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Approved For Release 2 `r 0317AQ 00010013-4 AGENDA (Amended) CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1330 hours 607 Conference Room 1. Review of agenda for 7 October 1974 2. Review of minutes for 9 September 1974 3. Report from Chief, Support Branch/PMS/ORD 4. Report from the Chairman, CSP/ORD 5. ORD/CSP Charter 6. Report from CSP EEO Subpanel 7. Training Request - DPR/ORD Rochester Inst. of Technology "The Photographic Process as a _ , Scientific Instrument" 11/11/74 - 11/15/74 8. New business a. CSP Progress Goals for FY 75 b. GS-14 vacancy in PAS/ORD c. Promotion of GS-14's to GS-15's d.. Training Requests Approved For Rele Approved For Release 20 317A000200010013-4 CAREER SERVICE PANEL OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 9 September 1974 Attendees 25X1A9A Chairman , C/CDAM/ORD (Left the meeting at 3:30 P.M.) 1OT ORD 25X1A9A 25X1A9A C/DPR/ORD 25X1A9A C/TCR/ORD AC/PAS/ORD C/LSR/ORD TCR/ORD C/OT/ORD 25X1A9A 25X1A9A Executive Secretary Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1340 hours. There were no changes or additions to the Agenda for 9 September 1974. SUMMARY 1. MINUTES - 15 JULY 1974 Approved and accepted by the Panel as written 2. REPORT FROM CHIEF, SUPPORT STAFF/PMS/ORD See copy attached. 3. REPORT FROM THE CHAIRMAN, CSP/ORD a. The Chairman stated that the results to the reclama 25X1A9A made by ORD to protect the GS-15 positions downgraded in report to the Position Management and Compensation Division would be made available to the Division Chiefs upon receipt of Form 261, Staffing Complement Change Authorization. Discussion and review of the Position Control Register for ORD, and the results of Form 261, would be held with the Division Chiefs in order to explain how the changes affect their staffing complements. b. The Chairman reported on the Special Panel meetings held on 1 August 1974 and 5 September 1974: (1) ORD has secretarial vacancies in Programs Staff/PMS/ORD and LSR/ORD. The secretarial 25X1A9A vacancy in Contracts Staff/PMS/ORD has been filled by SPS/DD/SST. Approved For Release 200 1, Secretary Steno, GS-07 from 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release "WI SUMMARY (Cont' d) -00317gCORRECTED SHEET 10 October 1 3. REPORT FROM THE CHAIRMAN, CSP/ORD (Cont'd) (2) Promotion recommendation for Contracts Staff/PMS/ORD,?and for DPR/ORD, from GS-05 to GS-06 were considered and approved by the Special Panel, D/ORD, and Personnel. The secretaries have received their promotions. 25X1 25X1A9A 25X1A9A (3) Promotion recommendation fort Clerk Typist, CDAM/ORD, from GS-03 to GS-04 was approved to become effective in October 1974 when the minimum time in grade requirement has been met. 25X1A9A 25X1A9A stated that if wished to waive this re uirement, a memorandum would be required. 25X1A9A decided not to waive the minimum time in grade requirement. (4) The ORD secretaries have been shown a film, "Twelve Like You," concerned with motivation and training. 4. PROMOTION RECOMMENDATIONS 25X1A9A a. Phys. Scientist-Res., CDAM/ORD from GS-12 to GS-13. 25X1A9A (1) Discussion on promotion 2 5X1A9A recommendation raised the following points: a) the recommendation was submitted out of sequence based upon previous CSP deliberations, b) motivation re training and work assignments, and c) procedures to follow on future submissions of promotion recommendations out-of-schedule. 