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Approved For Release 2Q,Qj0R[P79-00434A000
FOR&NDUM Ft : Chief, Medical Staff 30 November 195.
SUBJECT i Suggested Approach to Medical Technician Career
Management Policy
1. It in st opinion that the Medical Office can be provided
with a practical and workable method of developing and applying the
highest professional standards in fulfilling the mission of the
Medical Office while enjoying tl benefits of an overseas rotation
policy. In view of your keen interest and personal application
wards a solution of the problem of career management within the
Medical Office., the basic factors will not be discussed, There
are several peripheral facts that any not have been obvious that
I would like to bring up.
a. A study of the functions of the overseas technicians
slots and a comparable study of the Headquarters technicians
slots has revealed an interesting fact. By all odds!. better
than 80 per cent of the overseas technicians slots can be
satisfactorily filled by general medical technician capability*
In 8eadquarters, just the reverse holds true; that i s, better
than 80 per cent of the Headquarters technicians slots require
some specialized capability such as administration, finance,
personal, suppl $ to isti.ce, etc. This being the cats, the
already-existing nu arical disproportion between overseas
technicians slots and Headquarters technicians slots is func-
tionally made further disproportionate.
b. In the past, recruiters of medical technicians con-
centrated on recruiting general medical technical capability
and not specialized capability. This has been a satisfactory
solution to filling overseas technicians slots but has left a
breach in the Headquarters technicians slots because of the
need of specialized capability.
c, I personally feel that the majority of the medical
technicians now on duty with the Medical Office are of average
or low average caliber. If we are to attain the maximum in
capability of these individuals, it would seem logical to apply
their existing natural capability in one specific direction so
as to develop it to a maximim.
tb some conviction that I can say that the
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r of the material produced by PCU could
need by providing permanent specialists for the
Approved For Release 2000ffR:TqW RN0044A0002000t
technicians slots available in PCD. Cursory studies of the
problem and positions in some of the other divisions has
reinforced this opinion and resulted in the conviction that
pecialization in the Medical Office at Headquarters should
be a general policy.
It is felt that the maximum can be achieved by t
ng general plan.
Two specific groups of technicians be established;
technicians and contract technicians.
be All of the Headquarters slots, with the exception
two slots in 'St) and one in the Ti nunization Room. would
be considered as permanent career developnt slots and would
be held by the career designee technicians. In addition, the
following overseas slots would be reserved for rotation of the
25X1 A6a atrear designees - the technician assigned to -? the 25X1A6a
Chief Technician the Chief Technician ~, 25X1 A6a
25X1 A6a the Chief Technician on - and the Chief Technician in
25X1A6a possibly the Chief Techni.cian ~? In this 25X1A6a
fashion, the career designees could be rotated to those select
overseas position to provide the Medical Office at Headquarter
with the benefit of the overseas experience. In addition, having
been thoroughly indoctrinated in the ways of Headquarters prior
to overseas assi nt, the Medical Office would continue to
exert maximim control in all areas by thus assigning key techni-
cians. This would prevent a repeated stripping of the functional
Headquarters division after it had been careft14 organized and
functioning to the maxim m of its given capability. The rota-
tions could be staggered on a much more methodical basis with
such a plan so that no division would be seriously hurt.
would be recruited with a view o
ore being hired for a two-year period for oversee
designee technicians were needed,
pable contract technicians could be offered the oppor-
of becoming a career designee of the Medical Office.
In the event there were overseas slots open at the
f his initial contract, the contract technician
n rotated to an overseas assignment if he so desired,
mart. In this fashion, there would be no career
ontract technicians.
Approved For Release 2000/CIARDP7~9-00434A000200010003-5
" r",,.T`f (4 F : MAT10
Approved For Release 2000MW3lTVWRAW `I 04G4A00020
4. On the basis of the above discussion, it is racom' flded
that the plan as outlined be introduced to the Career San -Joe Board
as soon as Chief# Medical Staff feels that it is tlmly+ It is
opinion that the sooner that such a plan has its inceptions the
sooner the Career Development Plan of the Medical Office can be
resolved to a sound basis that will permit intelligent planning.
ref, Program Coordination Div. 25X1 A9a
MO,+ ^r'DB e s
. & 1 - Addresses
1 File
Approved For Release 2000/08/23"ADP79-00434A000200010003-5