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Approved For W~'f lYllgf 71 4~EC4~OP 4$14Yd001001500 *OGC Has Reviewed* 25 March 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT . Reimbursement of Meal and Coffee Expenses at Official Meetings Attended Solely by U. S. Government Employees REFERENCE . Memo from DCI to multiple adses., dtd 11 Jan 74; Subj: Entertainment iri the Executive Dining Room 1. A review of applicable legal and regulatory constraints makes it advisable to raise once again the question of the expenditure of govern- ment funds for the purpose of purchasing meals and coffee at meetings or luncheons attended solely by U. S. Government employees. 2. Prior to 11 January 1974, the policy governing the expenditure of government funds for the official entertainment of employees of the U. S. Government exclusively required approval by the Director or a single senior officer designated by him. Historically, policy state- ments governing official entertainment of U. S. Government employees have dealt primarily with the delegation of authority to approve such expenditures and until the 11 January policy statement, none addressed the issue of the fundamental legality of such expenditures in the first place. However, the 11 January policy statement (paragraph 2) contains an antithesis which creates problems for officers charged with certifying expenditures as being in accordance with the law. 3. The 11 January 1974 memorandum (reference) states that an exception to the policy forbidding the use of official funds for the purpose of "entertaining" government employees "may be made only in the most unusual and special circumstances" and that "such an exception shall require the advance approval of the Director." The problem with this policy--according to the General Counsel--is that the Director does not have the authority to approve such an expenditure unless the expenditure is "to support Agency activities of a confidential, extraordinary or emergency nature." "Confidential funds should not be used for the solution of administrative problems unless security or operational ADMINISTRATIVE -- INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 -2- factors preclude the use of vouchered funds" A procedural requirement of prior approval is not really germane and cannot establish legitimacy. Exceptions in the absence of an operative intelligence requirement cannot be authorized even by the DCI. 4. Authority for such expenditures could be granted via the appropriation route and the Comptroller is including in the FY 1976 budget to the Congress, a statement which, if unchanged, will authorize expenditures of "funds for the Office of the Director support activities under his direct control and provide not more than $16 thousand for official reception and representation expenses including the expenses of cooperating U. S. Government officials and private U. S. citizens at meetings concerned with the official functions of the Central Intelligence Agency." (Att. C) This language will not legitimatize the expenditure of government funds for such routine things as the purchase of coffee for the Director's morning meetings or other meetings attended solely by Agency employees. 5. In view of the -Fact that the General Counsel is explicit in his opinion that such expenditures are illegal, I believe it is necessary to revise paragraph 2 of the 11 January 1974 memorandum deleting any reference to exceptions in cases involving meals or luncheons attended only by U. S. Government employees. 6. It is recommended that you issue the attached memorandum announcing a change in policy concerning exceptions and suggesting that officials who feel they can justify the use of government funds for meals and refreshments for official activities seek authorization through the budget process in future years. Attachments: a. Reference b. Copy of c. Copy of to ement to be included in FY 76 Congressional Budget d. Copies of GAO Decisions B-163764, B-159633, B-168774 e. Memo for Deputy Directors & Independent Office Heads from DCI; Subject: Official Entertainment for DCI Signature ADMINiST A a IVc iPV T i r` tir L U 11=. ONLY STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-004-98A00010015008 11 January 1974. MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution SUBJECT : Official Entertainment in the, Executive Dining Room REFERENCES (a) Memo dtd 29 June 1963 to ExDir from DDCI, Subject: Delegation of Authority (b) Memo dtd 10 April 1967 to Deputy Directors and Heads of :independent Offices from ExDir, Subject: Official Entertainment in the Executive Dining Room (c) Memo dtd 29 July 1971 to Deputy Director for Plans from ExDir, Subject: Official Entertainment in the Agency Dining Room (d) Memo dtd 17 