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Document Release Date: 
July 14, 2000
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Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010047-7 & ' cTt Bad atioa 8 . the the ah Agency and a 2. If the cep each of tho five ints# a battal of 41d atatio a. and si h jee t to e .ng$ depend plosion and. their respective ei its medic oati; n will not as tedbn catane pion on* the number of ctaeua1t :e , lint, and the availability of supervi Cora 4 . `h a e icai officer vided that they are cal officer nd a health ph cI t c col .cti Pout to conectina, rt ortation that is available? be flembie the wow respect to the e? to the collecting r i OtfiM 4. The nuTenn of these five c i1 et g points a e .d a twonty* ve b hospital which bo not up a tent or mat other spaces is amilabi a ,, Cx11ee t g o d thereto, 6o Two other technicians will work out of this coUe t; ing, point as a : mobile. unit In a station wag a vl eh is equipped with space to transport at least two patients wxd voce e .vnioation with the decontamination center and n ,'a rte r , 7,* Each station won ahonid have the following 1.n l board* ,ire peripheral 601164, Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010047-7 ttr. Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010047-7 T. L Catalog Vambor lcoript. etcr with I O.2r fiber Md t ,. Clothing for the twow description. 9.111-M-700 VX Mjno ter 2 2.75 2."75 S 1.95 This e p e unit c work 64 ealt : - Tats to ncc 10 tb n their daily to1et Iol tho7 co t1d working, back I the colleating point, Each oo11.ootin ;. c n .pped to handle ambuUtory pats These 00iiect po:' Y shot f) in tents or a ill h1. tier on tno periphery of the area of 4eotruction and servo two paspomes,& I* The er r n care and treatment of A r-c ca tte :, Screening of Personnel and equipment before it In sent to oc an minat1ot Center or the refuge headquarters, sip ; --IWL.U go I* a Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010047-7 fB Approved For Release 2000/08/ x?, DP79-00434A000200010047-7 .: Permomwl casualties am d a) by litter . by atation n.. I1 V. .a s Sherd bare PrIoAty for to . m i b" the ton or COW ` PY c Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010047-7 addition t and 1 io e ordI Sots bai road tln* roved For leas2000/ 8/ 3 : CIA-RDP79-00434A00020001 0047,--7 e 8 Rmotle Sting lau t o ee s 2 ~06A 5.+ 5*0614ft 1 oo/ 10*00 740 5*00 00 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200010047-7