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Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700080023-1
Foreign Service Institute
Department of State
September 2, 1975 - June 25, 1976
The Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy is the senior most training
available to officials of United States Government agencies with foreign
affairs responsibilities. It is conducted by the Foreign Service Institute
of the Department of State and has a membership predominantly composed of
Class 1 and 2 Foreign Service Officers, GS-16 civil servants and colonel
level military officers.
The Eighteenth Session numbers 28, split 50-50 between Foreign
Service Officers and officials of other agencies -- three from USIA, two
from each of AID and CIA, one from each of the four uniformed military
services and one from each of the following: Agriculture, Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency and the FBI. They all have had 20 to 25 years'
experience in government, including in supervisory and management positions.
The purpose of the Seminar is to give selected officials, prior to
their moving into upper senior positions, a ten-month opportunity for
expanding and deepening their perceptivity of and perspectives on what
is happening and why in America and the world. The emphasis is on
broadening their understanding of the issues and forces at work in America
and the world rather than on training in methods and techniques of management
or other specific subjects. The Seminar encourages free and vigorous
inquiry into the complexities of U.S. domestic and foreign policy issues
and problems and their interrelationships.
The curriculum is composed of speakers on a wide range of subjects,
travel throughout the United States, reading, an individual case study
and in-house discussions.
After an initial week for orientation and just over a week of overviews
on the major issues facing America and the world, the Seminar spends twenty-
two weeks on what is happening and in prospect in virtually all areas of
life in these United States. This includes concentrated attention on the
economic situation and trends during the third and fourth weeks. There are
also four trips by the group, in this period, to 14 cities in the Mid- and
Far-West, Canada and Appalachia, the Northeast and the South.
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the Seminar meets, both in Washington, D.C. and on trips, with top
federal, state and city government officials, senators and congressmen,
military leaders, scientists, businessmen, union leaders, academics,
students, farmers, religious leaders, artists, philosophers, minority
1._adc-?r , etc. Reading is related to these meetings, as well as encouraged
in general.
irysr-in}! the above time frame, the Members of the Seminar have the
portunity to appraise their styles of management and decision-making
iii an environment that individually shows them their strengths and weak-
jre_esses and points the way to more effective methods. `[here are also
; eakers on analytical and decision-making technique. and systems and the
-es and potentials of computers.
Vnllowing six weeks (including Lravel, research and writing) devoted
ij??tividual case studies on domestic or foreign subjects chosen in
cense_.itation with the Coordinator, the Seminar spends eleven to twelve
;-ekr; digging into major world problems, U.S. foreign policy, and national
uritv and intelligence issues. In this period, there are trips to
military installations. Also, Members will make their oral presentations
;-aid defenses of their case studies toward the end of this period.
z oughout the 43 weeks of the course there are in-house sessions for
t e nrrpose of reviewing and evaluating areas of inquiry and trips and for
d i scrss i.on of selected issues.
its name implies, the Senior Seminar method relies upon colloquy.
L r i decade and a halt, distinguished citizens and officials, scholars
!i,d )roiessionals, statesmen and soldiers, entrepreneurs and artists,
vearkers and farmers have shared their wisdom with the Seminar. They spark
.=id guide the dialogue that animates this ten-month program. it is to cnem
t:-at Lite Seminar owes its reputation as a unique and rewarding experiennce.
i?v the time the Seminar ends, its Members -- both as a group and as
individuals -- have composed a mosaic of America, based on what they saw
J.end heard during the months they spent together. While each Member sees
.-rat final image in a particular light, all enthusiastically acclaim the
=xci:ement and stimulation of this broadening experience. To some extent
tide viewer is transformed as his viewpoint expands, and the colloquy Sri. the
Seminar brings each Member into a new phase of his or her professional life.
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Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700080023-1
Foreign Service Institute
Department of State
September 2, 1975 - June 25, 1976
ASKIN, Peter W.
Born: South Dakota, 1929
Education: St. Johns University (1947-49); Montana State University, B.A.
History and Political Science (1951); Montana State University, M.S.
International Relations (1956); University of Pittsburgh (1968-69).
U.S. Army (1951-54); Investigator, U.S. Civil Service Commission
(1956-59); Management Intern, U.S. Civil Service Commission (1959-61);
Management Analyst, Agency for International Development.(AID) (1961-62: Desk
Officer for Guatemala, AID/Washington (1962-63); Assistant Program Officer,
U.S. AID Mission to Guatemala (1963-65); Program Officer, U.S. AID Mission to
Paraguay (1965-68); Graduate Student in Economic and Social Development Studies,
University of Pittsburgh (1968-69); Assistant Director for Development Office
of Argentine, Paraguayan and Uruguayan Affairs, AID/Washington (1969-72);
Deputy Associate Director of Programs, U.S. AID Mission to South Vietnam
(1972-74); Director, Office of Cambodian Affairs, AID/Washington (1974-75);
Deputy Executive Director, Emergency Indochina Relief' and Coordination
Committee (April/May 1974); Assistant Director for Operations, Interagency
Indochina Resettlement Task Force (1975); Superior Honor Award (1971).