March 1972 to Deputy Directors from ExDir, Subject: Official Entertain- ment in the Executive Dining Room (e) Form 725 dtd 5 September 1973 to Director STATINTL of Finance from DCI, Subject: Delegation of Authority and Headquarters Notice dtd 24 July 1973 STATINTL 1. For some time the basic policy of the Agency has been that expenses incurred in the official entertainment of officers or employees of the U. S. Government exclusively required approval by the Director or by a single senior official designated by him. Per reference (a) this authority was delegated to the Executive Director. Reference (b) stipulates that offi- cial entertainment in the Executive Dining Room must be hosted personally by a Deputy Director or Head of an Independent Office, or by his deputy when directed. Reference (c) disapproved a request to delegate to Division and Staff Chiefs the authority of a Deputy Director to submit vouchers for official entertainment. Reference (d) permitted Deputy Directors to delegate to a MCA-73 .. L. J .~ Approved For Release 2001/08/27 CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 single senior officer their authority to submit such vouchers. Reference. (e) established the Executive Secretariat, appointed, the Executive Secre- tary, and delegated, to the Executive Secretary the Director's authority to approve the payment of these expenses. 2. During the past few months Agency policy concerning the official entertainment of officers and employees of the U. S. Government. has been under review. The Comptroller General's position is that official funds should not be used for the entertainment of Government officials unless specific authority for that purpose has been given by the Congress. There- fore, it has-been concluded that the Agency shall no longer use official funds to pay for the expenses incurred in the entertainment of officers or em- ployees of the U. S. Government fin the Executive Dining Room In addition to those persons included within the definition of "officers and employees" in Title 5 of the U. S. Code, this phrase includes staff employees, staff agents, detailed military and civilian personnel, contract employees, and career agents of this Agency. IAn exception to this policy may be made, only in the most unusual and special circumstances. Such an exception shall require the advance approval of the Director 3. The Director's Imprest Fund may be used to pay the full cost of a function, including the meals served Agency personnel, when the purpose is to entertain a foreign official or a non-U. S. Government personality. Deputy Directors may delegate their authority to submit vouchers for these functions to a single senior officer. Since the burden is a limited one, Heads of Independent Offices are expected to continue personally to retain this authority. The Executive Secretary has been designated as the single senior official who may authorize the payment or reimbursement of these expenses. 4. It shall no longer be necessary that official entertainment in the Executive Dining Room be hosted personally by either a Deputy Director or his Associate. Any other senior official designated by a Deputy Director or a Head of an Independent Office may act as host. 5. The General Counsel has been asked to amend the appropriate Headquarters Regulation to reflect the change of policy and delegations set forth above. The policy and delegations referenced in this memoran- dum are hereby rescinded. Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 : LiiiT 1.14: .~ ?Lt.[fin"~~?~~--_~~t:_~..,...y1rU3 (j( ~' Y Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Distribution: DDCI DDS&T DDI DDM&S DDO D/DCI/IC D/DCI/NIO General Counsel Legislative Counsel Inspector General Comptroller Director of Finance USIB/S Assistant to the Director Executive Secretary AO/DCI Executive Dining Room Office /ER (Original) MCA-73 File Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 .Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 1. GENERAL a. APPLICABILITY. This regulation applies to the financial administration of both vouchered and confidential funds, except where a subparagraph spe- cifically limits applicability to one type of funds. b. AUTHORITY. The Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended, pro- vides in part as follows: (1) "Section 8(a). Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, sums made available to the Agency by appropriation or otherwise may be expended for, purposes necessary to carry out its functions...:' .