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Approved For Rose 2000/081 Mk1F DP79-O 8A000500090O01-3 MIT ROOM December 23, 1974 (617) - 253-1661 39-551 State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Dr. E. E. Grishayev Head, Department of Finance and Capital Investment State Committee of the Council of Ministers Moscow, U.S.S.R. Dear Dr. Grishayev: In accordance with the provisions of the agreement reached at the September 23-26, 1974 meeting of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Group of Experts on Financing of Science (Research and Development), paragraph (1)b, I am enclosing a proposed revised outline for the Survey Report on the Systems of Financing Science (Research and-Develop- ment). As you will note, the revised outline is little more than an elaboration of the items contained in the preliminary outline, reflect- ing our basic satisfaction with the intent and scope of the survey reports as defined at the September meeting. After each side has had an opportunity to review and comment on our respective proposals for revision and clarification, we plan to prepare separate outlines for each section of the survey report on the U.S. system of financing research and development for our mutual review at the meeting of experts planned for the first quarter of 1975. In keeping with the precedent of alternating meeting places, I assume this meeting will take place in Washington, D.C. Let me take this opportunity to add my personal expression of praise to that of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation at its October 1974 meeting for the comprehen- sive study outline developed by you and Dr. Steele. I sincerely regret that I was unable to accompany my colleagues to Moscow and to participate in those discussions. I have been asked by Dr. Steele and the other members of the U.S. delegation who were privileged to meet with you and your associates last September to extend to you their warmest personal regards and appreciation for your hospitality. We look forward to receiving your proposed revision to the preliminary survey report. outline and. your comments on ours. Herbert Hollomon rector, Center for Policy App Qved For Release 2000/08/23: CIA-RDP7Q-V6??tW~36b500090001-3 Jtiulrt _ Approved For Rglease 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79- 0- 98A000500090001-3 A Survey Report on the System of Financing Science'(Research and Development) Revised Report Outline 1. 'Stattment'of Objectives analyses of the mechanisms by which the financing of science (research and development) is carried out and how these mechanisms are reflected in the financial statistics of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. These analyses shall cover the topics listed below in paragrsphs II through VII. In addition, the survey report shall include the following statistical tables covering science (R&D) financing for calendar years 1970 through 1973: 1. Total expenditures distributed by appropriate classes of performing organizations. .2. Total expenditures distributed by type of scientific work (basic research, applied research, development), using estimates if necessary. of financing. 3. Total operating expenditures distributed by sources "4.. Total operating expenditures distributed by cost ...element (wages and salaries, equipment, materials, ""etc.).using estimates if necessary. The survey report shall contain an explanation of all terms and concepts used in describing science (research and development) -financial statistics and other statistical measures used to relate trends in science (research and development) expenditures to selected economic variables, e.g., total company sales, gross national product, etc. 'articular attention given to the identification and explanation of the boundaries between activities considered within the-scope of science (research and.deyelopment) and other activities. .Survey methodologies used in the collection and analyses of science (research and development) and related statistics from institutions in each of the four major economic sectors - Government, industry, academia and private nonprofit organizations - including, as appro- priate, information on universe size, sampling ratios, response rates, etc., will be described. d-Fair-Release 2GO0IO8 3---G A DP79-0Q7-98A000500O9.00"0a4 Approved For Re ase 2000/08/23 :. CIA-RDP79-0 8A000500090001-3 III. Science (Research and Development) Performing Organizations The survey report shall describe the basis used for sectoral classification of science (research and development) performing organizations, including specific examples to illustrate types of institutions within each sector. IV. Planning Science (Research and Development) Financing The survey report shall describe the procedures for planning of science (research and development) budgets, identifying decisions points within and interaction between the legislative and executive branches of government. Science (Research and Development) Expenditures Review and Control The survey report shall describe Government procedures used to ensure that funds are expended in accordance with pre-established guidelines and the review and control exercised by Government agencies over science (research and development) activities funded from