Previous Position: Director, Office of Development Planning, Bureau for East Asia,
BURKE, John Richard FSO-1
Born: Wisconsin, December 7, 1924
Education: B.A. (History), University of Wisconsin, 1947; M.A. (History),
University of Wisconsin, 1950.
U.S. Navy, Pacific (1943-46); Japan/Korea/Europe (1950-53); LCDR;
Wisconsin State Historical Society, Librarian (1947-50); Administrative
Assistant to the Director (1953-56); Teaching Assistant, University of
Wisconsin (1954-46); Bangkok, Deputy Chief, SEATO Division (1957-58); Paris,
Consular Officer (1958-61); Assistant British Desk Officer, Department
(1961-62); Vietnamese Language Training (1962); Saigon, Political Officer
(1963-65); Acting Chief, Political Section (1965-66); Special Assistant to
Assistant Secretary, EA, Department (1966-67); Director, Vietnam Working
Group, Department (1967-69); National War College (1969-70); Haiti,
Deputy Chief of Mission (1970-72); Direct9r, Office of Caribbean Affairs
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Previous Position: Director, Office of Caribbean Affairs
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BYRNE, Patricia M. FSO-1 STATE
Born: Ohio, June 1, 1925
Ecucation: Vassar College, AB, 1946; School of Advanced International Studies,
MA, 1947.
Department of State: American Embassy, Athens (1949); American Embassy,
Saigon (1952); Commend. Serv. Award (1954); Department, International Relations
Officer (1955); Officer-in-Charge, Laos Affairs (1957); American Embassy, Izmir
(1958); Merit Service Award, 1958; Ankara (1960); American Embassy, Vientiane
(1962); Department, Foreign Affairs Officer(1964); Officer-in-Charge, Dependent
Area Affairs (1964); UN Political Affairs (1966); Supervisor, Personnel Staffing
Specialist (1966); Special Assistant (1967); Detailed to National War College
(1968); American Embassy, Paris, Political Officer (1969);
.Colombo, Deputy Chief of Mission-Counselor (1973).
American Embassy,
DAVIS, Carl Edward FSIO-2
Colorado, March 8, 1927.
University of Denver, BS Business Administration, 1948.
Advertising Copywriter and Advertising Manager on Newspapers
Assistant Editor, University Public Relations Office (1950-52); Staff
Committee on Small Business, U.S. House of Representatives (1952-55);
Information Officer, U.S. Embassy, La Paz, Bolivia (1955-57); Legislative
Assistant, U.S. Senate (1957-58); Public Affairs Officer, Dominican Republic
(1958-59); Public Affairs Officer, Panama (1960-65); Officer in Charge,
Special Projects Office (USIA), Miami, Florida (1965-68); Public Affairs
Officer, Santiago Chile (1968-71); Meritorious Service Award, 1964;
Superior Honor Award, 1968.
Previous Position: Chief, Latin American Division, Voice of America (1971-75).
FRANCIS, Albert A. FSO-2
Born: Virginia, October 11, 1932.
Education: Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences, BA, 1957;
University of California, MA, 1958.
Experience: U.S. Army (1952-55); State Department: FSR-8 (8/58); FSO-8 (10/58);
Exchange Program Officer (1959); Language Training, FSI (1959); Chiengmai
(1960); FSO-7 (1961); Bangkok, Political Officer (1964); Department, Inter-
national Relations Officer (1965); FSO-5 (1965); Saigon, Political Adviser
to III Marine Amphibian Force (Danang),(1966); Political Officer (1967);
FSO-4 (1967); Udorn, Political Officer
FSO-3 (1969); Detailed to the
Department of the Army (1971-72); Naha
Political Military Affairs
Officer (1972); Language Training, FSI
Political Officer, Saigon
(1973); Political-Military Affairs Officer (1974); FSO-2 (1974).
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FULTON, Arthur B. GS-16 FBI
Born : Pennsylvania, December 18, 1929.
Education : Bachelor of Arts (History/Government), Otterbein College (Ohio),
1951; Juris Doctor, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, 1957.
U.S. Army (Special Agent - Counter Intelligence Corps), (1951-54; Special
Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice:
Louisville, Kentucky, Field Office, (1957-58); Covington, Kentucky,
Resident Agency, (1958-59); New York, New York, Field Office, (1959-66)
As Field Agent; Supervisor, Extremist Section, Intelligence Division, FBI
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., (1966-71); Counselor, New Agents Training,
Training Division, FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C., and FBI Academy,
Quantico, Virginia (1971); Inspection Staff, Inspection Division, FBI
Headquarters, Washington, D.C., and Field Offices around the Country, (1971-
72); Unit Chief, Black Nationalist-West Unit, Extremist Section, Intelligence
Division, FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C., (1972); Assistant Special Agent
in Charge, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Field Office, (1973); Section Chief, IS-3
Section (Research and Training), Intelligence Division, FBI Headquarters,
Washington, D.C., (1974-Present). Member, District of Columbia Bar and
American Bar Association; Admitted to Practice before the Supreme Court of
the United States.