(2) "Section 8(b). The sums made available. to the Agency may be expended without* regard to the provisions of law and regulations relating, to the expenditure of Government funds; and for objects of a confidential, ex- traordinary, or emergency nature, such expenditures to be accounted for solely on the certificate of the Director and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the amount therein certified." e. POLICY. It Is Agency policy to limit the exercise of the special authorities provided in the CIA Act to those activities which in the national interest re- quire security protection. In line with this general policy the following prin..' ciples are set forth for guidance of Agency personnel involved in the obligation,, approval, and expenditure of Agency funds: (1) Vouchered funds (those which can be accounted for and audited in con- formance with the laws that apply to other Government agencies and with standard Government regulations and procedures) will be used if opera- tions and operational security do not require the use of confidential funds. (2) Confidential funds (those which are accounted for outside the Agency solely by certification of the Director) will be used to support Agency ac- tivities of a confidential, extraordinary, or emergency nature. Normal provisions of statutes for the obligation and expenditure of Government funds shall be followed by the Agency in its expenditure of confidential funds except when determined inappropriate In view of the security or the extraordinary or eerg.ency nature of our activities. Expenditures shall be accounted for in a manner compatible with the maintenance of rea- sonable security for Agency operations and the protection of the sources (3) Confidential funds will not be used for the solution of administrative problems u^'~ :Iles ooperations or security factors peculiar to the Agency re- quire the expenditures and preclude the use of vouchered funds. (4) Confidential funds shall not be used to give employees of the Agency a preferential position of prestige or financial benefit in comparison to other Government employees, and special operational expenditures shall not be allowed which would result in a direct or indirect personal gain or benefit to an Agency employee unless they are for an undertaking which is essen- tial to the conduct of an approved activity and are of such a nature-that the expense would not have been incurred by the employee except in,sup- port of the official activity involved. d. RESPONSIBILITIES (1) THE DIRECTOR. The Director of Central Intelligence is responsible for the proper expenditure of Agency funds. To fulfill this responsibility the Director: CBO'J i E..I.. /.... w.e t:`..rv k-, .4('1 t.~.a ~ nlacsl :?rc(m e:nt Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 THE CCMPTRDLL_rER GENEPIAL 7P &A-f [ 7 3-0WA40-60ROI 156b'r E FILE. B-159633 DATE: May 20, 1.9 7 4 MATTER OF: Rental of building in District of Colza.bia send payment of training. coursa e.- eases 1. Prohibition in 40 U.S.C. 34 asst a=c-,st-'.on of contract for rental of any building in District of Colur is for -avernrcntal, cur. Hosea unless an appro.riation thereror i.ea been made bears naykent y Ja c~cn n e-recca~-ar;. d of ~f~z?_ncA ~ xa!'fn r~,...?a. ..a absence of dale-mice of ? e~~i i,_ azithori ty by ictrator to official o; CS. who roved fo=a- tion of rental agrae;nc. Cov r :ant payment for coffoc -break itk ,; j.oti.. vided Coverm- nt. erio1oyees otarr_iciaating in a ana errent seminar is not perrni.tted iaz lig of genera! rule that in a ertce. of "Lori ^in- legislation refresh tints furnished to Goavar=e-at employees .y not be paid for with pprcr ri~ited funds. 1 7: Tr. Carp E. Schroeder, an authorized eertifyizv nffi c ~r of i e C= eral Services Adrinistraticn (GSA), ha.a reouestetd oats e?ecisjcn cernirg the propriety of hips certifying for payment an invoi from the 7.'hcxnias Circle Inn (: nada Inn) located in :iasiUa toe, D.C. for either the total invoice arount of. $71.3.66 or the Lesser suzi of $283.66 representing a deduction of the $500 charged for room . The . services of the Inn were obtained for the purao: a of bolding, a ccoriercia.lly offered training course titled "Problem Solving aud Decision the weak of October 15, 1973, through October 19, 173... .':n official of the Adr aistrntivv Serv ces Division of the Aut .aced Data and ? eleco==icatlons Service, GSA, raada the n2c!'ssarsi Et'i1^ ?^""i_" i trlth the Inn includi,-s; approval of tie :3100 roes day roou re-ata - Pil ,y charge. .~.itc t ~5.iatGi:att?(.1 ?.?1t2 and it_luCO......:,aa2lG.t_l'J:IS :i2L''IiC?3 ~;i-w-T?!:~! i.._ss described in lir. Scarot2(L-ar'E3 s=-rascio:2 as `-tne bLx:fiti I orgr,aization, in this case" is one or the n3.Vc operating. sere cc:,1 of G:,1 vitn ?'Ile resaonsib litJ' o a::riaioterin , autc-aaiic ^..~ !#zoce:.ising ~wl)7I rs and ca=Lnu :WaricL?J stirv~ 's for t ::' GGv:?oi :. ~ Tba cer-ttf-r- nr; officer's dub= revard!ug th $500 r ~~r?r_=ii char e ar3 .