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A (2) questionedl __j as to why has not conkinued her studies for a 25X1A9A Ph.D. He also noted that did not want to attend the Foreign Service Economic/Commercial Studies course starting January 1975 when she was 25X1A9A given an opportunity to do so. I replied 25X1A9A that a) would have to return to school for a year in order to obtain her Ph.D, and she 25X1A9A doesn't feel she is able to do this at the present time; and b) felt she could obtain the same kind of training as offered by the FSI course 25X1A9A by attending a local university and taking courses for shorter periods of time. told the Panel that might lack some motivation on training, but there was no lack of motivation in regard to her work. Approved For Release 2 - MW SUMMARY (Cont'd) :00317A000200010013-4 NNW 4.a. PROMOTION RECOMMENDATIONS (Cont'd) felt there was not sufficient information as to 25X1A9A I accomplishments in the promotion recommendation to make a judgment on her qualifications to receive a promotion. Motion carried. seconded the motion. Five members approved the 25X1A9A motion. I opposed the motion because he 25X1A9A from GS-12 to GS-13. 25X1A9A (3) moved to recommend approval to the D ORD on the promotion recommendation for 25X1A9A b OT/ORD from GS-11 to GS-12. 25X1A9A Phys. Scientist-Res., (1) I Imoved to recommend approval to the D/ORD on the promotion recommendation for 25X1A9A from GS-11 to GS-12. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. 5. PROMOTION RECOMMENDATIONS SUBMITTED OUT OF SEQUENCE INDICATED ORD a. I moved that in the future when a Division Chief is planning to make a promotion recommendation out of sequence as requested on the ORD promotion schedule, he should "flag" this action one month prior to the 25X1A9A submission of the promotion recommendation request. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. 6. QSI RECOMMENDATIONS 25X1A9A 25X1A9A a. , Secretary Steno, GS-07, LSR/ORD b. Secretary Steno, GS-06, CDAM/ORD c. Phys. Scien-Res., GS-14, CDAM/ORD (Division Chiefs were asked to prepare the proper paperwork.) 7. REPORT FROM SUBPANEL ON ORD/CSP CHARTER See report attached for questions addressed and reasons why the committee members agreed that the Charter should be changed. Approved For Release a ; 9 Approved For Release 200 317A000200010013-4 SUMMARY (Cont'd) 8. ORD/CSP CHARTER - REVISIONS a. 2.a.(2) and (3) ORGANIZATION to 2.a.(2) ORGANIZATION b. 2.a.(4) ORGANIZATION to 2.a.(3) ORGANIZATION seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. moved to add the following: (2) Permanent Members (a) Chairman Deputy Director/ORD (b) Division Chiefs (c) One representative of the Support, 25X1A9A Administrative and Clerical Staffs. nonpermanent basis. For promotion actions, no more than one vote per division will be allowed." moved to change 2.a.(4) from "Such other voting and non-voting members as appointed by the D/ORD to serve on a to 2. a. (3) "Such other voting and nonvoting members as appointed by the D/ORD to serve on a nonpermanent basis. For promotion and rating actions, only the Chairman and permanent members shall vote. seconded the motion. The Panel concurre . NOTE: When you review the Charter, you will see that the last sentence of the above motion 25X1A9A was reworded by II to read: "For assignment, advancement and retention actions, only the Chairman and permanent members shall vote." Also, the wording contained in the motion made on 4.c.FUNCTIONS to be included 25X1A9A in 4.c.FUNCTIONS was moved to 2.a.(3) by will constitute a quorum." moved to change 2.b. from "A simple majority of the permanent members Cont'd on next page.... Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP7V-00317A000200010013-4 for the purpose of clatity and continuity. THESE TWO MOTIONS WILL BE A SUBJECT FOR REVIEW AT THE NEXT CSP MEETING. c. 2.b. ORGANIZATION Approved For Release 2006 V9t@&317A000200010013-4 SUMMARY (Cont'd) "A simple majority plus one of the permanent members shall constitute a quorum." to "The minutes of the CSP meetings will be recorded and distributed "EYES ONLY" to CSP members. A summary..." d. 2.c. ORGANIZATION "The minutes of the CSP meetings will be recorded and distributed "EYES ONLY" to CSP permanent members. A summary..." seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. e. 4.c. FUNCTIONS moved to change 2.c. from seconded the motion. The Panel moved to change 4.c. from "The ORD Career Service Panel will review and make recommendations to the D/ORD in the following areas. (Passage of any action will require approval of the majority of the voting members of the Panel. All recommendations will be a matter of consensus by vote. Voting will be by a show of hands, or by proxy in writing that has been submitted to the Chairman, CSP/ORD, prior to the meeting.)" (NOTE: When you review the Charter you will see that the remarks above in parenthesis have been moved to 2.a.