Previous Position: Chief, IS-3 Section (Research and Training), Intelligence
Division, FBI Headquarters, Department of Justice, J. Edgar Hoover Building,
Washington, D.C.
Born : Iowa, July 14, 1926
Education : University of Minnesota, BA (Humanities/Journalism), 1949.
U.S. Army Air Corps, (1945); Daily Newspaper, (1949-50); Director, Advertising
and Public Relations for Retail Store Chain, (1950-55); Chief, Media
Analysis Branch, USIS, Bonn, (1955); Information Officer, Berlin (1955-56);
Director, U.S. Information and Cultural Center, Berlin, (1956-59); Cultural
Affairs Officer, Stuttgart, (1959-60); Branch Public Affairs Officer and
Consul, Toronto, (1960-61); Assistant Press Secretary to President Kennedy,
The White House, (1961-62); Chief, News Policy Guidance Officer, Deputy
Chief, Policy Guidance Staff, USIA, Washington, D.C., (1962-65); Public
Affairs Officer, Tel Aviv, (1965-68); Counselor of Embassy for Public
Affairs, Tehran, (1968-71); Assistant Director, USIA (West Europe), (1971-
75). Phi Beta Kappa, 1949; Superior Honor Award., 1967.
Previous Position: Assistant Director, USIA, (West Europe).
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Born : Massachusetts, March 28, 1925
Education : University of Southern California, BA (Foreign Service), 1950;
University of Southern California, MA (Political Science), 1951.
U.S. Army, (1943-46), European Theater; Department of State, International
Economist/Foreign Affairs Officer, (1951-55); Economic Officer, San Jose,
(1.956-59); Commercial Attache, Quito, (1959-61); Stanford University,
(1961-62); Department of State, Ecuador Desk Officer, ARA, (1962-65);
Panama, Chief of Political Section, (1965-68); Counselor for Political
Affairs, Santiago, (1968-71); Department of State, Deputy Director,
Office of Boliv.ta/Chile Affairs, ARA, (1971-73).
Previous Position: Director, Office of Bolivia/Chile Affairs, ARA,
Department. of State
KOVNER, Milton FSO-2
Born : New York, December 13, 1929
Education : City College of New York, BSSS in History, 1951; School of
Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University,
MA (International Affairs) (Soviet Studies), 1952; Georgetown
University, Ph.D. (International Relations) (International
Economics), 1960.
Research Fellow, University of Oklahoma, (1951); Middlebury College Summer
Russian Language School, (1952); U.S. Army, C-2, Intelligence, Army
Security Center, (1952-54); Psywar Division, Human Resources Research
Office, (1954-55); Central Intelligence Agency, (1955-66); Department
of State, Chief, Communist Foreign Economic Policy Division, INR, (1966-
69); Economic Counselor, Moscow, (1969); Economic Advisor, U.S. Mission
to NATO, (1969-73); Lecturer on Soviet Affairs, SAIS, (1960-69). Phi
Beta Kappa; Meritorious Honor Award: National Honor Scholastic Societies
(History, Education): The Challenge of Coexistence (Public Affairs Press,
1960); Articles in Scholarly Journals.
Previous Position: Deputy Director (Economic Affairs), Office of Soviet Union
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LEWIS, Willis Ivan? Jr. Captain
Born : Illinois, November 24, 1930
Education : BA, McKendree College, 1952.
U.S. Navy: Pilot Training, (1952-54); Utility Squadron SEVEN, NAS NORTH ISLAND,
California; Fighter Squadron 124 (F7U) NAS Miramar, California, (1955-56);
(one WESTPAC deployment, USS HANCOCK); Attack Squadron 126 (F7U, F9F) NAS
Miramar, (1956-57); Flight Instructor Advanced Training Unit 206 (F9F) and
Basic Training Unit 9 (T2V) NAS Pensacola, Florida,?(1957-59); Flight
Instructor 3615th Pilot Training Wing (T-33) Craig AFB, Alabama, (1960-61);
Attack Pilot, Heavy Attack Squadron NINE (A3D), NAS Sanford, Florida,
(1961-63); (two Mediterranean deployment USS SARATOGA); Landing Signal
Officer, Replacement Air Wing Four (A4), NAS Cecil Field, Florida, (1963-65);
Student, Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, (1965-66); Reconnaissance
pilot, Reconnaissance Attack Squadron Six (RA5C), NAS Sanford, Florida,
(1966-67), (one WESTPAC deployment USS RANGER), Commanding Officer,
Reconnaissance Attack Squadron Fourteen (RA5C), NAS Albany, Georgia,
(1967-69); (one Mediterranean deployment, USS J. F. KENNEDY); Assistant
Air. Operations Staff, Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe, London,
England, (1970-71); Commander Attack Carrier Air Wing Six (F4, A6, A7)
NAS Cecil Field, Florida, (1972-73),(one Mediterranean deployment, USS
Previous Position: Executive Assistant to Director, Command and Control and
Communications (C3) Programs, Office of Chief of Naval Operations.
