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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200020011-5 &S D1 IM nt ( 3T) CIQWAW 3. 25X1A 25X1A9a is was **V*rrd oo .ert.ly by* ' 4t am so ma of medics supplies needed to Tbece amps a. -O it spa 'etc, fmj-d f o dioal !p to the present date these suppli+ss have been dropped c me gal plan a1ee lot bs basi ff th ts t *d upon U-AxtW nstaab eat., tt a patri.ts, end from ] MedL o. , and sZ oi"tiosr at floes D. e26 fV' P t i t a r o s wo be a ?ya 00 now Awn, The sdiaal supplies to Bra t Would be dN de ? b lasdi?idnal Patriot would oamy :rrfn $1~ x 1 jtd kill. nflrisd wookly, it $ d . 3,aal iKMA tar 50 to 100 sasat necessitating " atn& oot iat ar i=g of t #'stlcse-i belie drugs t till -. Frasier solution. The reason the 4asst be cared for 'bf ter Patri t o s aYOi$ i1C p +~ipli? sieb ~Ift Wan 1"11 MC bank teed by Itatiaa doetar, ___ , oath o 3e a" Vk*U d to be "ff*ring fro* b^ "~- ' lifts wceantdes? 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200020011-5 Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200020011-5 ,,.e,.:aymWa JLASN tt t4 10 N*pelned at the Main Tb. 3sMparatieaaer d conelet of peeking K to 1n16 r..4, _ .._v plone it cessary; it should be proper 25X1A9a Of 9-4wa &a zM14se h vId keep a two weeks suppl7 an hand. AAY farther phavae is at would I=Wdlately be taken 25X1A9a U GGasideratio a b and ~Ww ld be netif"s_ 25V 1 ^ 6 a 25X1A 25X1A9a 25X1A9a WIS V027 little 416a1 work ex+ pt f or t m awriaQ: End aaxttary inspeetioi, At r rea-aat as official maser, cation of the was and the sanity y conditions at ee t1AXE 94a f a provjng that ' k b y oaref ?+et?ttui planning of sani? pa? t osnt D could easily be used as a model for tutu" -d &iw Vi ;iii bees on various 00. act with an C~ta rte. A rtin_ " f a'. o rge requested a diraetiae be sent to ON .._ .w ..v+asvew a Wave Qxzre Zap and zespoasibility m6aai is Q4eeible to secures. sal officer to enter a ?Patiiia city an his +wrn, without being a 9-mbsr of a City Tese, lb ld enter and leave as he , b fate Passing on to tnext a sty. lo11oii4g this vim of action, 1 is a etusi pe:reoluie *ad a Jul Eft due to the 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200020011-5 Approved For Release 20 /05/17: CIA-RDP79-00434A000200026011-5 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A 25X1A9a who han the nee. s as r background +r33 ec$ 4 0 ?ais. valuable le and uripeat b/sdiea1 X tt611t.AOe. t shoi44 be given the authorit, tc, do so. feels tbit *t leant tea er zab 'Cuts a sld be used it` . y- would also be sent to iu 25X1A9a i b ooairation waeu1d be &L "a as to a r cation of 7Jn er. If used be tt ay could be minus etritical rgieal iaa r nts `a item. w very cooperaativu and had a c ommists smp e the m cal aapera taomx nteda. His plan wen vexy oomp1,te ate! Ysred the % m c mods of the Patriot., i fesl everything should be doA* is coat pa z' to put Into effect the main radical plans as We would do catch to alleviate the desparate coeds of the .Patriaets. 25X1A9a r 160,0 a*. 14 2677th Rsgt. Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00434A000200020011-5