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May 25, 1976
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Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A0002 25 May 1976 7M FOR: Deputy Director for Administration STATINTL Chief, Information Systems Analysis Staff SUBJECT: Inventory of Word Processing - 1976 1. Background The attached Headquarters inventory of Word Processing Equipment (typewriting and dictation) was undertaken by the Micrographics Program Branch of this Staff to provide a data base for the evaluation of the word processing activity in the Agency. Information in this data base will assist in developing policy, guidance and uniform practices through- out the Agency with a view to establishing a cost effective program and efficient management of resources. 2. Analysis a. This is our initial inventory. Although there is no other data available for comparison, certain significant facts emerge: Typewriting and Composition Equipment Straight Rental 270 $62,737.46 (per month) Extended Lease 73 17,594.55 (per month) Purchase 31 155,407.38 Dictation Equipment - Purchased 134 51,333.55 The total yearly rental in $963,984.12. When added to the cost of purchased equipment, the Agency's investment in word processing equip- ment amounts to $1.2 million. b. Word processing equipment is in use throughout the Agency. For example, OTR's TAP center provides centralized typing support; OP's Correspondence and Applicants Branch produces 25,000 letters annually, OCI's OMITEXT is a word processing/composition system; several components are installing equipment to improve the effectiveness of their operations; studies have been undertaken in OEL, DCD, NPIC by IBM to review current requirements; DDSEtT/Planning Staff is developing a sophisticated system Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000200060006-7 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000200060006-7 involving the exchange of magnetic cards at several levels for modifi- cation and production of planning and budgetary information; DDI formed a task group to ensure a coordinated approach to Agency publications. co Components are looking to ISAS for guidance and policy. The problem of undesirable levels of emanations from word processing equip- ment will be with us until new and more sophisticated equipment comes on the market. We are working with OS/ISSG and OC/C ISIC to develop measures of control over equipment being brought into the Agency. We may wish to embark on a policy of renting equipment for Headquarters building use, and purchasing equipment for buildings outside Headquarters modifying, if necessary, to meet acceptable levels of emanations. We have approached the manufacturers and found a limited interest in developing emanations-free equipment unless we can provide some assurance of future sales. d. Because of compartmentation and structure of some of our compo- nents, the establishment of word processing centers in the Agency may have limited application. However, the working group concept centered around one or more word processors should prove more suited to our needs. In fact, many components are going in that direction, some with the ultimate goal of eventually establishing a center. e. Presently ISAS is devoting one-half staff year to word processing. With your endorsement of the role that the DDA should play with respect to word processing as noted below, we propose to devote one full staff year to manage this activity on an Agency-wide basis. We intend to do this with the help and expertise which exists in other Agency components by organizing and chairing a word processing working group. This working group under the aegis of ISAS would then. (1) provide a focal point to coordinate the activity throughout the Agency, (2) estab- lish standards and guidelines, and disseminate Agency policy, (3) concur in the procurement of equipment, and (4) participate in systems studies of potential word processing applications. If you concur with the DDA role relating to word processing, we will proceed accordingly. STATINTL Jool"n F. 2 8 MAY 1976 Deputy Director for istration Distribution: Original - DDA (to be returned ISAS) - DDA 1 - MPB Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP79-00498A000200060006-7 ApprovE STATINTL Approve S D R WIL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM eOO?o OFFICIAL., ROUTING SLIP TO NAM AND ADDRESS DATE I IALS - w 8MA? 19 6 Z I)Jjl 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : V e.-- FOLD HERE RETURN TO SE ER Np, -'DATE 2 MAY 1976 FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 a7 I 060006-7 060006-7 Approved For Re1ea99 SUBJECT: (Optional) u a l F STATINTL i e FROM: EXTENSION NO. C/ISAS 5226 DATE 25 May 1976 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) ' I T / D D A 6 MAY 976 - fil 1 to 4 ( 2. I ` '1~~76 The attached summary of ~ ~, the Agency's word processing equipment situation might be 3. useful background for our 25 Y /a A upcoming trip 4. Please note also that LD paragraphs 2d and e speak to polio matters on which Cal has asked 5. for your concurrence. I believe the approach recommended is worth a try. 6. STATINTL r. L (DI 9. S S C/I A r a - z-^C 10. 12. 13 . STATIN 14. 15. FORM 0kW Vd F[ ~r9&&jG*se 2pg1/p DEGRDP?-0 g 002O[M6C -KSSIFIED 3-62 61