Born : Virginia, May 31, 1930
Education : Princeton University, BA (History), 1951; Columbia University,
MA (Government and Certificate of Russian Institute), 1953;
Columbia University, advanced study in international relations
and international law, 1957-58.
U.S. Army,(1953-56); Assistant to Director, Russian Institute, Columbia
University, (1957-58); Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and
Research, analyst, USSR, (1959-61); Vice Consul, American Embassy, Warsaw,
(1961-62), Economic Officer, (1962-63); Student at USA Russian Language
Institute, Oberammeugau, Germany, (1963-64); American Embassy, Moscow,
Assistant Administrative Officer, (1964-65); Economic Officer, (1965-66);
Department of State, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, (1966-69); Executive
Secretariat, (1969-71); American Embassy, Warsaw, Chief Political Section,
Previous Position: Deputy Assistant Director (Soviet,Union & Eastern Europe),
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MEARS, Leon G. GS-15
Born :Tennessee, December 31, 1934
Education : Ohio State University, BS (Agriculture), 1956; University of
Maryland, MS (Agricultural Economics), 1965.
U.S. Marine Corps, Engineer Officer, (1956-59); Department of Agriculture,
Foreign Agricultural Service, Agricultural Economist, (1959-63);
American Embassy, Rio de Janeiro, Assistant Agricultural Attache, (1963-
64); Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, International
Marketing Specialist, (1965-67); American Embassy, Tokyo, Assistant
Agricultural Attache, (1967-71); American Embassy, Santiago, Agricultural
Attache, (1971-73).
Previous Position: Director, Planning and Evaluation Division, Foreign
Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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MOORE, Richard G. Colonel USMC
Born : New York, July 30, 1930
Education : The Johns Hopkins University, BA (Biology), 1951; Juris Doctor
The Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, 1954; The Basic
School, Quantico, 1955; The U.S. Naval Justice School, Newport,
Rhode Island, 1955; the Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago,
Short Course for Defense Attorney's in Criminal Cases, student - 1966,
lecturer - 1974; the Judge Advocate General's School, U.S. Army,
Charlottesville, Virginia, Law in Vietnam Course - 1967; and Military
Judges Course - 1960; and Drug Abuse Course for Law Enforcement
Officers, Bureau of Drug Abuse Control, Washington, D.C., 1968.
Admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court; the
Supreme Court of the State of Illinois; the U.S, District Court of
the District of Columbia; and the United States Court of Military
Appeals, Member of the Bar of the State of Illinois and of the Bar
of the District of Columbia. Member of the American Bar Association,
the District of Columbia Bar Association, the Illinois Bar Association
and the Chicago Bar Association.
U.S. Marine Corps, commissioned, February 1953; Officer's Basic Training,
Quantico, Virginia, (1954-55); Company Officer, Marine Corps Base, Quantico,
(1955); Student, the U.S. Naval Justice School, Newport, Rhode Island, (1955);
Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Assistant
Base Legal Officer, Trial and Defense Counsel for general courts martial,
Legal Research Officer, Base Legal Assistance Officer, Law Library Officer,
Counsel for Parties before Physical Evaluation Boards, and Member of
Administrative Discharge Boards, (1955-59); Office of the Staff Judge
Advocate, Marine Corp Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina,
Assistant Station Legal Officer, Trial and Defense Counsel for General
Courts Martial, Station Legal Assistance Officer, Station Claims
Investigating Officer, Station Voting Officer, and Member of Station
Boards of Survey, Civilian Welfare Fund Audit Board and Recreation
Council, (1959-62); Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, 3d Marine
Division, FMF, Okinawa, Trial and Defense Counsel for General Courts-
Martial, and Courts Martial Review Officer, (1963-.64); Office of the
Staff Judge Advocate, 2d Marine Division, FMF, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina,
General Courts Martial Trial Counsel, Military,Courts Martial Review
Officer, and Staff Judge Advocate for the 2nd Marine Division (Rear), (1964-
66.) Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., Discipline Branch,
Personnel Department, Research and Plans Officer, (1966-68); Force
Logistic Command, FMF, Republic of Vietnam, Deputy Staff Judge Advocate,
(1968-69); 3d Marine Aircraft Wing, FMF, Marine Corps Air Station,
El Toro, California, Deputy Staff Judge Advocate and Staff Judge Advocate,
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., Judge Advocate Division,
Head, Military Law Branch, and Deputy Director, Judge Advocate Division.