~~ s ;; .. _ U O ax c;_._ rr ;;.; i union c~a: t,aine t in t.1 act c 34, w d;: i1 ,11a-zc11 3, 131 7 , Scat. 37?..',, 40 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 D-159633 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A00010tk150080-6 "no contract shall be made for the rent of any building, or part of any, to be used the=_ District for the purposes of the- Gover ne:nt in if Columbia, until an appropriation therefor shall have been made in terms by Conqres:=x, and this clause shall be regarded as notice to all contrac- tors or lessors of any such building or part of any building." Mr. Schroeder` s letter indicates his concern that "[since] the appropriation len u"--e for t ha Automated Data and Teleco xaLicatiaas Service, t: e benefiting organization in this case, does not specif- ically provide for the rental of space the language of 40 U.S.C. 34 prohibits payment of the room rental char,-,e with Coverxent funds. Our Office has held that the prohibition expressed in 40 t7. S.Cz 34 against the execution of a contract for the rental. of any In the District of Colunbia for goverorental purposes until an appropria- tion has been made is comprehensive and. a on.lies to all uses- whether temporary or permanent. See 35 Cc--p. Gen. 314 (1955) and.. 43 Comp. Can, 305 (1969) as well as cases cited in those decisions. However, the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1.949, 63 Stat. 377, as amended, authorizes GSA to enter into leasing agreements for the benefit and accon odation of Federal. agencies. Specifically secc?- Lion 210(h) (1) of that Act (40 U. S.C. 490(h) (1)) provides as follows "The A miaistrator [of GSA) iii authorized to enter into lease agreements with any person, copart .ershia, corporation, or other public or private entity, :-;':licit do not bind the Government for periods in excess of twenty years for each such lease agreement, on such terms as he deans to be in the interest of the United States and necessary for the accosmodation of Federal. agencies in buildings and i^provements which are in existence or to be erected by the lessor for such purposes and to assign and reassign space- therein to Federal agencies." .we consider the language of this section together vrith its legislative history as authorizing the Administrator of GSA to lease buildings and parts of hui1 dt:? =^ in the District of Col urbia (6cc page` 1, : I7 tse r Pcport No. 1814, and pages 1, 2, and 3 of the Senate Report No., 111)6, 85th ! it is ou 'V1 ='- that i tt_ e k1 L?:'..,istra7.:oa: of C toasaqueatly. C,/+onr,ress). CSA had authorized the formation or this rental agreement, the statu- te y requirement of. 40 lt. S. C. 34, t. at no contract to rent. space in the District of Coli.:_.;in for gor2rme_mtal purposes be formed unless W- thorized by a specific appropriation would have been matt: fte-... Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 pproved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Although 40 U.S.C. 436(d) authori:::ea the Ad*riinistrator of GSA to delegate the authority vested in him under the Federal Property mtd Administrative Services Act of 1949 to any official in the General Services Adminlstreti.on * * there is nothing in the record to indicate that such authority had been delegated to the official who entered into the cuestioncd lease arr.arueezreat. Therefore, on the basis of the present record we us.t conclude that the prohibition contained in 40 U.S.C. 34 bars pa7nent of the $500 rocrz rental char ;e. In accarda ca with the fore :{nom. the first cues-14-on presented in the certifying officer's sub fission a-i to whether the invoice can prooerl-7 be certified for paynent in total amount or. S7Eo.66 is ar,51-7cred in the negative. The rer7air~in amount of $233.60 that is Included in this irnaalca an expense of conducting this seminar nnpare-atly represents t1,-Le combined cost of the daily coffee-refreshne:zt area that ware pro- vided to meniner participants a rid the rental fepa eh::recd for t h;a use of various instructional aids such as tape recorders and easels.. Although we do not question payment for the latter item, it has generally been held that in the absence of aut-.oririn? lc--islation the cost of refresh^';^ts furnished to C-overnnant employees : a- not be paid with approoriated fu. ds. See 47 Co . Gen. 0 5a and B-168774, Sentember 2, 1970, as s~re71. as cited in those decisions. Under the circtstances as reported in the certifying officer's letter ue are not aware of any basis on which to authorize payment for the coffee-breed items prcv?ded to rerriaar narti;ipanta.. Consequently, we must conclude on the basis Of the present record thatJr- would be improper for the Corer rient to pay the 3168 coffee- break expenses. In accordance with the foregoiro, t:l,:e invoice may be properly certified for payment In the --mint of $120.66 representing a deduction. of $663 from the total invoice a=unt of $783.66. (Signed) R. F. ULLER ACTING Coptroller General of the United States Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Approved-For Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP7~9$A0A0100150080-6 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNLTF WASHINGTON, D.C. 20541$ Di rC~.' V~ f Of r_ :C ] 4 0;.2 Educa't 1C:j, and i"!