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Approved For Release 2000/08/23: CIA-RQO434A00
SUBJECT : Career Planning
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for Physician ".+< assttted
To provide a practical plan of career management for physicians
in the Medical Office in order to maintain a highly competent selec-
ted group of physicians on career basis.
a. We have been led to believe that the present Agency and
Medical Office structures are essentially stable. We can then assume
that we can plan on present mission, structure and function.
b. The Medical Office is at the present time filling, or will
fill, approximately positions overseas. The head-
quarters staff is at present filled
c. The Armed Services and other Government agencies, where
function requires the services of physicians, have adopted training
programs for physicians as inducements to enter the respective serv-
ices in order to develop a career cadre.
(1) For attendance at such training programs, the Armed
Services and the Government agencies, such as USPHS, require
one year of compulsory service for each year of specialized
medical training provided.
(2) During the period of training, the physicians in these
programs are paid their full pay with accompanying allowances
when indicated.
(3) The training programs are preponderantly at Government
installations; however, there are programs sponsored by the re-
spective agencies and services at civilian institutions.
(4) It should be noted that the average pay and allowances
of a medical officer in the Armed Services of equivalent age and
experience to CIA physicians would be more than present pay
scale of CIA. The majority of Medical Office physicians would
enjoy the military rank of Army captain or fall lieutenant in
the Navy. The net pay per pay period is.$5O to $60 more than
that provided for CIA physicians. The supposed increased com-
pensation to CIA physicians is in fact nonexistent, and is not
valid reason for objecting to external training for such physicians.
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d. The Office of Training is at the present time sponsoring
two-year area and language training programs during which time the
trainee is at full pay.
It is felt that because of the limited number of possibilities
for advancement within the Medical Office, any greater number of ca-
reerists would probably result in more problems than value. It is
further felt that this number may be even further reduced if POD is
absorbed by some other Division of the Medical Office.
b. Types of Functions in Medical Office
In reviewing the total function of the Medical Office, it be-
came apparent that there were three categories for career applica-
tion. These three categories are medical administration, medical
practitioners and psychiatrists. ADSts recent report would indicate
a requirement for one (1) surgeon, but this one requirement is not
considered reason enough to include it as a category for career plan-
c. Function Related to Career Training
Considering the functional categories, there are three fields in
which training can be provided and at the same time be Justified by
the Agency's mission. These would be internal medicine, medical ad-
ministration and psychiatry. Internal medicine could be applied to
any post within the Medical Office, perhaps with the exception of PD.
Such knowledge repeatedly enters into policy decisions. The medical
administration would as well be related to all the staff positions
cited above. Psychiatry would be applied only to the special func-
tions of the Psychiatric Division.
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f. Civilian Medical Training
The civilian training programs offer advantages that seem to
outweigh the advantages of the Government installations. As a gen-
eral rule, the civilian training is of better quality than the mili-
tary and is more desirable. By permitting the individual medical
officer to select his on place of training, morale would be enhanced.
There would be no additional cost to the Agency since such long-term
training does not provide the payment of per diem. The administra-
Concensus of Opinion
The "two-year tour" physicians now or previously available have
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Y n ormatoon
been queried regarding their feelings about career service with the
igr,ency. The principal objections and suggestions were based upon
the apparent lack of a snecific program for career minded physicians.
It was indicated that such a program should contain provision for ro-
tation of service, specialized Agency and medical training, and a
specific clarification of the military status of concerned physicians.
An item of significance was the apparent lack of opportunity for ad-
vancement in position and in financial return by extended service
with the Medical Office. The relatively low pay scale was frequently
h. Justification of the Career Program
(1) A career program is a necessity if the Medical Office
is a necessity. Since the Medical Office was provided for in
the initial planning of the Agency, and since it has prospered, the
necessity is obvious. The intricacies of Government and bureauc-
racy are such that time and experience are necessary for mastery of
administration in Government. In order for the Medical Office to
efficiently and comretently fulfill its obligation to the Agency
it must have a staff of well trained career minded individuals
who are determined to promote the mission of the Medical Office.