Previous Position: Deputy Director, Judge Advocate Division, Headquarters
U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C.
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O'SHEI, Donald M. Lt. Colonel USA
Born: New York, July 31, 1933
Education: U.S. Military Academy, BS, 1956; Princeton University, MS (Civil
Engineering), 1961; U.S. Army Command and General Staff College,
NMAS Military Arts and Science, 1968; Georgetown University Law
Center, JD, 1970; U.S. Army War College, 1973.
U.S. Army: Company Commander, 3rd Engineer Battalion, Korea, (1957-58);
Operations Officer, 618th Airborne Engineers and Aide De Camp to
Commanding General, 1st Logistical Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
(1958-60); Resident Engineer, Karamursel, Turkey, (1962-64); Assistant
Professor of Military Science, The Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn,
(1964-66); Branch Chief, Headquarters 18th Engineer Brigade and U.S. Army
Engineer Command, Vietnam, (1966-67); Engineer Staff Officer, US Army
Strategy and Tactics Analysis Group, Bethesda, Maryland, (1968-70); Battalion
Commander, 589th Engineer Battalion, Vietnam, (1970-71); Staff Assistant,
Construction Directorate, Office of the Secretary of Defense, (1971-72);
Member of the Bar, D.C., 1970.
Previous Position: Strategic Research Analyst, U.S. Army War College, 1973-75.
RUSSELL, Christopher H. FSR-2
Born: Singapore - May 21, 1928
Education: Yale College, BA (History), 1950; Harvard Law School, J.D.
International Law, 1953.
U.S. Army - Pvt. 1st Lt., Infantry, (1953-56); Lawyer - New York City,
(1956-58); Department of Army Lawyer and Liaison Officer, (1958, 1961-66);
Staff Assistant to President Eisenhower (Office of Staff Secretary) (1959-61);
Research Fellow, Harvard Center for International Affairs, (1966-1967);
Director, Center for Rural Development (Cambridge, Massachusetts), (1967-69);
A.I.D. Area Coordinator - Luang Prabang, Pakse, Laos, (1969-71); A.T.D. Deputy
Mission Director, Manila, Philippines, (1971-73).
Previous Position: Director, Legislative Programs Coordination Staff, AID/
Washington, 1973-Present.
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Born: New York, May 28, 1929.
Education: B.A., Yale University, 1950.
U.S. Army (1951-53); Refugee Resettlement Officer in Germany (1953-55);
Radio Correspondent and Editor in Europe, (1955-62); USIA: Assistant
Information Officer, Leopoldville, (1963-65); Policy Officer in USIA's
African Area, (1965-67); Chief, USSR Division of Voice of America,
(1967-69); Cultural Attache and then Counselor for Cultural Affairs (PAO),
Moscow, (1969-71); PAO for FRG and West Berlin, Bonn, (1971-75).
Superior Honor Award, 1965; Meritorious Honor Award, 1969.
Previous Position: PAO for FRG and West Berlin, Bonn, 1971-75.
Born: Thief River Falls, Minnesota, December 20, 1927.
Education: University of Minnesota, BA History, 1952; MA Russian Area
Studies, 1955.
U.S. Navy, (1945-46; Truck driver and sales clerk, (1946-47); U.S. Army (1951);
Instructor, University of Minnesota, (1955); Member, Summer Study Group to
Turkey, (1954); Faculty Advisor, Summer Study Group to Yugoslavia, (1955);
Entered the Foreign Service in April, 1956 and assigned to the Office of
Intelligence and Research as a Soviet Analyst; Moscow, General Services
Officer, (1958-60); Polish Language Training, Foreign Service Institute,
(1960-61); Consular Officer, Warsaw, (July-October, 1961); Cultural
Affairs Officer, Warsaw, (1961-64); Political Officer, Warsaw, (January-
.July, 1965); Political Officer, Montevideo, (1965-67); Principal Officer,
Poznan, (1967-69); Senior State Department Representative, National
Military Command Center, JCS, (1969-71); Officer-in-Charge, Soviet-
American Bilateral Relations, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, State,
(1971-73); Member, Falls Church City Planning Commission, (1972-73).
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Born New York, may 26, 1925
Education: Columbia College, A.B., 1943; Columbia University School of
International Affairs, M.I.A, 1949.
U.S. Army, (1943-47), Japanese Language Officer; Department of State Office of
intelligence and Research, Analyst for Indochina, (1949-51); Indonesia,
(1951-53); and Japan (1953-55); Language Training Tokyo, (1955-56); Consul
(Political Officer) Consulate General Kobe-Osaka, (1956-59); Political
Officer, Tokyo, (1959-62); Deputy Chief, Political Section, Bangkok,
(1962-65); Deputy Director, Office of Research and Analysis, East Asia
and Pacific, Department of State, (1965-67); Special Assistant to the
Director, Policy Planning Staff, Office of International Security Affairs,
(ISA), Department of Defense, (1967-68); Deputy Director, Policy Planning
and Arms Control Staff, ISA, (1968-69); Member, Planning and Coordination
Staff, Department of State, (1969-71); Deputy Political Adviser (Chief
Political Section), United States Mission, Berlin, (1971-74).
