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March 11, 1974
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-Apjiromed F. ,Release 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-0074A00060010 046-1
21.10 L STHH;LLT, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 2.0037
MAR 1 1 1974
S( 'Leat:.i fic and Technical Colloquium 011 the Qleoi1 of
Mr. A..Vol.ynov
Director, Soyuzvodporekt
c/o All Union Scientific Research Institute
for Automation of Reclamation Systems
No. 11, Gorky Street
No scow
Dear Mr. Volynov:
Your letter dated D;:comber 27, 1973, has been reecivcd and
reviewed by the U.S. ado,:king roue on Planning, 7Jt_i.l..i.zati.on
Management of Water Resoui: ces .
We agree with your proposal for a meeting in Moscow in May 1974
for a period of two weeks. We would suggest the period of
May 12 through May 25, 1974. It is our ret.ommendation that
she meeting cover two (2) pr_:i.nci.pal activist.' uus : (1) Agiec.mnent
on a specific program of joint: work; and (2) a tour of selected
water management facilities. These .ctivitics to be the same
as items 1. (a) (b) and 3. in the Preliminary Progra`n. included
in your letter. The scheduling for these two items should be
approximately equal in
It i..u our 2u,i~,,e stion that your p r:el.-i_1a.l n.ral:'y 1)1-ogi:; 1 item
.er--basin Transfer of the Flow of Large Rivers, be :iacl.ucled
as a sub---.-i_tein under I. (a) and (b) along with the 20 on
Planning and Utilization and three items on ii lragcme.nt which
I included i.11 1,hy July 1.3, 1973, correspondence to you. We
bel_i.eve that tl.1.e major objective of the May 1974 Moscow
meeting should be directed toward reaching agreement on the
specifics of such joint work. Dc tailed scientific and techni-
cal colloquy and activity would follow immediately thereafter.
At this point in time, we strongly endorse reaching accord on
specific items that will result in mutual benefits to the U.S.
and the U.S.S.R.
it Dili' S 01 I:' i 1. '"( ;!11 ,I . P.iti'~' .t,I` i. JCAfIl1N ?D Lf.~l'f of (Ai'C.N
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D JL, 10 ..Y C... .._I -,1 Al. LI (. k `:r , .,.. JS
Apjpr"oved F4-Release 2002/03/28: CIA-RDP79-007 A000600100046-1
The U.S. team traveling to the U.S.S.R. in May will consist of
individuals that are at the administrative, policy, and pro grain
level with broad interdisciplinary technical backgrounds. They
will be prepared to discuss each item as to: objective;
description, scope end state--of-.-the--art; potential joint under-
takings; the U.S. priority r;;iting; and scheduling and financing.
We will be prepared to discuss the technical and :scientific
aspect of each item at a high and conceptual level. Detailed
di_scussioris must follow w:i-Lh personnel having specific The
proposed visit of U.S.S.R. specialists to the U.S. in august
or September 1.974 could initiate this kind of discussion.
It is planned that I attend and lead the U.S. Delegation to
l bscow .an May 1974. I will be accompanied by officials .from
the Corps of Engineers and the Departments of Interior and
Agriculture. These officials will be identified to you at
least 30 days prior to the meeting.
I would appreciate an early reply to this letter so that we
may complete our plans for rnceti.wg u you in Nosrow In May.
We, on the U.S. Working Croy ,p, are quite :i-ous to -move_ this
program from the discussion stage into implementation.
Sincerely yours,
Warren D. Fairchild
Warren D. Fairchild
Approved For Release 2002/03/28 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000600100046-1