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rn Mrk, 3//4 N Approved For FJase 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 CAtLE SEC DISSEM BY_ _ _PER__ TOTAL COPIES 1LJ~)_ RvN BY STAT T 605981 AUSE ONLY R 2723i.4Z NOV 74 FM SECSTATE WASHDC TO AMEMBASSY MOSCOW 8403 97, UN CL AS STATE 2 62 20 1 REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN ISSUING O"ICE 10'M'RONImfrp STATE MESSAGE O 11652: TAGSI TGEN, UR ra/' SUBJECT: SST AGREEMENT: SST INFORMATION: DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF COMMON COMMUNI FOR EXCHANGE OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA FOR SCICOUNS REQUEST EMBASSY, ON BEHALF OF US GROUP COORDINATOR, THOMAS k, HUGHES, AEC, ASK G. T, ARTAMONOV, DIRECTOR, ALL UNION INSTITUTE OF INTERBRANCH INFORMATION AND SPECIAL CONSULTANT TO SCST- FOR SOVIET STATE STANDARDS AND CHARACTER SETS ON COMPUTER BIT CODING OF CYRILLIC CHARACTERS USED BY VINITI AND STATE PUBLIC SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LIBRARY, INFORMATION NEEDED FOR DECEMBER 10 PLANNING MEETING OF US PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS, REQUEST SOVIET REPLY BE AIR POUCHED TO DEPARTMENT. INGERSOLL State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file .a Approved For Release 20 tbb?10I:Vl~- 7 ( 79%A~60600040002-6 ? Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A0006000400 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATN WASHINGTON, D.C. 20550 Office of Science Information Service October 11, 1974 MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Oswald Ganley Executive Secretary U.S.-U.S.S.R. Programs Secretariat U.S. Department of State SUBJECT: Report on First Meeting of U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information, Moscow, 16-17 June 1974 STATINTL Attached are copies of the Memorandum of the Joint Working Group's meeting together with the agreements reached on the work: plans for three projects. The US/USSR Joint Working Group recommends approval of these agreements by the Joint Commissions. At its November 1973 meeting, the U.S./U.S.S.R. approved three projects in the'field of scientific and technical information. These are: 1. Development and testing of a common format for the exchange of bibliographic information; 2. A joint seminar on improving methods for forecasting informa- tion requirements and needs; 3. A joint seminar on methods of developing practical means of measuring the cost/effectiveness of scientific and technical information systems. uring the first meeting of the Joint Working Group in Moscow on September 1.6-17, 1974, detailed plans were agreed to for cooperative work on all three 'topics. In tie first stage of work on the common format, cooperating organizations in the U.S. and in the Soviet Union will exchange samples of computer tapes, manuals, and other explanatory materials. Cooperating organizations of the U.S. side will include the AEC, Chemical Abstracts Service, Library of Congress, and NTIS. Soviet counterpart organizations are: All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, All-Union Institute of Interbranch Information, and the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the USSR. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rise 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798Af600040002-6 -Page 2 The U.S. team for the common format project, headed by Tom Hughes, Chief, Systems Development Branch, Office of Information Services, AEC, arrived the previous week, and worked out detailed plans with their Soviet counterparts. He was aided by his two colleagues on this project, Larry Livingston, Council of Library Resources, Inc. and James Wood, Chemical Abstracts Service, American Chemical Society. Soviets working on this project are: Dr. G.T. Artamonov, Director, All-Union Institute of Interbranch Information; Dr. R.S. Gilyarevskiy, Deputy Director, All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information; and Dr. V.I. Tarasov, Deputy Director, State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the USSR. Following study of each other's tapes and materials, the joint project group will meet in the United States--probably in April 1975. P11ans also were set for the two seminars. Dr. Tefko Saracevic, Case Western Reserve University, representing Dr. Derek deSolla Price, Chairman of the U.S. team for the forecasting seminar, negotiated for the U.S. side. Dr. Sanford Berg, University of Florida, negotiated the seminar on cost/benefit in place of Dr. Edwin Mansfield, University of Pennsylvania. In each case, agree- ment was reached on the topics to be covered and a time schedule for exchanging papers prior to each seminar. The cost/effectiveness seminar will be held in June 1975 in the U.S.S.R.,-while the forecasting seminar will be held in the U.S. in October 1975. The second meeting of the Joint Working Group will be held in conjunction with the forecasting seminar. No serious difficulties were encountered in negotiating with the Soviets. Planned activities should bring benefits to the U.S. as well as to the U.S.S.R. Rapprochement with the Soviets has had both positive and negative international consequences in the science information field. On the positive side, we are learning about their systems in depth, and stand to gain'machine-readable access to their bibliographic files. Also, detente and our cooperative work has removed much of the previous heavy Soviet rhetoric and propaganda moves from international forums such as UNESCO. In UNISIST and during the recent UNESCO Intergovernmental Confer- ence, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. frequently joined forces on issues. The negative result is more of an indirect development. European Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rise 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 -Page 3- and Latin American colleagues expressed some concern over the strength of US/USSR science bilateralism. They feel left out. During the UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference, I took some initial steps to defuse European concerns in the science information area. Lee G. Burchinal Chairman Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-R1iP79-00798A00 600040002-6 AGREEMENTS ON US/USSR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROJECTS First P"eeti ng of US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information (Moscow September 16 - 17, 1974) Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Ruse 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798AW00040002-6 Agreements on US/USSR Scientific and Technical Information Projects First Meeting of US/USSR. Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information (Moscow, September 15, - 17, 1974) Contents Page Memorandum on the First fleeting of US/USSR Joint Working Group 1 Appendix 1 - List of Participants - United States/USSR. 3 Appendix 2 - Meeting of Research Group on "Development and Testing of a Common Communications Format for Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Between the Two Countries" Attachment to Appendix 2 - Work Plan for Joint Research in Developing a Common Communications Format for Bibliographic Data Exchange (IV 1974 - III 1975) Appendix 3 - Meeting of the Research Group on "Improvement in Methods of Forecasting Information Require- ments and Services" Appendix 4 - Plan For the First US/USSR Symposium on "Methods for Estimating Costs and Benefits of Information Services" Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For R "se 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798AQ 6600040002-6 MEMORANDUM on the First Meeting of US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information (Moscow, September 16 - 17, 1974) Following the decision of the Second session of the Joint US/USSR Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation, the first meeting of the US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information was held in Moscow on 16th - 17th of September 1974. The US delegation was headed by Dr. Lee G. Burchinal, Head, Office of Science Information Services, National Science Foundation. The Soviet: delegation was headed by Mr. N. B. Arutiunov, the Head of the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Information of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR Council of Ministers. Members of the US and USSR delegations are listed in Appendix 1. Following the agenda, the US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information considered three reports: 1. The results of the first meeting of US/USSR research group on the development and testing of a common communications format for exchange of scientific and technological information between the two countries (Appendix 2). 2. Draft of the working plan on improving methods of forecasting information requirements and needs (Appendix 3). 3. Plans for the first US/USSR symposium on development of prac- tical techniques for evaluating the economic effectiveness of information service (Appendix 4). The Joint Working Group agreed to seek or arrange for translation and limited copying of material necessary for the work of three research groups. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 'Approved For Ruse 2002/08/29RPdFADP79-00798AQ,00040002-6 The report of the activities of the US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information will be submitted for consideration and approval by the US/USSR Joint Commission for Scientific and Technical Cooperation at its next meeting. The second meeting of the US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information will be held in the USA in October 1975. Done in Moscow on September 17, 1974 in duplicate, in English and Russian, with the languages of both texts being equally authentic. /s/ // LEE' G. BURCHINAL N. B. ARUTIUNOV Head Head U.S. Delegation U.S.S.R. Delegation Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Ruse 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798AC 0004( t1 6DIX 1 List of Participants First Meeting US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information UNITED STATES Dr. Lee G. Burchinal, Co-Chairman Head, Office of Science Information Service National Science Foundation Mr. Thomas E. Hughes Chief, Systems Development Branch Office of Information Services Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Lawrence Livingston Program Officer Council on Library Resources, Inc. Mr. James L. Wood Director of Bibliographic Support Division Chemical Abstracts Service Professor 'Tefko Saracevic School of Library Science Case Western Reserve University Professor Sanford Berg Department of Economics University of Florida USSR Eng. Nikolai B. Arutiunov, Co-Chairman Chief, Administration for S&T Information State Committee for Science and Technology U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers Professor G.T. Artamonov (Project Coordinator) Director, All-Union Institute of Interbranch Information (VIMI) Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rase 2002/08/20 P -RZDP79-00798AO A 00040002-6 Dr. R. S. Gilyarevsky Deputy Director, All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (VIN:[TI) Professor V. S, Malov (Project Coordinator) Director, All-Union Scientific and Technical Information Center (VNTIC) Dr. V. M. Bajkovskij Deputy Director, Central Scientific Research Institute for Information and Technical Co-Economic Research in Instrument Making Dr. M. M. Lopukhin Director, All-Union Scientific Research Center for Information (VNICI) B. A. Krasnov Head, Department of Information Dissemination, State Committee for Science and Technology A. P. Metainikov Deputy Chief, USA Division Foreign Relations Department State Committee for Science and Technology V. A. Rukhadze Director, Central Scientific Research Institute for Information and Technical Co-Economic Research in Instrument Making Dr. L. F. Sarukhanyan Director, Armenian Research Institute for Scientific and Technical Information L. V. Jakovleva Chief of the group, VNTIC Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Ruse 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798AOQ9600040002-6 APPENDIX 2 Meeting of the US/USSR Research Group on "Development and Testing of a Common Communications Format for Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information Between the Two Countries" (Moscow, 10 - 12 September 1974) Following the decision of the second session of the Joint US/USSR Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation, the first meeting of the Joint US/USSR Research Group on the "Development and Testing of a Common Communications Format" for the exchange of scientific and technical information between the two countries was held in Moscow in September 1974. The meeting was preceded by a mutual exchange of documents setting forth basic methods for the accomplishment of joint work. In June 1974 the Soviet side delivered to their American counterparts "The Program of Joint Development of Machine-Readable Format of Bibliographic Record for 1974 - 1975". In July 1974 the American side sent to the Soviet side a Draft Project Plan to carry out similar work. At the meeting on September 10 - 12, 1974, the Joint Research Group agreed to submit the following proposals to the US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information: (1) The development and testing of a common communications format for the exchange of bibliographic data should be completed by the end of 1977 to permit adoption of operational versions for the exchange of scientific and technical information on magnetic tapes in 1978. (2) The research group feels that a detailed plan of work can be reasonably projected only for a.year at a time at periodic meetings. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rase 2002/08/200AC~A-ZRDP79-00798A9SW600040002-6 (3) The work on the development and testing of a common communications format for exchange.of bibliographic data should result in an agreed set of the following documents: 3.1 - generalized record format (record structure); 3.2 - a list of data elements and a system for identifying them; 3.3 - a set of rules for recording data elements in accordance with Sec. 3,2; 3.4 - a set of rules for using language codes, country codes, standards, lists of abbreviations, classification schemes, etc.; 3.5 - a character set to be used by the system and methods of their coding; 3.6 - rules for changing and amplifying the communications format. (4) It is assumed that the format will be implemented to describe the following kinds of documents (in order of implementation); 4.1 - monographs 4.2 - periodicals and serials 4.3 - articles, preprints 4.4 - patents 4.5 - technical reports. (5) All implemented formats will be.in Enqlish for documents _ described by the American side and in Russian for documents described by the Soviet side, (6) It is suggested that between the fourth Quarter 1974 and the third Quarter 1975 the work will follow the schedule described in the attachment. (7) In the course of work the draft plan may be revised at the initiative of one of the sides with the consent of the other, (8) At the suggestion of the American side, national organizations to participate in the xperimental work will be named in the fourth Quarter 1974. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIAERDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rase 2002/08/20RARIA DP79-00798'AW0600040002-6 (9) Documents developed in arranging for the mutual exchange of information may be recommended by each side for use in their own organizations. /s/ /s/ Head of the Working Group Head of the Working Group USA USSR Mr. T. E. Hughes Dr. G. T. Artamonov Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 N r Approve4 for Rbipase 2002/080 VY 4J O r. CL O v 0 C) O. Le) v L C N V) 0 O a) c C {) N 4- O N O r ~--? U OIL N c a) C) +~ n QJ L F C' C r O 114- C C as C) C) C) n C 1v o 41 .0 O 4, o C cn a) n E r 0 C O ?N O N C O { aJ U L r N {a a) E N a) a) 11) +J 41 LO 41 -ca) CT v) 4- N. a) a) a) N O) L N L L C. C. n u. ? ?O a) S- a)?r L u a c 1 ! 1 u 4) L > C N +, U) C n. .a N _O N C N ro O N N In C Q) E a) a) N a V) E (1J 4-, .C L O V 41 4- r- of C >' N - 0 - 5 +=, CL a) C O ' +~ N L a) O a ?r a Ap,roved For Retiease 2002708/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 CIA-RDP79-0079844600040002-6 cu aJ N -0 0 v a) a) {-, U) +, L lf) ?.- '0 a) O N v a) > +.) c L v1 v, L C) 010 L 0 +, U 7 N C a F 10 N 0 L U CL4- x- O +3 0 N U+-, E C L 4- a) 0 0 E 4- CL +-, 0 v .C 4- L r - o O ?O 4- r C +1 O v, 10 r L 4- 41 )i)C N t v Approved For Rase 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798AOW00040002-6 APPENDIX 3 Meeting of the US-USSR Research Group on "Improvement in Methods of Forecasting Information Requirements and Services" (Moscow, 16-17 September 1974) Following the decision of the second Session of the Joint Working Group on Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Informationa meeting of the Joint US/USSR Research Group on "Improvement in Methods of Forecasting Information Requirements and Services" was held in Moscow on 16-17 September 1974. The meeting was preceded by mutual exchange of proposals setting forth basic content and methods for the fulfilment of the joint work. The US group submitted a Draft Project Plan with five problem areas of initial work. The USSR Group suggested four problem areas of initial work. Each side reviewed the proposals and found there in basic agreement. At the meeting of the Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Information, the following plan was agreed upon for the Research Group on "Improvement in Methods of Forecasting Information Requirements and Services" for 1974-1975. L, Symposium 1. A four-day symposium, entitled "Forecasting Information Requirements and Services" will be held in the USA in October 1975. 2. The exact dates of the symposium will be determined so to precede or follow the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Information Science, at which meeting Soviet scientists will also have an opportunity to present papers. 3. The participants at the symposium will include five to ten Soviet scientists and 10 to 15 U.S. scientists, who will present papers on topics agreed Upon below. Observers may also be invited, Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA9RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For R a s e 2002/08/20 1 -F DP79-00798Ad@Q 00040002-6 4. The objectives of the symposium are: (a) to synthesize, critically review and compare the work on on forecasting performed to date in both countries; (b) to encourage and enlarge the work on this topic in both countries in a manner that may be useful for practical decision-making as well as for furthering theoretical and experimental investigations. (c) to outline the main tasks to be fulfilled in the near future. 5. The content of studies presented at the symposium shall include analyses of: (a) Scientific and technical literature and data; specification of indicators; measurement of production, dynamics and growth and spread of literature and data. The orientation of the studies should be toward the choice of compatible indicators to serve as a base for the elaboration of forecasts. These studies could provide the basis for a similar UNISIST-managed world-wide effort. (b) Use and Users of Scientific and Technical Literature: specification of direct and unobtrusive indicators of use; citation practices of scientists in both countries; cross- citations between US and USSR scientific and technical litera- tures; analysis of usage of information centres, services and libraries; critical review of previous user studies and their practical applicability for forecasting. (c) Theoretical and Methodological Work: development of theories and methods pertaining to the above-mentioned studies of literature, use, users and forecasting in general; adaptation of theories from other fields of use in these areas. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rase 2002/08/2Qp-IDP79-00798A6'600040002-6 (d) Information Systems and Services: trends in the development; network arrangements; directions of primary journal publica- tions; future coverage of secondary services, directions of use of SDI services, on-line retrieval, retrospective services; directions in obtaining of hard copies; relations between automatized information centres and traditional libraries; developments in data transmission and utilization. 6. Conduct of the Symposium: (a) each topic will be covered by two to four papers. It is not necessary that for each paper on one side there will be a reciprocal paper on the other side, rather the papers shall reflect the work of scientists on each side. (b) the participants shall include scientists directly working in the given areas as well as scientists whose work is related to the areas. (c) the papers will be presented in the language of the authors with translation; the discussion will be conducted in any of the two languages with translation. (d) from the outset and during the conduct of their studies scientists working in similar areas shall exchange definitions, progress reports, methodologies and references to ensure uniformity of understanding and compatibility of results. 7. Time-table 1 November 1974: exchange of materials for use in conducting studies and preparing papers; exchange of reference material of use in definition of terms and clarification of concepts. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rase 2002/08/20 PRJe-RDP79-00798Ab~e600040002-6 By 1 December 1974: - specification of exact topics of studies and naming of scientists who will conduct and present the studies so that they will have sufficient time to prepare thorough studies; - specification of the dates and place of the symposium. By 1 February 1975: - exchange of progress reports methodologies and references between scientists working in similar areas. Py. 1 May '1975: - exchange of titles and abstracts of papers. By 1August 1975: - exchange of full texts of papers accompanied by translation. October 1975: - Symposium - Second Meeting of the US/USSR Research Group on "Improvement in Methods of Forecasting Information Requirements and Services". - Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science II. Uniformity of Concepts and Methods It is recognized by both sides that uniformity and standardization in definitions and methods is-essential for mutual understanding, communi- cation and comparison of results. Therefore, the joint effort shall include specification of concepts and terms that need common definition on both sides as well as the definitions themselves. In particular, this shall include specification of indicators and methodologies. To that effect each side shall prepare a list of concepts, terms, indicators and methods that need a definition, suggest definitions and exchange these with the other side. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rase 2002/08/2QpfAtk-IlDP79-00798AbW600040002-6 As the first step, each side shall collect and exchange existing reference materials, standards, review articles, texts and the like which can serve as the base for achieving uniformity. At the symposium there shall be working discussion on this topic. /s/ Prof. T. Saracevic (US) /s/ Dr. R. Giljarevskij (USSR) Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For R4Wase 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798AGG00040002-6 APPENDIX 4 Plan For the First US/USSR Symposium on "Methods for Estimating Costs and Benefits of Information Services" (Moscow, September 16 - 17, 1974) 1. A three-day Symposium will take place in the USSR in June 1975. 2. The symposium will focus on the theoretical bases for developing economic criteria for evaluation of the effectiveness of scientific and technical information services. 3.. The following topics are proposed for discussion: (a) The principles of criteria selection for determining the economic returns to scientific and technical information at the following levels: society as a whole (national economic effect) - single sector (industry) - single organization (company, research institution). The elements to be considered include the capabilities of advanced techniques for evaluating company information needs, approaches to financing the acquisition of information, effectiveness criteria for performing engineering calculations in designing information systems, and the determination of the effects of scientific and technical information on technological development and efficiency in the three levels of the economy noted above. (b) Evaluation of possibility of application of mathematical, economic and econometric models. This modeling and empirical effort will be focused on estimating cost-benefits stemming from the provision of information services to systems performing the functions of management, research and development, innovation, and the practical application of scientific and technical results. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A 600040002-6 (c) Case studies of the measurement of benefits from scientific and technaloui.cal' information. 4. The preparation, of procedure of symposium: (a) The preparation of papers by each party shall include: - exchange of authors' names, titles and annotations of papers by February 15; - translation of papers into the language of the other country - on the side of the US - into Russian; and on the side of the USSR - into English; - distribution of papers translated in two languages among the members of the Project 3 Joint Research Group and participants in the symposium; (b) Papers in both languages will be distributed before April 25, 1975. 5. With the aim of securing better mutual understanding of basic concepts in this problem area, during the period of symposium preparation, both sides will work toward the development of a bilingual terminological dictionary. The exchange of preliminary material for the dictionary will be completed by February 10, 1975. Each side will make corrections and comments before May 1, 1975. We expect the dictionary to facilitate discussion at the symposium. 6. The procedure of holding of symposium: (a) The number of papers submitted should not exceed six from each side. Each paper should not exceed 25 double-spaced typewritten pages.; (b) The number of the symposium participants will be determined by the number of paper-readers and members of the Joint US/USSR Research Group. The total number of the participants should not exceed the following quotas: - on the side of the host country - 25 people, - on the side of the country-participant - 10 people (including members of the US Research Group). Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 A`ppro4ed For RbWase 2002/08/20-P-F3DP79-00798Af600040002-6 (c) The results of the symposium will be published in the form of: -. the memorandum, the collection of the symposium papers from each side, in the language appropriate For each country. September 17, 1974 /s/ Moscow, USSR Prof. S. Berg (USA) /s/ Prof. U. Malov (USSR) Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Relse 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP79-00798A0bM00040002-6 U.S.-U.S.S.R, Agreement on Scientific Cooperation, dated May 24, 1972 Areas of Cooperation: Chemical Catalysis Application of Computers to Management Electrometallur.gy Forestry Research Technology Intellectual Property metrology and `1'eclinica3_ Production of Substances by Microbiological Means Physics , Special Science Policy Scientific c~ e InforI lct:j_on Sty?ndard i z c~ t.1C)n Water llesolzz=ce: Topics Above Areas in which specific projects }')c1\'G bC en ?; I_pro`dC d, and U S Pro . . ject Coordinators named: Chemical Catalysis Application of Computers to M nagcr,ent El.ectrometellurcry Production of Substances by Microt):i_oloc :i_c Science Policy Scientific and Technical Info ti_on Water Resources Lists of U. S. Working Group and Project Coorc.ii_n, t.o.,-; With. exception of the following, mcmher hip of ct:.ec working groups and listings of Project Coordi.neuors attached o Metr_ ology Standardization recently split into the two working groups; listings being rcev:ised. Intellectual Property -- membership o:f_ U.S. Group ju t completed; li., t to be prepared wor-J ]-nq groin-, 10/7/74 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO 000400802- 3/8/74 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation U.S. WORKING GROUP ON SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION Project Coordinators Dr. Lee G. Burchinal 202-632/5824 Head, Office of Science Information Service TELEX: RCA 24521 National Science Foundation NASCF UR 1800 G Street, N.W. WU 89-2438 Washington, D.C. 20550 Project Coordinators 1. Development and Testing of Common Communications Format for Bibliographic Data Exchange Mr. Thomas E. Hughes Chief, Systems Development Branch Office of information Services U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D.C. 20545 . 2. Improving Methods of Forecasting Information Requirements and Services 202-973/4035 Dr. Derek J. de Solla Price 203-436/4366 Avalon Professor of History of Science Yale University 2036 Yale Station New Haven, Connecticut 06520 3. Estimating Costs and Benefits of Information Services Dr. Edwin Mansfield Professor, Department of Economics The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 215-594/7788 Where available, elex or TWX service identified; otherwise only office telephone numbers listed. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved Fc~ ~0~240 A J - 7790 WQ6000401002-6 ti ,zr-4 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20530 ~ ~. Office of Science .1Information Service August 29, 1974 Mr. N. B. Arutyunov Director, Directorate of Scientific and Technical Information State Committee for Science and Technology, USSR Council of Ministers 11 Gorky Street Moscow, USSR STATINTL Dear Eng. Arutyunov: I have received your letter of August 13 and am pleased that we agree on the program and schedule for the first meeting of the Joint Working Group, the Project Group on a Common Communications Format, and the visits of the American specialists to Soviet information centers. I recognize the need to complete the Joint Working Group's business on September 17 so that you can depart for the Paris meeting of the Bureau of the UNISIST Steering Committee on the morning of the 18th. Since we both will be attending the Paris meeting, I will plan to leave Moscow with you on the same morning flight (Aeroflot 251). To expedite the Joint Working Group's sessions within the two day period, perhaps we should meet before Monday, September 16, to discuss procedure and agenda. I expect to arrive in Moscow shortly after noon on Friday, September 13, and will be available to meet with you that afternoon or evening, or any time at your convenience on September 14 or 15. As to one point of procedure, I suggest that the Soviet draft project plan on a common communications format be used as the basic working document at the meeting of the American and Soviet specialists on September 9-11. I further suggest that the U.S. draft project plans for the other two topics serve as the basis for discussion during the Joint Working Group meeting. To assist the American and U.S. specialists in their discussions on a common communications format, September 9-11, 1 have asked Adam Wysocki to send you copies of the UNISIST Reference Manual. He informs me that three copies were airmailed to you on August 28. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved ForRolease 2O&P F2c2~ CIA-RDP79-00798 0600040002-6 Under separate cover, via the American Embassy, I am sending you the following materials: (1) "The USSR Scientific and-Technical Information System: A U.S. View", Report of the U.S. Participants In the US/USSR Symposium on Scientific and Technical Information, held in Mllos,ow, June 18-30, 1973s(15 copies). I am pleased to reciprocate free rights to translation and reproduction of this report for distribution in the Soviet Union and Comecon countries. (21) Eleven sets of photographs taken during the Second Symposium at Reston, Virginia. (3) Copies of visuals shown during several presentations the Soviet specialists attended during their visit to various information centers in the United States last October. .(4) Tapes of.the October 1-2, 1973 US/USSR Symposium at Reston. Dr. V. G. Rukhadze, in particular, asked if we could provide them since his tape recorder was not functioning properly at the time. (5) "U.S.-U.S.S.R. Copyright Negotiations on Scientific and Technical Journals", a Survey Report Prepared by the National Science Foundation, June 1974 (2 copies). We have tried to monitor the U.S. publishing community's negotiations with Soviet organizations since your country joined the Universal Copyright Convention last year. The survey of U.S. publishers was conducted in March-April of this year, I look forward to meeting with you and the other Soviet specialists in Moscow. Sincerely, Lee G. Burchinal Head Enclosures: Under separate cover as stated cc: Dr. J. L. Tech, U.S. Embassy, Moscow (Original + lcc) W t .USSR Program Secretariat, Dept. of State Dr. John Thomas, OIP Dr. Burchinal Mr. Pronko A6/NI Rdg. Chron Circ F i l e ;gp ( ~o~l~~l B1;~12c /?> 1 .: CIA-RDP9bl6Df4&68 674:25706 Approved`For Rease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798 STATINTL U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation U.S. WORKING GROUP ON SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION Dr. Lee G. Burchinal (Chairman) Head, Office of Science Information Service National Science Foundation 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20550 Dr.'Derek J. de Solla Price Avalon Professor of History of Science Yale University 2036 Yale Station New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Mr. Thomas E. Hughes Chief, Systems Development Branch Office of Information Services Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D.C. 20545 Dr,. Edwin Mansfield Department of Economics The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 202-632/5824 203-436/4366 202-973/4035 215-594/7788 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 ~..% 6/28/74 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation U.S. PROJECT GROUP ON ESTIMATING COSTS AND BENEFITS OF INFORMATION SERVICES Dr. Edwin Mansfield (Project Coordinator) Department of Economics' The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Professor William J. Baumol Department of Economics Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Professor Sanford Berg Department of Economics University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32601 215-594/7788 609-452/4006 904-392/0132 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-0079806000400028"74 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation U.S. PROJECT GROUP ON IMPROVING METHODS OF FORECASTING INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS AND SERVICES Dr. Derek J. de Solla Price (Project Coordinator) 202-436/4366 Avalon Professor of History of Science Yale University 2036 Yale Station New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Professor Fritz Machlup Department of Economics Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Professor Tefko Saracevic. School of Library Science Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio 44106 609-452/4049 216-368/3526 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A060600040002-6 Approved Foriiease 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP79-00798,30060006W1T4 U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation U.S. PROJECT GROUP ON DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF COMMON COMMUNICATIONS FORMAT FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA EXCHANGE Mr. Thomas E. Hughes (Project Coordinator) Chief, Systems Development Branch Office of Information Services Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D.C. 20545 Mr.,Lawrence Livingston Program Officer Council on Library Resources, Inc. One Dupont Circle Washington, D.C. 20036 Mr.'James L. Wood Director of Bibliographic Support Division Chemical Abstracts Service The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 202-973/4035 202-296/4757 614-421/694() Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 STATINTL Approved ors eas '1002/08 - CIA-RDP79-00798]0600040002-6 Office of Science information Service June 28, 1974 1Ir. N. B. Atutyunov Director Directorate of Scientific and Technical Information State Committee of USSR. Council of .nisters for Science and Technology 11 Gorky Street Moscow, USSR Dear Mr. Arutyimov: 10 We agrceil to exchange plans in June for the three areas of activities under t~) the lJ^fi1:aSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical Irxfo~'rsati.azt. Names of the 1T. S. ? .embers of the Joint Working Group and of the three t:ea:as and r~ur iatiti_ai glans are enclosed. I assauaae we still plan to hold the anti etietg of the Joint Working Group in Moscow on Sept.ei;abber 16-13? B;scan e of catwrtit.ments herea, I will.. not be able to arrive until September 1.4 or 1.5. However, I believe it would he useful for the Project Croup on Common Coninunications Fo ?nation to work together during the week of September 9. Considerable time and interaction between the U.S.S.R.. anal U.S. project tear. DieO)ors will. be necessary, we think, to draft plans for this activity. Plans could then be reviewed by the Joint Working Group in our meeting beginning September 16. For the other two topics, we should be able to work out plane during the Joint Worhin Group meeting. Several of the U.S. participants would like to visit U. S.S.F. facilities following the ;meeting on September 3l6-13. I will forward information About: their interest: to you shortly. Perhaps we can exchange views or, the other country's plans at least once before our September meeting. I will respond shortly after receiving your plans. To expedite your cos .rents, I suggest you send thel+a via Jack Tech, Science Attache at. the U.S. Embassy in 1,11oscow. