at 1440 hours by the Chairman. 2. The following items were added to the Agenda for 2 December 1974, under NEW BUSINESS: a. Promotion Recommendations - GS-14 to GS-15 (1) (2) b. Rankin Results 25X1A9a c. Personnel Recommendations for Assignment 25X1A9a 25X1A6a 3. The minutes for 30 October, 4 November and 12 November 1974 were approved as written. 25X1A9a 4. told the Panel that he had prepared a report for the D/ORD on Personnel Rotation and Transfers between Divisions in ORD, between Directorate components, and between Directorates. He told the Panel that a copy of the Approved For Release E2 IMPDET CL BY 464869 0317A000200010002-6 Approved For Release ,199 - 0317.( 00200010002-6 25X1A9a 4. (Cont'd) L report with revisions would be sent to them in the very near future. considers "rotation" to mean the deliberate movement of a man from one assignment to another. A plan to return him to his former unit may or may not be required. He stated that some of the recommendations made as to why the Agency should encourage rotation were: 1) keep employees alert and interested, 2) provide new challenges, particularly in the research and development area, 3) make room for new interactions between employee and supervisor, 4) provide employees with a broader perspective of the Agency, 25X1A9a and 5) develo a cadre of experienced employees from which to promote. also stated that he felt that rotation could be viewed from three viewpoints: the top manager looking down, the manager or supervisor of the employee, and the employee looking up. Some of the advantages of rotation to a top manager were discussed such as it might provide him with a reservoir of people who have a broad knowledge of the Agency and can assist him in identifying the people who can perform a wide variety of assignments; a disadvantage might be the decrease in efficiency of an office while training employees on the job. Rotation to an employee might mean more experience and exposure, and a better statistical chance to work with a supervisor who allows him to develop his cap- abilities and allows him to develop for promotion. Some of the dangers of rotation for an employee would be a forced rotation; care should be taken that an employee agrees and actively participates in the rotation. The advantages to the immediate supervisor is the knowledge that he will get recognition for cooperating and recognizing that one of his goals is to train people. However, it was noted that it would be difficult for a supervisor to give up personnel when he had goals and deadlines to accomplish. 25X1A9a proposed that every four months a rotation of two people within ORD, with concurrence of the Division Chief and the employee, should be made for one or two year assignments. This would total about six people rotating within ORD per year. DD/S&T rotations would concern two people from each Office, once or twice a year, to go into a general selection pool. Drafts from the pool would be by offices, in turn. DD/S&T and other Directorate rotations should be handled at the Directorate level. Additional 25X1A9a information is contained in the Rotation paper is sending to CSP members. 25X1A9a felt that in speaking for the employees rotation is viewed as a lost year - or lost time. He stated the concern that rotation adversely affected their fitness reports; and although they might learn a new skill, they ,} Approved For Release 1999/09/06,~79-00317A000200010002-6 Approved For Release,1999/09 4. (Cont'd) 3174p00200010002-6 have lost ground relative to their contemporaries when they return to their old office. He concluded that there were so many variables that an employee would not favor rotation in the absence of a strong, comprehensive, office-wide or Directorate-wide formal program with official management support. Some different approaches to rotation were proposed such as: 1) avoid structured rotation and give ORD employees more exposure at Office and Directorate levels; 2) career development, gaining more technical experience, and more managerial responsibility might be reasons for rotation but a higher grade was the incentive; 3) identify business areas in other offices as far as analysis of what help other offices need and tell employee that he is doing market research for new activities in order that he might apply this knowledge when he returns to ORD; 4) that short term rotations may be more acceptable to employees and equally beneficial to the Agency, i.e., 3-6 months. 