Previous Position: Deputy Assistant Chief of Mission, Berlin
SMITH, Carl Richard Colonel USAF
Born : Pennsylvania, December 20, 1933.
Education : Franklin & Marshall College, BS (Economics), 1955; George
Washington University, MS (Business Administration), 1966.
U.S. Air Force: Student in Basic Navigator Training, Harlingen AFB,
Harlingen, Texas, (1956); Student in Advanced Navigator/Radar/Bombardier
Training, Mather AFB, Sacramento, California (1957); Student in B-52
Combat Crew Training School, Castle AFB, Merced, California, (1957);
B-52 Navigator/Radar Navigator/Instructor Navigator, Walker AFB, Roswell,
New Mexico, (1958-63); Operations Support Officer, Bombardment/Navigation
Section, Headquarters 15th Air Force, March AFB, Riverside, California,
(1963-65); Student at Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB,
Montgomery, Alabama, (1965-66); Planning & Programming Officer, Command
Planning Division, Directorate of Plans, Headquarters United States Air
Force, Pentagon, (1966-70); Combat Crew Navigator/Instructor Navigator
zind Wing Executive Officer, 460th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, Tan Son
Nhut Air Base, Vietnam, (1970-71); Staff Officer, Deputy Chief of the
Plans Branch, and Chief of the Nuclear Policy Section, Plans and Policy
Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), Belgium,
Previous Position: Chief, Executive Branch, Plans and Policy Division, Supreme
Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), Belgium.
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TANGUY, Charles R. FSO-1
Born : Pennsylvania, December 24, 1921.
Education : Swarthmore College, 1939-41; Pennsylvania State University,
BA (Journalism), 1947; Johns Hopkins University, 1947 (one
Semester of Graduate Work in Modern History).
U.S. Army, Hawaii and Guam, (1942-46) (Left the Service with the Rank of
First Lieutenant); Entered the Foreign Service in June 1947 and Attended
the Junior Office Course at FSI; American Embassy Athens, Assistant
Agricultural Attache and Later Acting Agricultural Attache, (1947-49);
American Consulate, Rabat, Political Officer and Deputy Principal Officer,
(1949-52); Administrative Training Course, FSI, (1952-53); American Embassy
Rome, General Services Officer and Later Acting Budget and Fiscal Officer
and Acting Deputy Administrative Officer, (1953-54); American Embassy,
Bern, Acting Administrative Officer, (1954-55); American Consulate,
Penang, Principal Officer, (1955-56); Mid-Career Course, FSI, (1957);
Department of State, International Relations Officer, Philippine Affairs
and later Desk Officer for Malayan Affairs, (1957-61); American Embassy,
Ankara, Deputy Chief, Political Section, (1961-65); American Embassy,
Paris, Deputy Chief of Political Section in Charge of Internal Political
Affairs, (1965-68); Department of State, Country Director for France/
Benelux later redesignated Western Europe, (1968-72); FSI Executive
Seminar in Foreign Affairs, (1972). Meritorious Honor Award, 1965.
Previous Position: Deputy Chief of Mission, American Embassy, The Hague.
Born . New York, October 14, 1925
Education : Brown University, BA (Economics), 1948
U.S. Army, Rifleman, European Theatre, (1944-46); Consular Officer,
American Consulate Salzburg, Austria, (1948-50); and Edinburgh, Scotland,
(1950-53); Political Officer, American Embassy Ottawa, (1953-56); Staff
Assistant, Office of Mutual Security Affairs, Department of State, (1956-
60); U.S. Delegation to NATO, Paris, (1960-63); Armed Forces Staff
College, (1963); Department of State, Swiss-Benelux Affairs and
European Community Affairs, (1963-67); Head of Economic Section, U.S.
Embassy, Warsaw, (1967-69); Economic Counselor, U.S. Embassy, Stockholm,
(1970-71); U.S. Delegate, Committee II. Conference on Security and
Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Geneva, (1973-75).
Previous Position: Deputy Director, Office of East-West Trade, Bureau of Economic
and Business Affairs, Department of State.
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700080023-1
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP71~-00498A000700080023-1
Born : Oakland, California, 1927.
Education : Stanford University, BA (Political Science), 1947; Yenching University,
(Peking), MA, (Political Science), 1949; Stanford University, Ph.D.,
Political Science, 1956.