Federal sources. The survey report shall identify and describe the major cost elements included in science (research and development) expenditures under current operating costs, e.g., wages, salaries,*materials, overhead, etc. VII. Mechanisms for Financing Science (Research and Development) The survey report shall describe the types of instruments used to finance science (research and development) including a discussion of the provisions for control, amendments, extension... and the degree of flexibility associated with each type of instrument. AOprOied For Release 2NY0%0~8'/1 CTA-RD7T=0D79gA0DU5IID~9QQO Approved For ease 20=08i'i3TA4PZCJT'YJ*98A000 DIVISION OF LANGUAGE SERVICES (TRANSLATION) Dr. J. H. Holoman, Director Center for the Study of Policy Alternatives Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 46179 STATINTL GT/DZ Russian November 28, 1974 In accordance with the understanding reached at the meeting of the Working Subgroup on Financing of Research and Development during September 23-26 of this year in Moscow, I should like to inform you that as of now the Soviet Side does not have any substantive remarks. on the preliminary outline of the review papers. After the September meeting our side completed work on making more precise and specific the above-mentioned outline. The results. of this work are presented in the appendix enclosed in this letter. I shall be most grateful to you if you would communicate your remarks to us on the opinions expressed by us or your other proposals regarding a more precise definition of the outline of the review reports so that we could discuss them in the future. Approved For (ease 20008/23 : CIA-RDP7 798A000500090001-3 I should like to take this opportunity to send my best wishes and those of my colleagues in the subgroup for the New Year to you, to Mrs. N. Nimitz, to Doctors L. Steele, W. Stuart and Ch. Falk. Very sincerely yours, (signature) E. E. Grishaev, Director Division of Financing and Investments of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Science and Technology, Head of the Soviet Section of the Subgroup on Financing for Research and Development Approved For.Iease 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP790?G8 000500090001-3 Example of a more detailed outline of the review report "Financing of Science in the Soviet Union" 1. Purpose of the report The basic purpose of this report is to acquaint American experts with the system of financing of science in the USSR and to promote the writing of a brief scientific description regarding a comparative analysis of the indeces of financing scientific activity provided for in para- graph 3 of the Report on the Joint Meeting of the Subgroup held during September 23-26 of this year. It is recommended in the report to study the concepts, definitions and organizational matters involved in financial science. 2. Description and definition of the basic concepts A definition of the concept science is given; this definition is used for purposes of financing science. The borderlines of this realm are drawn to separate it from other realms of activity. Its relationship to such processes as "utilization of scientific and technical achievements", "in- vention and rationalization", "training scientists and specialists" is described, and a classification of the different fields of science is given. Other concepts which can be used in all or some sections of the report are defined. 3. Description of the organizations carrying out scientific research and development supported by science funding A brief history and the present state of affairs of the network of scientific organizations is given; these organizations are described, and their rights and responsibilities are indicated. ? Approved Fooelease 2000/68/23,.: CIA-RDP7S0798A000500090001-3 4. Description of the methods of planning expenditures for science A description is given of the current system of future and present planning of expenditures for science, and of the creation and approval of plans for financing scientific research work. Ways of planning and financing scientific research on various levels are described. 5. Description of the science financing mechanism In this section the sources of financing, the channels and the means of financial flow movement, and.the manner of utilization of finances are identified. The specific characteristics of budgetary financing profit-and-loss financing, and utilization of credit are presented. The system of material incentives for scientific activity and for implementing .its results is described. 6. Description of the structure of basic expenditures for science In this section the dynamics of the structure of expenditures for science are studied from various angles: for the whole country, by the basic branches of the national economy, by types of research (evaluation), by economic components of the expenditures (wages,- equipment, etc.). 7. Description of the methods of supervision and monitoring of expenditures Book-keeping systems of scientific establishments, and accounting procedures and financial measures used in the system of scientific estab- lishments are presented. Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000500090001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000500090001-3