Consistent with the adopted policy of the Agency to develop a
staff of career professionals by'oviding training and trial by
experience, such a program would provide inducement for highly
capable and nualified men to make careers of the Agency.
(3) The execution of the proposed plan would eventually
result in the Medical Office being completely staffed in its
executive positions by specialty Board Qualified physicians.
Such qualification would bring the highest degree of specialty
competence into the Medical Office; Assuring the Agency of
high caliber medical attention and administration. It is un-
likely that the Medical Office will be able to provide this de-
gree of specialty competence without the adoption of a Career
Program that will include specialized training in medicine
equivalent to, or better than that offered by the respective
Armed Services or other Government Agencies.
(4) The complexity of the science of medicine at the pres-
ent date is such that total comprehension of the field is a
practical impossibility. In order to increase competence,
specialty divisions of medicine were developed. In order to
give the Agency the benefit of the highest possible degree of
competence, yet meet the peculiar demands of an intelligence or-
ganization, a special type of program would seem to be indicated.
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(5) The operational offices have developed career programs
that are designed to meet highly specialized function such as
counter-espionage, psychological warfare, etc. Part of these
programs is extended and specialized training to provide selected
individuals with the best available background to perform their
assigned mission. It would seem that specialized training should
be extended to the Medical Office as well in order for it to de-
velop the highest possible competence in the execution of its
assigned mission.
Based on the above discussion, the following career program
is proposed for career management of physicians in the Medical Office:
a. After two years of service with the Medical Office of the
Agency, physicians requesting extended service would be screened by
C/MS and his designees for acceptance into the Career Program.
b. A training program should be established permitting career
physicians to undertake residency training in the medical specialties;
(preferably internal medicine, psychiatry or medical administration,)
At a civilian or Government installation;
(2) For two-year periods,
(3) At full pay during their training,
(4) The choice of specialty limited only by Agency and
Medical. Office necessity and by personal aptitude as judged by
the C/MS and/or his designees,
(5) Obligating such career physicians year for year for
training received,
(6) Affording such career physicians an opportunity to
obtain a second two-year period of training following fulfillment
of initial obligated period of service under the same terms if
service has been satisfactory,
(7) Limiting the residency training of each man to the re-
quired period of such training for specialty Board qualification
or a maximum of four (4) years.
c. The staff positions of C/MS, DC/MS, ADS and C/PD shall be
considered permanent positions and not subject to rotation. C/TSD,
C/PCD, area chiefs and training slots will be considered rotating
slots to be held for a two-year period.
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d. A program o
n s oMd be proem. so that there is a
self-perpetuating plan as follows: e.
(1) During the first six years of a physician's service
with the Medical Office he should have two years at headquarters,
two years of training and two years overseas (or a PCS tour),
not necessarily in that order.
(2) During the succeeding six years of service the physi-
cian shoals spend at least two (2) years overseas and preferably
alternate between overseas assignments and headquarters.
(3) Unless under dire need as judged by the C/MS, career-
ists would not spend more than two years in continuity in a
given job.
(4) In order to provide flexibility, two of the physicians
slots from POD will be declared training slots and held for the
purpose of outside training.
(5) This program would apply only to the rotational slots.
e. In addition to the residency type training program, there
should be established for the "permanenttt slot holders, for those who
have completed residency requirements, and for careerists not desir-
ing further residency type programs a training program to consist of
shorter periods of training such as refresher courses of three months
every two years for which no equivalent service is required.
Citing the precedent of the Armed Services and other Government
agencies, this program or a similar one should be adopted by the
Medical Office and approval requested from DD/A for implementation.
MO/WDB:nh (S May '53)
Orig & 1 - Addressee
2 - File
Approved For Release 2000/08/23 $e8l* 1i1 '9' 0434A000200010006-2