(3) for the purpose of clarity byl THIS MOTION WILL BE A SUBJECT FOR REVIEW AT THE NEXT MEETING.) THUS i.C. WILL READ "The ORD Career Service Panel will review and make recommendations to the D/ORD in the following areas: 9. REVISED ORD/CSP CHARTER - DRAFT The CSP members agreed to review the draft of the revised CSP Charter at the next meeting. Approved For Release 2006/ Approved For Release SUMMARY (Cont'd) 10. "A" "B" and "C" CATEGORIES (Personnel Ranking Lists) a. I expressed the concern of the Charter Subpanel on not receiving a definition for "A," "B," and "C" categories, particularly a definition of the top, middle and bottom levels of the "B" category. 25X1A9A b. The CSP reviewed the informal document sent to from DD/S$T on the subject categories as used by the D/S&T Career Board which does not clearly define the "B" category. (See copy attached) 25X1A9A c. I stated he would prepare a memorandum to the DD/SFT stating that ORD would like to receive a clearly defined definition of the subject categories used by the DD/S&T Board in order that ORD/CSP might 25X1A9A use these definitions in the ORD/CSP procedures. stated he would submit a draft to all CSP members for review before submission to the DD/S&T. 11. REPORT FROM CSP EEO SUBPANEL Tabled until the CSP meeting in October. 25X1A9A 12. TRAINING moved to recommend to the D/ORD 25X1A9A that GS-13, DPR/ORD be nominated for the Midcareer Course #44, scheduled for 17 November - 25X1A9A 20 December 1974. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. 25X1A9A b. moved to recommend to the D/ORD 25X1A9A that attend the Advanced Intelligence 25X1A9A Seminar scheduled for 4 - 20 December 1974. seconded the motion. The Panel concurred. 25X1A9A c. moved to recommend to the D/ORD that , GS-13, CDAM/ORD be approved 25X1A9A to attend the Decision Analysis Seminar, I -J STAT from 13 - 18 October 1 25X1A9A seconded the motion. Three members were in favor, three members opposed, and one abstained. The members who opposed the motion felt there was lack of justification for the fee of $1585, which was 25X1A9A required. The members stated they would entertain changing their vote if would send them a memorandum describing his rationale for this action. The Chairman declared the motion lost. -00317000200010013-4 Approved For Release 200 $ 11 Ii I MW 317-AO-00200010013-4 SUMMARY (Cont' d) 13. COMPETITIVE EVALUATION 25X1A9A a. I stated that calls for a comparative and competitive evaluation system in all Directorates. He explained that a comparative evaluation compares and ranks and employee with his peers, and a competitive evaluation deals with an employee's promotability. b. The Panel discussed recommendations from CSP members on the Competitive Evaluation system, and the following points were covered: a) disparity in ranking by CSP members, b) inconsistencies in final ranking as it concerns each Division Chief, and c) how to use the "A," "B," and "C" categories. 25X1A9A c. I moved to delay the Competitive Evaluation of GS-14's until the ORD/CSP receives a definite reading from DD/S1T on the "A," "B," and 25X1A9A "C" categories. seconded the motion. Six members voted in favor of the motion; one member opposed the motion. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT /929? Date Executive Secretary Career Service Panel/ORD Attachments: 1. Report from C/SB/PMS/ORD 2. SUBPANEL Special Report 3. "A," "B," and "C" Ratings 4. Actions To Be Taken Da e Chairman, areer rvice Panel/ORD