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STATINTL NATIO'N'AL INSTITUfi OH ENVIRONMIEN'1'AL. 1-IEAL.Ti! Ei;iENJCES P.G. Box F?BSFA.riCI I IRIANGLI- I?AFIt. INC. 27:041 HSS Declassification & Release Instructions on File - No referral to HSS December 7, 19-/`3 Academician N. P. Dubinin Academy of Sciences of the USSR Prof_soyuznaya ul. 7 (I) Moscow, II 7312 USSR Dear Academician Dubinin: Enclosed you will find a tentative program for our joint USSR-'US Symposium on "The Potential Genetic Effects of Environmental Pollutants an Man," which is to b-77-old in Moscow and Kiev from February 18 through T are , 1974. I have tried to find speakers to address themselves to the three main areas that you suggested during our meeting in Washington on November 13--15, 1973. The titles,ar.e tentative and may be modified somewhat by the speakers when they prepare their papers. _ I have contacted all speakers except Dr. Schull who is in Chile; if he cannot attend, I have an alternate lined up to cover the material in this important topic area. We are getting the necessary clearances and visas for the US participants to travel to Russia as well as preliminary travel arrangements. It is possible for us to leave New York on Friday, February 15, and to arrive in Moscow on Saturday afternoon. This would allow for a day's recuperation from the long trip before starting the Symposium on Monday. It would be helpful for me to have a more detailed information on the organization of the Symposium and the institutes which you propose that we visit.. We would also like to have a list of the Russian speakers, affiliations and titles of their papers. In my letter to the US participants I have asked them to prepare an abstract of their presentation by January 11, 1974, which I will send to you immediately so that you can prepare an abstract booklet which can be distributed at the Symposium. I hope this will. provide sufficient time for translation of these abstracts and publication. In line with our discussion, I have also asked each participant to prepare a manuscript Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00798AO00700070002-2 ApproveFor Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP79g0798A D1.=PARTMEN'T OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUE31_IC HEALTII SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH FYI Approve4Jor Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP79 -198A000700070002-2 Academician N. P. Dubinin 2 based on his presentation that can be published by you in a Russian journal so that we can reach an even wider audience in Russia about these new and important problems. I have asked for these manuscripts by February 1, 1974, or at the very =Latest at the time of the Symposium. This will not only ensure rapid publication but will also ensure accurate translation of these papers into Russian during the Symposium. It was a pleasure to see you again in Washington, and I do hope you had an enjoyable and stimulating trip to California in November. With my best wishes for the Holiday Season and New Year, Frederick J. de Serres, Ph.D. Chief, Environmental Mutagenesis Branch Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000700070002-2 Approv ,For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP7 798A000700070002-2 e:r THE POTENTIAL GENETIC EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS ON MAN Moscow and Kiev, USSR February 1.8 - March 1, 1974 I. INTRODUCTION Environmental Mutagenesis - A New Toxicological Problem for Man, Alexander I-Iollaender, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee II. DEVELOPMENT OF ASSAY SYSTEMS TO SCREEN ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS FOR MUTAGENIC ACTIVITY Microbial Assay Systems for Detection of Mutagenic Activity, F. J. de Serres, NIEHS-NTH, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Induction of Gene Mutations in Human Cel18 in Culture, Robert DeMars, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin In Vivo and In Vitro Assays for Chromosome Aberrations in Mammalian Cells in Culture, Warren Nichols, Institute for Medical Research, Camden, New Jersey Mammalian Assay Systems to Detect Mutagenic Activity of Environmental Pollutants, William Sheridan, NIEHS-NIH, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina The Tier System for Mutagenicity Testing, W. Gary Flamm, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. III. IDENTIFICATION OF 11UTAGENIC ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS Assays of Environmental Chemical Pollutants for Mutagenic Activity in Drosophila, Seymour Abrahamson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Increased Somatic Mutation Rates Induced by Specific Air Pollutants and Chemical Mutagens in Tradescantia, Arnold Sparrow, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York Environmental Chemicals Known to Possess Mutagenic Activity, John Wassom, Oak Ridge National. Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000700070002-2 Approved'f or Releas ,12001/08/27 : CIA-RDP79 98A00070007000'2-2 IV. CONSEQUENCES OF INCREASED l'XPOS?JPE Tc3 YUTAc;E TIC EN'VTRO1`1ME?TT.,4,L CHr t7.CAL POLLUI ANTS FOR MAN - _ _ _ _ Monitoring the Human Population to Determine the Genetic Load in Man, Arno Motulsky, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Medical Implications of an Increase in the Genetic Load as a Result of Exposure to Mutagenic Environmental Pollutants, W. J. Schull, University of Texas, Houston, Texas Approved For Release 2001/08/27 CIA-RDP79-00798A000700070002-2