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 T look forward to meeting with you and our Soviet colleagues in September as we advance the mutual cooperation in scientific and technical informa- tion that was ;begun so well in 1973. Sincerely, Lee G. Burchinal Head Enclosures: 1 -,Three Draft Project Planes 2 -- List of U. S. Members of Joint Working ? roup and Press ect Croups Royal Wa d, DP.partment of State/SCI Jack Tech, U.S. Embassy, Moscow - Original Oswald Ganley, Department of State/SCI w/2 John Thomas, OIP Burchinal Pronko CITRON .AD/BFI Read FILE: US/USSR Bilateral Agreement CSG:SIS:EPRONKO:dhf:66/28/74:25706. w/1 cc cc Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For lia ease 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP79-00798AD00600040002-6 US-USSR COOPERATION IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION DRAFT PROJECT PLAN for Project No. 1 - Development and Testing of a Common Communications Format for Bibliographic Data Exchange A three year effort, from 1974 to 1977, is proposed. The exact phasing of tasks will be determined at the joint meeting of the US-USSR Project Group in September 1974. The following joint efforts are suggested: 1. The development of an agreed set of conventions to accommodate all forms of bibliographic material, consisting of: a. A generalized record format (the "carrier" of the biblio- graphic record). b. Data elements and tagging structure (content identifiers). c. Content specifications for the data elements (including country codes, language codes, cataloging rules). d. Character set extensions. 2. The design and conduct of a series of tests in which the full range of bibliographic descriptions will be exchanged between libraries and abstracting and indexing services of the two cauntre$ .sing the agreed- set-. indicated in?'1?. 3. Evaluation of the tests in accordance with agreed criteria and, if necessary, revision of specifications in the set of conventions prior to initiation of bibliographic information exchange. In reference to effort la, it is proposed that maximum use be made of existing international standards and guides (such as the Reference Manual prepared by the UNISIST-ICSU/AB Working Group on Bibliographic Description) and that Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Re ease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798WO600040002-6 2- ongoing standardization work be identified and utilized as a basis for arriving at the agreed set. Accordingly, ISO 2709-1973 (Documentation- Format for Bibliographic Information Interchange on Magnetic Tape) is recommended for la as the generalized record format. In reference to effort lb-d, it is proposed that close liaison be estab- lished with ISO TC/46, the UNISIST Working Group on Bibliographic Data Interchange, IFLA and ICSU/AB to obtain the latest information on the status of standards development in these areas and to draw upon any results avail- able. For example, ISO TC/46 SC4 has a Working Group on Character Sets and IFLA has issued the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), one for single volume and multi-volume monographic publication and another for serials, both designed as an instrument for the inter- national communication of bibliographic information. In addition, an IFLA Working Group on Content Designators exists. In reference to both efforts 1 and 2, it is proposed that priority be given to serials, technical reports, monographs, and papers contained therein (analytics). For serials, the ISDS Guidelines being applied by the Moscow Regional Center for ISDS and its U.S. counterpart should be carefully studied for efforts lb-c. This ISDS record could be amplified for purposes of this binational project wherever necessary (e.g., the data element "issuing body," to achieve greater compatibility and uniformity). It is suggested that authority lists be developed for corporate headings (authors and issuing bodies) to permit entry of these data elements by codes and to achieve uniformity. IFLA has sponsored a study of corporate headings which should be carefully considered. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved FoJelease 2002/08/20 : 9I4-RDP79-0079"000600040002-6 Transliteration and translation pose a number of problems with many alter- native solutions. It is suggested that at the outset transliteration be left to the discretion of the user by providing a unique code for each letter symbol in the machine record enabling local conversion to any trans-, literation scheme desired. Carrier language questions must be given priority especially to resolve key issues of classification and indexing presenta- tion. The need for the Joint Project Group to produce a common communication for- mat by a particular date means that design decisions must often be taken as best they can within the framework of existing or developing standards (or lack of suitable standards). This in turn means that particular practices become of necessity entrenched in the system, and are more difficult to modify at a later date. The U.S. Project Group wishes to emphasize that significant variations from widely accepted common practices for achieving compatibility should be avoided. Office of Science Informati.on Service National Science Foundation June 27, 1974 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved Forlease 2002/0.8/20 : CIA-RDP79-0079W0600040002-6 US-USSR COOPERATION IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION DRAFT PROJECT PLAN for Project No. 2 - Improving Methods of Forecasting Information Requirements and Services For this topic the U. S. suggests five problems of initial work, with concentration on the first two. These are: 1. Measurement of the cross-citations of work in the other country within the U. S. and U.S.S.R. scientific and technical literature. Methodology would have to be established, followed by joint projects in selected areas of scientific and technical publication. Initial results would provide a baseline for periodically measuring and projecting changes in citations within and between fields and for broader fields of literature in each country. Effort in the initial seminar would focus on presenting and analyzing methods for conducting joint studies and selection of fields for study. Specialists in each country could exchange papers in advance, and then come prepared to resolve theo- .retical, and xnethodo.logieal,.issues, prepare...a.,commonresearch design, and establish a work plan. Results could be reported at the second seminar. 2. Measurement. of the production of scientific and technical lit- erature. The U. S. sees this as a basic study--one necessary to any forecasting of information developments of any kind. The U. S. proposal is that the U. S. S. R. and the U. S. under- take common studies of changes in production of literature in our two countries, usin coi ,~~h~ eas- Approved For Release 2002/00 :~I-RDP19-r~09~rA~0~~d02 Approved For lease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-0079$ 00600040002-6 -2- urement, and projection methods. Our initiative could provide the basis for a similar UNISIST-managed world-wide effort. We could use an. approach similar to that for the first topic. Papers outlining theoretical bases, methods, and so on could be exchanged in advance, and the seminar time could be devoted to development of the bases for common studies. The two research teams could exchange results at the second seminar. 