U.S. Navy, (1945-46); Fulbright Scholarship (Peking 1948-resumed in Paris
1951-52); instructor of political science at University of Maryland,
Overseas Program (1953-56); Executive Secretariat, Department of State,
(1956-58); Indonesian Language Training, (1959); Junior Officer at
U.S. Embassy, Jakarta and at U.S. Consulate in Medan, Indonesia, (1959-64);
Political Officer at U.S. Mission to United Nations, (1964-68); Student at
Imperial Defense College, Lauden, (1969); Counselor for Political Affairs,
Tehran, Iran, (1970-72); Deputy Chief of Mission, Jakarta, Indonesia,
(1972-75). Superior Honor Award, 1968.
Previous Position: Deputy Chief of Mission, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Born : Kansas, February 10, 1931
Education : Columbia University, AB, 1952; Georgetown University, 1956-57;
University of Michigan, 1963-64.
Experience: Flight Training, (1953-54);
U.S. Navy: USS CABOT Engineering Officer, (1952);
VP-5 Plane Commander, (1956). Department of State: Intelligence Research
Specialist, (1957-59); Consular Officer, Rome, (1960); Economic Officer,
Rome, (1961-62); Consular Officer, Genoa, (1963); Advanced Economic
Training, University of Michigan, (1963-64); Financial Economist, Office
of International Monetary Affairs, (1964-67); Economic Officer, Santo
Domingo, (1967-70); Economic Officer, Lima, (1970-72); Counselor Hffor
Economic and Commercial Affairs, La Paz, (1972-75);
Award, 1974.
Previous Position: Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs, La Paz,
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1975 - 1976
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The Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy provides
the senior most training available to officials of
United States Government agencies with foreign
affairs responsibilities. This ten-month program,
begun in 1958, is conducted annually by the Foreign
Service Institute of the Department of State. It has
a membership composed of senior grade officials
with twenty to twenty-five years of government ex-
The Eighteenth Senior Seminar is composed of 27
Members, thirteen of whom are Foreign Service
Officers from the Department of State, with the
remainder coming from the United States Infor-
mation Agency, Agency for International Develop-
ment, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of
Agriculture, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency,
the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the four
Armed Services.
Updating knowledge of the USA
The purpose of the Senior Seminar is to expand
and deepen the Members' perceptivity of and per-
spectives on what is happening and why in America
and the world. This is accomplished through a cur-
riculum composed of speakers on a wide range of
subjects, travel throughout the U. S., reading, an
individual case study and in-house discussions.
The study of current issues - political, economic
and social - in this country and of contemporary
trends in American science, industry and cultural
life is a major feature of the Seminar's curriculum.
On-the-spot exchanges with leaders in these fields
and with eminent educators, businessmen, labor
leaders and chief executives of state and municipali-
ties during field trips are an important component of
the Seminar's program.
This exposure enhances Members' ability to under- S
stand and interpret dynamic changes in the United
States and to reach thoughtful judgements which will
be of help in their future official ca ac't' g,
Approved For F te4secZ04MQ7d c: Ca RRRs0g1 4N tq e023-1
Seminar's study of foreign policy problems.
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700080023-1
Peter W.
Foreign Service Reserve Officer, Class
2, Agency for International Develop
ment; born South Dakota 1929; Di
rector of the Office of Cambodia Af
Previous Service: Guatemala, Paraguav.
John R.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 1, De-
partment of State; born Wisconsin
1924; Director, Office of Caribbean
Previous Service: Thailand, France,
Vietnam, Haili
Patricia M.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 1, De
partrent of State; born Ohio 1925;
Deputy Chief of Mission, American
Embassy, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Previous Service. Greece, Vietnam.
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-0098A0007O0080023-1
Carl E.
Foreign Service Information Officer,
Class 2, U.S. Information Agency;
born Colorado '1927; Chief Latin
American Division, Voice of America.
Previous Service: Bolivia, Dominican
Republic, Panama, Chile.
Arthur B.
Career Civil Service, Grade 16, Federal
Bureau of Investigation, Department
of Justice; born Pennsylvania 1929;
Chief, Research and Training Section,
Intelligence Division, FBI Headquar-
1'reoious Service: Ah in ('on linen tal United
Approved For Rel
Albert A.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 2, De
partment of State; born Virginia
1932; Consul General, Danang, Viet
Previous Service: Thailand, Vietnam.
Jay W.
Foreign Service Information Officer,
Class 1, U.S. Information Agency;
born Iowa 1926; Assistant Director
of USIA for West Europe.
Previous Service: Germany, Canada
Israel, Iran.
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00
Robert T.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 1, De
partment of State; born Illinois 1925;
Principal Officer, Dusseldorf, Ger-
]he via us Service Germany, i ;ailed
Kingdom, 'angany ihu, Norway.
John E.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 2, De-
partment of State; born Massachu-
setts 1925; Director, Office Bolivia/
Chile Affairs, Bureau of Inter-Ameri-
can Affairs.
Pr'evio us Seruiee: Chile, Panama,
h.'ruudor, Cosfr' Bira.
Approved For Rele
Thomas J.