- I'aTe ,cptember 21 1970 ^.. , r 7 you ]^C:qu 3 4r. '' our C7 cisiO-s a3 to ii i~.'thcr in k h 2 ~L o f '' 1? -y 0 3 L e o f ic~.C' ', i o C7 r 3 of ?; 01, k? sl7 :~, :?Ll.:'i1:? :SI[ Ci to z ., . 'i'C the ?' l?`j FI''7rriis-4 :l 1- ! ..,....,, a:.`y cthnr r f: 15, ?5.15 Z "?,1 ~.'ij 7. ?.~ ? C13 17~ 'e-a t? '1~7 f~ Si 3 ti? ??CC Of n?to c sti fl Zho.. cc c7j 1~ a ? Here p} $ se'rd V I-..:'+~.--!-:',i:. 1, ~_etu ~.~.1.1.A:_:l c the r, 1 13 bile partici ra ;ix1: ill a -1-1 c 7 Gi. ~i well V 1.~~ ~?. ..y J. on i,,1 Yf~ , FY oxt d Y t h .., n 4Y~1to u.n':1 , ??i, 7..-^...1'?:~-'yli :: d3 .-: , ? ore not ?:1 a t??s 'Js' S vc C, :,3: so=) :;'~' . You :i`.L3,_"0 i.:i~mv an x .S T.:,....zdr r. ,- to hz co a .i ,,.-,74-_~..~5`.~. ?.. ~ .-.4r .yam+~;-'S ri.lx'-!1:"! 11.!',~~.. a lCCE'ibi O by 1:`J .dJn3 -f??,'.:a.`',io; s on ?G',' aza :u:':_".f?t::^a 0.13 _C~ 2'3 ou'-, "?uL x to r~ :#: {.iT~ ~.r?.C of 'i 1,1.3 CC'1,jtr"r2C G?-VC J + W f' ws `y th3ir` e 7 with the co3u ltant s so u: _ th~a of the could :x f !:? .'s pO ~3 ibl E,?.:i.d :C~ik?T'"'%y ~2;r"~T :l,? 'L:'].:,', ca oyee8 -zl 'v'. a?valyf 2t' ' '6roluld have a`ocm t:T'~ hat awirv ardl. est, 3 e: '?'J."?~j?~-:'j.7r~,,T; 3 7 n' ~3la Y' O : =:'i ~'"! _~~ C? .._c a ' T act, ,"o have not fo"In... ,~l act, to st?Y T7 L:;1'P:l~: i u .'i t 1: e 3? t Y*CY o :. t in t?')s3 i7 ('^'lvger 'r, !_ r :, - ~A rx ~'?~...: ' n yT. c- .-Yl.'..~.,-.lJ- 4l /I .:..L= '?" ) V > y. . i >^ 0 "1' '?~'~., ,~',, r L? L-'-a :^,-:r:w Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 u-163774 Wo must'. hold,.. th --t u .inca the ie [ s of t~1s v3 or of ?. t cC'1m my tit= -c- tiy-cr ` t b consultants akin; part -? ~a "he r o :1'rren^-z am not set out i:i >o, r i eY:;x'csa no op?nicn ~Cp~'~ r'Jin u!k -propri ty l:?~ ::;j: 417'< vzle?ao:, 1C 1n~ and ne,3l.3 to ti L.IP Its hi-..z Ltl'M c ' i?:~r-t= 'm Sincerely. our, ILF. LLER Actina C? tn" of r sa zxal of thw trait-e." O'G au Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 In g Cor dit?crs o for -4-Sj-r 31) e ,C1& p'er'? a:x a 7.; aA a .si , uu xl gene l a ca . M 34 1 {+"aMr_ Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Approved MM I F AIRtJPV9C6V~~8A000100150080-6 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution SUBJECT . Official Entertainment REFERENCE : Memo from DCI to multiple adses., dtd 11 Jan 74; Subject: Entertainment in the Executive Dining Room 1. Paragraph 2 of the reference memorandum is hereby amended to remove the proviso providing for any exceptions to the prohibition of using government funds for the purchase of meals or coffee at meetings or functions attended solely by officers and employees of the U.S.Government. Authority has been requested through the FY 76 budget process for a limited liberalization of this policy and, if sustained in our appropriation, guidelines will be issued at that ti me. 2. Any addressee who feels that a special situation exists with respect to any activity of his directorate or office (e.g., interagency training seminars), should discuss with the Comptroller the feasibility of seeking authorization for those expenditures through the budget/appropriation process in the future. W. E. Colby Director Distribution: DD/I DD/A DD/0 DD/S &T OGC OLC IG D/DCI/IC D/DCI/NIO Comptroller AO/DCI Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 UNCLASSIFIED. CONFIDENTIAL SECRET Approved or Release 2001108127 : - - 80-6 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 S/MC 4 DDS&T DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 D/DCI/IC 9 D%DCI/NI 10 GC 11 LC 12 IG 13 Compt 14 D/ Pers 15 D/S 16 DTR 17 Asst/DCI 18 AO/ DCI 19 20 21 22 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 CONFIDENTIAL SECRET.;; INFO :; DATE"., .S/MC ..DDS&T I DDA tD/DCI/IC D/ DCI/ NI AO/ DCI ACTION Remarks: - a mot" evide. cars -.110 A-arit. Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6 Ap If t UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO R W DA INITIALS E " _ 3 4 oo~~ 64 6 ~l ^ 0 s ACTION PREPARE RE APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMME ATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO DER FROM; NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 67NO. 237 Use previous editions FON1 -T Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000100150080-6