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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 10, 2000
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Publication Date:
August 19, 1953
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Approved For Releas, 2000/08/23 . CIA RDP79-00434,&000200010004 hS ONLY
19 A' gust 19
Office Comer
the fol _ co
e ted to you dated
25X1 C
as estah i . under
mechan .1 for a sound and effective
all t he cf the ioa1 Office,
The membership of the i di a1 Office
consist of C/~45# ;
Chetrn of the Ted ,ans - ttee,. - %ch a mem-
LId provide a representation of an
Office. It is felt that the Cam;
i n. the proceeds of the Cam
Off oe. It is understood that the I MI
of the fe%r offices in the DD(&) Ilex
CA' ? sherd the to o t '' a of the
the ad nistmtty f~metion.
v'carx . he : be a rotates
No Cbaote
C] BeclaSsdlled
In fe1t that the
Class. rhaetqed to: TS
Next RevICW Date:.
Auth.: I
hip of the Career
its Voting zap
otated an a
Approved For Releaspw2000/08/2 A4:?; D 79-00434WO0200010004- ?
b9ft t1yr enhance& bad the Board not operated behind a
U of sowexq. 'I' is lank c :ealt "ul vertiaw at ro.
steed in a p-e find individuals may, to - office
porww*3. only vi.ev of the proceedings, which
not apt i at r to the Career Ssa-vift Board.
" makes a decision in regard to an.. indvid , the
SOwd" l.8 Ivey to this person its f'indinga end sew
tiate its findings to the aatisf.'eaticn of the i divid l
conoer d.
It is felt c/CD that t!
" the Pero Office to their c~mr deal
tveme%r valuable idea card imrovtw per relations
st ar pamphlet could veil be f or is distributed
to concerned persona huving a ica1 Office career designation,
possibilities for advance a
t expand the horizons of s
so,?kiM liaison with other divi.
whom prowtional nppo i.ty is ter. It is to
hoped that tide linison could be developed to a point vhe
capable mambers of the dical Offices co had ceapabil -
ties b"ved the slot all ees of the o Of co# could
as .ted to bird o ani .tioC group
sPaTtesta for releases should be end d in a realistic
light and the present prwtico of forcing an individual to re-
sign tv :fry-bow dam=d tbat In his job be ellm-
Inated. fees am foster d by discontent. This being the
feed to min a job after ho has asked
It is unlikely that In4lvidbal vo provide his beat
Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010004-4
Approved For Releas4ii~?2000/0812311:',CIAAP79-00434,p,p00200010004 ONLY
ors: Bert tho nom at itton rates 25X1A6a
surplus would eAt with a rotation. It is }Pte
1t w erever f sibie.
alots, each
IV VMS p? , at_ t end- _ _ all- 25X9
o'the t t
is leave h~quarr, 0" e F Q - 25X9
7 Tring
'{ lls that the dieaj. Office, can no longer ford to give the l.o whoa- .e curri=ia fi r` von at
ThD limitation of personnel haw reed the
that p3Y lci e oam give to this t7pe of endeavor, v. ,.a ,
=dor Ideal o aditian3, in ext 1 time ec nsu g , in the past
year, PCD a been cLUed up to train 29o s than. five raw tec1 zioja
Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010004-4
Approved For ReleasP-_ra_/QE9, r, ROP79-00434&000200010004-4
tit not Justified. It is
tee xuther than develo
ZVOr ore' plan sha i ude a,
wit the ladividual to iep vs in 'Us
task and In his potential in lift. U to
tram Audd be held out to the tec ? .eia ns to
SPOCU212--d capability there it to Indicated,
with a #back do
koow1odg of their hiefa. It is feat that tttis is not .,
aim the "chief" w .d eventually )mow abotit it awA ~ ,*tA
e1sion It is felt that tI .e would o
to ap 37 to the Caa er ft+ oe l oH aan would - to the B
problems "ouch might hove gme unheard. It this ? thi * s the Boarl
0? ..: 4th these problems rather than h2ving the t t .e-
satief tion.,
Approved For Release 20 34A000200010004-4