Career Civil Service, Grade 16, Arms
Control and Disarmament Agency;
born Germany 1930; Chief, Regional
Precious .Sercice. Korea. Rmederr
(amhodiu, G,?rnurn}.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 2, De
partment of State; born New York
City 1929; Deputy Director, Office
of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of
European Affairs.
Previous Service: Moscow, Brasset.
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700080023-1
Willis Ivan Jr.
Captain, U.S. Navy; born Illinois
1930; Executive Assistant to Director,
Command and Control and Commu-
nications Programs, Office of the
Chief of Naval Operations.
Previous Service. England, US Pacific
and Atlantic Fleets.
Gifford D.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 2, De
partment of State; born Virginia '1930;
Deputy Assistant Director (Soviet
Union and Eastern Europe) USIA-
Previous Service: Poland, USSR'.
Leon G.
Career Civil Service, Grade 15, De-
partment of Agriculture; born Tennes-
see 1934; Director, Planning and Eval-
uation Division, Foreign Agricultural
Previous Service Brazil, Japan, Chile.
Approved F
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-004Q
Richard G.
Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps; born
New York 1930; Deputy Director,
Judge Advocate Division, Headquar-
ters, U.S. Marine Corps.
I7eviou.s Seruicc Ohimmva, Japan, Vielnarn.
Donald M.
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Corps
of Engineers; born New York 1933;
Strategic Analyst, Strategic Studies
Institute, US Army War College.
74e cious S,,cav Is ices,, Isrhe>,
Christopher H.
Foreign Service Reserve Officer, Class
2, Agency for International Develop-
ment; born Singapore 1928; Director,
Legislative Programs Coordination
Staff, A.I.D.
Previous Service France, Ines, Philippines.
McKinney H. Sr.
Foreign Service Information Officer,
Class 1, U.S. Information Agency;
born New York 1929; Public Affairs
Officer, Bonn, Germany.
Previous Service: USSR, Zaire.
Approved For Rele /07/44 :~P79-00498A000700080023-1
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-0049 0O . 080023-1
John I). W_
Foreign Service Officer, Class 2, De-
partment of State; born Minnesota
1927; Political Counselor, American
Embassy, Warsaw, Poland.
Previous service: USSR, Poland,
Albert L.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 1, De-
partment of State; born New York
1925; Deputy Assistant Chief of Mis-
sion, U.S. Mission Berlin.
Previous Service: Japan, Thailan',
Germany, (Berlin).
Carl R.
Colonel, U.S. Air Force; born Pennsyl-
vania 1933; Chief, Executive Branch,
Plans and Policy Division, SHAPE.
Previous Service: Vietnam, Belgium.
Charles R.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 1, De
partment of State; born Pennsylvania
1921; Deputy Chief of Mission, Amer-
ican Embassy, The Hague, Nether
Previous Service: Greece, Morocco.
Italy, Switzerland, Malaysia, Turkey,
RD079-10498A 700080023-1
Approved For Rel p
,W f*7/16 : CIA-RDP79-004
Jean R.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 2, De-
partment of State; born New York
1925; Deputy Director, Office of East-
West Trade, Bureau of Economic and
Business Affairs.
Previous Service: Austria, Scotland,
Canada, France (NATO), Poland,
A. Wendell
Foreign Service Officer, Class 3, De-
partment of State; born Kansas 1931;
Counselor for Economic and Commer-
cial Affairs, American Embassy, La
Paz, Bolivia.
Previous Service: Italy, Dominican
Republic, Peru.
Donald R.
Foreign Service Officer, Class 1, De-
partment of State; born California
1927; Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S.
Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia.
Previous Service Indonesia, Iran.
Approved For Releasteo2Oti$107/1 goO F RIG).0D4iM00700080023-1
1400 Key Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia
Telephone: Area Code 703, 235-8766
Area Code 703, 235-8767
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Approved For Relea ii12001/07/ '
!%lk*fW91604~ ei&&08$0023-1
07 F
Department of State
Washington, D. C. 20520
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700080023-1
Approved For Release 2001/07/16 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000700080023-1
John F. ROOT
Foreign Service Officer since 1946;
Service in Sao Paulo, London, Paris,
Rabat, Algiers, Department of State,
Washington. Ambassador to Ivory
Coast 1969-1974.
George M.
Deputy Coordinator
Foreign Service Officer, Class 2, De-
partment of State; born North Caro-
lina 1923; Director, Office of Fuels
and Energy, Bureau of Economic and
Business Affairs.
Previous Service Lebanon, India, Peru.
Patricia A.
Special Assistant
Foreign Service Reserve Officer, Class
7, Department of State.
Previous Service: loos, Yugoslavia, Phil-
SUBJECT: (optional)
OT R l fjYAq
Letter to Mr. George M. Bennsk
Director of Training
1026 C of C
TO: (Officer designation, room number, and
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
Note: This letter was
rewritten to change
time of meeting with
Seminar from 1:30 p.m.
to 3:00
7E12, Hqs.