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Publication Date: 
January 24, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-00434A000100060003-1.pdf79.37 KB
Approved Fr.Rplease 2000/06/07 CIAr-~RDPJ-,Q,Q434A000100060003-1 24 January 1956 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training SUBJECTS DCI Request for "Confidential" Edition of "Brainwashing from , a Psychological Viewpoint" 1. On occasion, the DCI receives inquiries from various important US and foreign officials for a thorough study of "brainwashing" at the "Confidential" level. Insofar as"he can do so without disclosing sen- sitive material, he wishes to satisfy at least some of these requests. By far the most suitable study for the purpose appears to be "Brainwash- ing from a Psychological Viewpoint": issued at the "Secret" level by the Assessment and Evaluation Staff of'OTR in June, 1955. 25X1A9a of my staf has discussed the DCI's request 25X1 A9a with jWjjjff=who., having had the study reviewed, finds that it can be re-edited to the "Confidential" level and still remain worthy to stand as an example of Agency work. estimated that the re-editing will take about two weeks and as a or a formal request to undertake the job in order to follow tidy administrative procedures. 3. I will appreciate your arranging for the "Brainwashing" study to be re-edited and delivered chapter-by-chapter to my office. In this way, we can arrange for the typing of new ditto masters to go on simul- taneously with the revision. 25X1A9a Li.. We plan initially to send twelve copies of the revised "Confi- dential" study to DCI for distribution as he sees fit. The ditto 25X1A8a masters will be retained by the .Staff for probable future requests from DCI for additional copies.. 25X1A8a 5. Obviously, such Government terms as M "IAC", etc, should not remain in the revised edition; nor will it be appropriate to include conclusions, recommendations, or a bibliography, all of which were originally intended for US officials at various executive levels. If you will request the editor to keep in mind that the DCI requires an informative study of "brainwashing" for presentation to certain representatives of friendly foreign countries, I feel that the new edi- tion cannot fail to be completely satisfactory. 2 2 JAN 1979 0 Approved For Release. 7 : 25X1A9a 25X1A8a