3. Consideration of the future of abstracting and indexing ser- vices. The U. S. proposes that this topic be treated in a conventional seminar fashion. We do not propose any continuing joint research effort. Rather, we suggest that each country seek a person to provide an overview of expected lines of develop- ment, discuss obstacles or issues confronting the growth of these services, and perhaps offer an analysis of the economic problems facing these services. We might want to arrange to have one or two persons serve as discussants of the two ..papers. Others, of course, could be invited to this portion of the: seminar. 4. Discussion of the non-statistical estimations of the likely changes in how scientific and technical information may be disseminated and used, say ten years hence. We have in mind analysis of the, directions of p imary. jpurnal publicat on,., eaverage of secondary services, networking arrangements, likelihood of substitution of sdi services for parts of the present Approved For Release 2002/08/20 CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For'Rolease 2002/08/203: CIA-RDP79-00798 00600040002-6 primary and secondary services, use of on-line retrieval, or ways hard copy may be obtained. In short, we propose a general discussion of the broad directions of changes expected in the transmission and use of information. Again, this topic could be treated in the convention seminar fashion, with a paper from each country, followed by dis- cussants' remarks and general discussion by all participants. Analyses of user studies, with emphasis on development of methodologies for improving measurement and projection of demand for information. There have been thousands of user studies in the U. S. , but the results are not useful for estimating demand. We are less well informed about the situation in the Soviet Union. We propose that a person in each country pre- pare a critical review paper on this topic for presentation and discussion at the seminar. This topic would be treated in a conventional seminar fashion, with discussants' comments and general discussion. From the discussion, we might derive guidance for possible develop- In ment of joint work. summary,:, the U. S. suggests: 1. Preparation of theoretical and methodological papers, exchanged in advance, leading to development of common research projects on cross-citation of literature and the changes in the production of literature in. each country. ;S.emirlar time would be. devoted., Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For1ease 2002/08/204.CIA-RDP79-00798400600040002-6 to developing common research designs, methods and analyses. A small team, perhaps only three to five persons, would con- centrate on these problems for perhaps three days or even a week. One way we may approach these two problem areas is to have the two sets of specialists (U. S. and U. S. S. R.) meet during the week prior to the broader seminar and then to pre- sent their results to the rest of the seminar. 2. Presentation of papers during the seminar on the future of abstracting and indexing services, estimations of broad changes in the dissemination and use of information, and critical review of user studies to develop ways of estimating demand for infor- mation. Office of Science Information Service National Science Foundation June 27, 1974 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved F@ elease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-0079SA000600040002-6 Information to a Firm. The purpose of this paper would be to formulate and discuss models to help answer questions like: How much is information of various kinds worth to a firm? How can a firm go about answering this kind of question? What sorts of models and econometric techniques can be devised or adapted to answer this sort of-question? The emphasis here is on the particular firm (or government agency) and its problems and perspectives. The Evaluation of the Social Benefits.of Scientific and Techno hogical Information. The purpose of this paper would be to formu- late and-discuss models, to help answer questions How can theoretical and statistical techniques be brought to on this question? Clearly, the role of externalities and the like: How much .is information of various kinds. worth to the economy.a$sa whole?. US-USSR COOPERATION IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION DRAFT PROJECT PLAN for Project No. 3 - Development of Methods for Estimating Costs and Benefits of Information Services The United States proposes that eight topics be considered for presenta- tion at the first US-USSR Symposium on Cost/Benefit Analysis of Scientific and Technical Information. Leading U.S. and U.S.S.R. economists and infor- mation specialists will prepare papers on topics such as described below. Please consider the annotations as suggestive only. 1. The Evaluation of the Benefits of Scientific and Technological public=good 'aspects of scientific-arid technological information play an important role in this discussion. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Rsiease 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP79-00798AW0600040002-6 -2- 3. The Applicability of Benefit-Cost Analysis to Scientific and Technological Information. Over the past decades, economists have devoted a great deal of energy to the development of a set of techniques that can be characterized as "benefit-cost analysis." To what extent and in what ways can benefit-cost analysis, in its present form, contribute to better decision- making concerning the production and dissemination of scientific and technological information? Among the specific topics that might be addressed here is the proper discount rate, the proper way of handling consumer's surplus, and the proper way of incor- porating and measuring uncertainty. 4. The Applicability of Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory to Policy Makin Concerning Scientific and Technological Information. During the past couple of decades, economists and statisticians have devoted a great deal of work to the develop- ment of a set of concepts and techniques that can be characterized as "statistical decision theory." To what extent and in what ways can statistical decision theory, in its present form, contribute to better policy: formation:conc:erning the production.'and.disseminate=.. ?tion. df scientific and technological information? .The Applicability of Econometric Studies of Production Functions and Technological Change to Policy-Making Concerning Scientific and Technological Information. Another area of considerable "''i?nt.erest''to: e .onomists in?' recent years has: been the econometric study of technological change at both the madro'a'nd micro levels. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For lease 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP79-0079&4W0600040002-6 -3- To what extent is it possible to extend existing models to include the production and dissemination of scientific and technological information? How can we measure the relevant informational inputs? What approaches should be tried? Case Studies of the Measurement of Benefits from Scientific and Technological Information. Three papers might be given which would describe case studies of the measurement of benefits from scientific and technological information. One paper might sur- vey the studies (like those by Lave and Nelson and Winters) that try to evaluate the benefits from better forecasting techniques. Another paper might survey the studies that attempt to evaluate the benefits from various forms of important new technological information. Another paper might look at the journals or libraries or both. National Science Foundation June 2'7','1974 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For lease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-0079$00600040002-6 US/USSR AGREEMENT ON SCIENTII'IC AND TECHNICAL COOPERATION SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFOR'5ATION US/USSR Joint Working Group on Scientific and Technical. Information United States Lee G. Burchinal, Co-Chairman Head., Office of Science Information Service' National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. 20550 (202.) 632-5824 Derek J. de Solla Price Avalon Professor of History of Science Yale University 2036 Yale Station New Haven, Connecticut 06520 (203) 436-4366 Edwin Mansfield Professor, Department of Economics The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 .(215) 594-7788 Thomas E. Hughes Chief, Systems Development' Branch Offdice.of Information. Services Atomic Energy Commission. Washington, D.C., 20545 (202) 973-4035 U.S.S.R. Eng. Nikolay B. Arutyunov, Co-Chairman Chief, Administration for S&T Information State Committee for Science and Technology U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers 11, Corby Street Moscow K-9, U.S.S.R. Tel: 29-22-36 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Tease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-007980600040002-6 Project Group on Improving; Methods of Forecastin Information Requirements a.nd Services United States Derek J. de Solla Price Project Coordinator Avalon Professor of History of Science Yale University 2036 Yale Station New Haven, Connecticut 06520 (202) 436-4366 Fritz Machiup Professor, Department of Economics Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08540 (605) 452-4049 `1'efko Saracevic Professor, School of Library Science Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio 44106 (216) 368-3526 U.S.S.R. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For R lease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798 p0600040002-6 Pra ect Group on Estimating Costs and Benefits of Information Services United States Edwin Mansfield Project Coordinator Professor, Department of Economics The tJharton School University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 (215) 594-7788 William J. Baumol Professor, Department of Economics Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08540 (609) 452-4006 Sanford Berg Professor, Department of Economics University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32601- (9014) 392-0132 ."U.S.S.R. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For ease 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP79-00798100600040002-6 Pro;~ect Group on Testinnd Developing a Common Communication Format for Bibli.o~ r.a~>lli_c Data Exchanne United States Thomas E. Hughes Project Coordinator Chief, Systems Development Branch Office of Information-Services Atomic Lnergy Commission Washington, D.C. 20545 (202) 973-4035 Lawrence Livingston Program Officer Council on Library Resources, Inc. One Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 2.96--4757 James L. Wood Director of Bibliographic Support: Division Chemical Abstracts Service The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 421--6940 U.S.S.R. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Tease 2002/08/ R&4 Q0600040002-6 REVIEW OF STATUS OF PROJECTS 1, ~ ~ 431 STATINTL 1. Energy R&D 9 projects. 2 (MHD and Superconducting) will be covered in detail by project chairmen, as among promising projects, next on agenda. Remainder essentially still in initial stages of project group visits and efforts to define and organize cooperation. Specifics: mhc+rm. 1 knower stations (TVA) - US nro-iect aroun visited c' . USSR last Fall; Soviet group will come later this year. thermal power plants (TVA) - Soviet group here last December; J Air pollution reduction and waste. disposal systems for 11. 11 Hydroelectric power stations (Interior) - Plans .being discussed for project visits this year. X-- Heat rejection (AEC) - Soviet group will make first visit here this month. return visit by US group later this year. UHV/HVDC (Bonneville) - US group in USSR in February. Electric Power System Planning and Dispatching (TVA) Soviet group here at end of May. Solar/Geothermal (NSF)- Preliminary discussions when US team visited Moscow in January; 2,Soviet groups due here this month but 1 postponed to October; US groups due to visit USSR in August/September. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 Approved For Release.Z002/08/20:: CIA-RDP79-00798A000600 0002-6 2 - 2. Chemical Catalysis } 5 Projects. 5 US Research Fellows now in USSR for at least 3 months each. Will be discussed in detail later'. 3. Computer Applications 3 Projects well defined, 2 others in process of further definition. US research materials sent; none received yet in return. Extensive schedule of visits over coming year, including attendance at some scientific conferences in USSR, developed by US WG Chairman (Aufenkamp). Soviet responses slow but recently more responsive; Aufenkamp is optimistic, in restrained way. One apparent problem: Soviet WG Chairman has been ill. 4. Water Resources 4 Projects. Beginning to move, although still sluggish.- Problems on US side include personnel changes in Bureau of Reclamation (Interior), which responsible for 3 of the projects. 1st project meeting held in May in Moscow; other 2 planned this suurnmer. Re fourth project--Cold Weather Construction (Corps of Engineers)--Soviets have proposed shifting to Energy area,.for bureaucratic reasons.. 5. Microbiology 5 projects. Proposals to further define activities exchanged. Third Joint WG meeting began June 10 here in Washington. US Chairman believes should not be too hard to reach agreement and is hopeful that some joint work can soon begin. NSF fully prepared to fund. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 p F r Approved For Rgfease 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A 0600040002-6 3 - 6. Science Policy 4 projects. Dr. Beckler will describe later in agenda. 7. S&T Information .3 projects. Project teams have been organized on US side, and are developing specific program plans to send to Soviet side this month. Joint WG to meet in Moscow in September to review and approve project plans, so work can then begin. One project group will also meet there at same time. 8.. Forestry Research and Technology Soviet group had been due for return visit this month, but had to postpone. Now rescheduled for October. Nothing much has happened. 9. Metrology/Standardization Also little.movement. US proposed in January that split into 2; Soviets have indicated agreement. LaQue will head US group on Standardization to visit Moscow later this month. 10. Electro'metallurgy Soviet group here at end of May. Dr. Promisel will report on prospects. 11. Physics No information on whether steps have actually been taken by Soviet Academy to organize a "'joint research organ" on problems of theoretical physics. 12. =Intellectual* Property Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600040002-6 US group still getting organized.