25X1A9a felt that the discussion on rotation would require a check into middle-level employees' views on rotation. He inquired also on what kind of action the CSP wanted to take on the subject of rotation. The thinking of the CSP members is summarized as follows: a. Define rotation and its objectives. b. What is the proposed program for rotation within ORD and other Agency offices? c. Is it mandatory that ORD have a program of rotation - is there a charge to the CSP/ORD? d. If there is, what will be the proposed schedule of rotation. e. Identify ways of drawing attention to ORD employees who are potentially available for rotation. f. Find out the attitude of the employee on 25X1A9a rotation. told the Panel that the topic of rotation woul be put on the Agenda at an appropriate time in the future when the CSP m tubers make the necessary data analysis. NOTED: RD Approved For Release 1999/ DATE : r 7-Z;zi ?j T ~ -00317A000200010002-6 Approved For Relea _19 =003174000200010002-6 5. The definitions of-comparative ratings were then discussed. It was recommended by the DD/ORD that ORD continue to use the comparative rating definitions as decided upon at the CSP meeting on 7 October 1974, until such time when 25X1A9a DD/SFjT has completed a uniform ranking system for DD/SET. stated this information should be available by the first of next year. 12, NOTED: DATE: D O RD 7c/ 6. The Chairman then brought up the item of new business: Ranking Results introduced by 25X1A9a made the following statement: 25X1A9a Speaking for the employees, the CSP is commended for not wishing to place any ORD personnel in the "C" category. I would point out, however, that by this action, a disservice is being done to all employees for the following reasons: a) Those persons who may be borderline or really deserve a "C" rating are being falsely misled to believe they are performing satisfactorily, thereby denying them the motivation to improve themselves; b) for those persons who are in fact performing satisfactorily, their "B" ranking is being diluted by the inclusion of low performers or assignment problem employees; c) if a RIF should develop, all personnel will come from the "B" category, and those selected will be justifiably surprised, while the Government's grounds for selection will be less supportable and possibly open to legal challenge. I, therefore, suggest that if the "A," "B," and "C" ranking system remains, that a hard look at groupings should be taken to insure that short-term painful decisions are not avoided at the expense of long-term ORD personnel administration. 25X1A9a stated that the DD/S1T Senior Board is confronted with the same problem with regard to structuring the "B" category. It is felt that if there is no one placed in the "C" category, the "B" category should be so divided that an employee can be told where he stands in this category. told the Panel that DD/S&T is considering several alternatives for subdividing, e.g.: 25% upper "B," 25% lower "B," and 50% middle "B." ORD will have to wait until firm instructions are received from DD/S&T on a system of notification and the course of action to be taken on employees in the "C" category. 25X1A9a told. that his comments were well DATE: ly_Z7! 25X1 A9E Approved For Release I 999/0 ,/ kS ~ I F P79-00317A000200010002-6 Approved For Release 1 00317.000200010002-6 25X1A9a .1 ; y - 25X1A9~a reported to the Panel that a QSI for Secretary,.DD/ORD had been approved by the Special Panel/ORD. The Panel had also approved a promotion 25X1A9a recommendation for Secretary, CDAM/ORD from GS-06 to GS-07. 8. The following names were submitted as possible recipients of the.ORD Certificate of Commendation: 25X1A9a / ORD SR/ORD PAS/ORD /ORD CDAM/ORD ORD S/ORD /ORD RD The following names were selected to submit to the D/ORD for consideration of Special Recognition (ORD Award or Recommendation to Honor F Merit Awards Board): 25X1 A9a , DPR/ORD ORD The following names were selected to submit to the D/ORD for consideration for the ORD Certificate of Commendation: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a DATE : -1 "j, 7 ./ 7 Y 25X1A9a 9. moved to recommend approval to the D/ORD on the Quality Step Increase Recommendation for DPR/ORD, from GS-14, step 9 to GS-14, step 10. seconded the mo,i'1on. The,Panel concurred unanimously. Motion carried. 25X1A9a APPROVED: 5 Approved For Release 1999L Will IU4 ! Z DATE: / Y & X79-00317A000200010002-6 P 25X1A9a APPROVED : Approved 161!~ l as 19 7.0-003174POO200010002-6 "21.W 25X1A9a 10. moved to recommend approval to the D/ORD on the promotion recommendation for TCR/ORD, from GS712 to GS-13. secon e t e motion. 25X1A9a DATE: hI 25X1A9a 11. moved to have consideration and 25X1A9adiscussion on the promotion recommendations for and postponed until could be present at the meeting, and that a special session of the CSP be 25X1A9a scheduled. The Pane curred. Motion carried. NOTED: DATE : 12. Competitive Evaluation - GS-11's - DPR/ORD PAS/ORD 25X1A9a ^("B" Category) NOTED: _ DATE: 7~7 D O RD 25X1A6 14 December 1974. a 13. The Chairman asked for nominations for a assignment from the ORD Division Chiefs. He stated that the memorandum of recommendation should be written for the D/ORD's signature and should be submitted to the DD/S1T by / J DATE: / Z 14. The C/SB/MS/ORD submitted his report to the CSP/ORD. NOTED: DATE : 1-7 C" 25X1A9a D 0RD 15. stated that discussion had been held at the Special Panel on creating a position for upper mobility and establishing a mechanism for moving the lower grade level people upward. a 7 NOTED: DATE: Li Approved For Release -00317A000200010002-6 (Copy attached) Approved For Release .19 00317,000200010002-6 16. The meeting adjourned at 1710 hours. 25X1A9a 26 December 1974 Date Executive Secretary Career Service Panel/ORD Attachment C/SB/MS/ORD Report 25X1A9a Date Chairman, Caree rvice Panel/ORD Approved For Release 1999/09/01 : CIA_RDP79-00317A000200010002-6