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.ens-=af ;~ Ion ;and 3aae Chief _4NI P -` ` C'ab"let.Traffc ACTION REWIRED= R :. 25X1A2d.1 5d after of cables was recently called to :your attention n Book Dispatch No. 5951. A2d `f by 1. Because of my concern at the annual gro in the number of ceiling positions.,. I recently personally reviewed their Fiscal. Year 1969 progranm. It is apparent from thzi reviewthat despite in- creased automation and the. consequent ability to-handle:more traffic; per man, a:major portion of the required increases results from a greater volume of traffic, increased hours of coverage and redundancy in the writing of. cables. 25X1A2d1 Z. A comparison of cable traffic. to "arid from Stations. and Bases, in 1965 ,to the volumes handled for those samelocati6A's in 1967 shows an increase. of more than twenty per cent. ThisArend has existed for the past fifteen years, and there appears to be no indication that it will "level oFrom the many cables that cross my desk on a, daily basis, I amcdh- winced that too little judgment is being exercised in the selection of -material to sent by :cable and in the wording of cables. A cable is justified only when action must be immediate or taken before a dispatch can be delivered. 3. -.I request that each Station- and Base Chief take immediate action to modify cable practices, habits and procedures at his installation in order, to reduce cable traffic to the essential minimum. 25X1A2e Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-00639A000100100046-2