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/k7 4 Approved elease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-007.1aA000600400045-2 United States Department of the Interior 1300 167.-guasia 131.11W.A17 OF )112CLAMATION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20240 STATINTL APR 3 1974 *DOI Waiver Letter In ERU FILE* Mt. 0. Bilik Director, All-Union Scientific nestlarch Ilstituta of Integrated Autwation OWIIKA) of Reclamation ayatams No. 11, Gork:7 Otroat U.S.S.R. Door' Wr. Bilikz havo received your letters datud Auczust 23, 1973, and DmeAbor 2, 1973, and aro laosuod to learn t%at the joint Commiasion on Sciav,tific and Tectalical Coo,Icr6tion In our fiecd of 'iJotoOs and 1A,euro.? of Automation ahrenote Control L. Uatr Rc..17*nrcf. typatoktu" procuedir3 favoralAy. 31uc t foridAtion. or elis woe; group, tha firot U.S. PrWct Coora.astor, /4-r. Gilbert G. Sts'Eva, backi appointed Colalisionar of 'Reelawation an4 tho tik:m4atis of his ponition Are such aa to tba miouat of tima availll'Ao to Jcvotu to thia proiect. Therefore, T. 'have beau iiesilnate4 aa Project Cooranotor, Aa Aa;:gistaat ComKiiosioner of Peclaation - Resource Oanag.ament, Law the rcswnsiUlity of ensuring tZla optioal wt,nsgoriont of water 2aourceL.4ystems in !":calawatioa a.74 thia includes timtc 'Of automation and remota ccatrol. concur with your propoval to coavane the first tleating of 0...a American add Ooviot specialists it tbis country iu y or June for a period of 12 d4ys. Tnis ineetiug will est";.4liah prolirainary aliLverient on and dewlop a ITrogran for our 1?11.4 work in wal:or systms autow.tion. Alao 4v:1nz this period, you will viit varimls projects in tlic tteril thated 5t4tea vhith feature anto=tion and reuloto control. In vier4 of ocaawal irriatioa operatioas, / believe tai visit t.4,.on16 ba most sppropriuto last two full kvceks ia Jut:t. A r.stm= viroit of tile Merican deleriAtiou will Oc smheduled for Aktp',uat or septanic4r. IMAlktittu, Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100045-2 Approved Farr-Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00734000600100045-2 Our work group, consisting of opeciallsts fro uL various Federal and state governmental or!!saiRationa and irrigation 'districts, will be meeting soon and uill prepare opecifie plans to present to you for your visit to this country. You ezpect this information in about 1 menth. tu regard to your queetion on. an. Interpreter, the United gtatos, AO host country, will furnish an, interpreter in this country. Likez4ise, ws will eRpect the services of swinterprotor from the U.S.S.R.. Whoa us visit your country. We ars sending to you, under separate 'cover, a collection of toehnieal literature on uater systetva /Intonation. Enclosed is a list of this literature* 0 nnolosure Separate Cover Sincerely yours, (SGD) E., F. SULUVAN ' E. F. Sullivan Asuistant COMIS31.010if Resource Nulasement (see attached list) bee: Mt. Harald T. Peterson Dr. William S. Butcher LPI7AJI swald H. Ganley each y/c enclosure Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100045-2 1"7"; Approved rbv'Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-0074aA600600100045-2 t List of Enclosures 1. Water .5..yems Automation - State of the Art, U.S. Bureau of ? Reclamation,- July 1973 2. Application of a Minicomputer to A Channel Control Problem, Enger, P. F; Strickland, E. .A.; Gutierrez, M.; Hartman, V. B.,. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, REC-ERC-73-11, July 1973 3. Stuqyof Ily.aulic Filter Levet Offset (HyyLO) Eqpiment for Automatic Downstream Control of Canals, Schuster, J. C.; Serfozo, _ E. A., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, REC-ERC-72-30 January 1972 4. Automatic Downstream Control of Canal Check Gates by the lizir-aulic Filter Level Offset (HvFLO) Method, Harder, James A.; Shand, Michael J.; and Buyalski, Clark P., Fifth Technical Conference, U.S. Committee on Irrigation, Drainage, and Flood Control, I.C.I.D., October 8 and 9, 1970, Denver, Colorado 5. Remote Control Operation of Larpe Irrigation Structures, Schild, Neil W.; Williams, Harvey R., I.C.I.D., 1972, Bulgaria ; - 6. Remote Electronic Control - A Prerequisite for Efficient Irrigation Operations, Shipley, H.; Juetten, R. L., Jr., I.C.I.D., 1972, Bulgaria 7. Current Water Systems Automation Research and Development in the Bureau of Reclamation, Calhoun, Charles A.; Irrigation and Drainage Specialty Conference, ASCE, Agricultural and Urban Considerations in Irrigation and Drainage, August 22-24, 1973 8. Irriution Scheduling - An Essential Cormpplit of Op.5.imum Water Management, Lord, J. M., Jr.; and Jensen, M. E., Lecture Notes, Water Systems Management Workshop, 1973 9. Basic Eauipment in Automatic Deliverly_Sys, Buyalski, Clark P., National Irrigation Symposium, November 10-13, 1970, 10. National Irrigation Symposium P212prs, American Society' of Agricultural Engineers, November 10-13, 1970, Lincoln, Nebraska Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100045-2 Approved Ploy/Release 2002/65/07 : CIA-RDP7-007ZA000600100045-2 4 I-1j re. N UNITED -STATES WATER RESOURCES COUNCIL SUITE 800 e 2120 L STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. APR Dr. jack Tech Scientific Gonzalez' American Enbassy Moscow -Y 20037 4 .