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Approved For Release ?/O9P,IRD~7bd798A000800((i005-3 i_";a=partment of Co: oflerd?c irimplementtation of the Cooperative Agreements Because of the very broad-based research being carried out in various agencies of the Department of Coanarce or the unique and valuable t competence concentrated in these agencies, the scope of DC, participation in various bilateral projects with the U.S.S.R. is relatively large. In particular, DOC participates actively in the implementation of projects within the framework of the Agreements on ocean studies, transportation, science and technology, environment, energy and housing, and other construction. The agencies most actively involved are the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Bureau of Standards'('BS), the Maritime Administration (MA), and the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). Science and 'fechnalo Agreement: NBS is the lead agency for 12 projects under the metrology area of this Agreement, including standard reference data, intercomparisori of standards for ionizing radiation, the refinement of fundamental physical constants, and automated information and control systems in standardization. Reciprocal exchange visits have taken place, and actual work has been started in a number of projects. For example, four NBS transportable volt standards are now in Leningrad for intercomparison with Soviet standards. NBS al,.o participates in the standardization area of this Agreement, but the lead office. is the Office of Product Standards in the DOC. `tae Patent and Trademark Office is active in the area of intellectual property under this Agreement. This is a very important area and has impact on cooperation under all the agreements, as well, as outside them where patent problems are likely to arise. At the first meeting of the Joint Working Group on Intellectual Property in May 1964, the Soviets agreed with a U.S. proposal to make a translation of copyrighted -materials having a direct relationship to cooperative activities. However, difference of opinion concerning invention rights. were not resolved. Transportation Agreement: The MA is engaged in a number of cooperative projects under the Marine Transport Section of this Agreement. These projects include the improvement of safety at sea, ice transiting techniques, technology of cargo handling in ports, commercial ship equipment and crew training, and studies of ship loading. Progress has been made in some of these areas, and there is significant potential for facilitating trade between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. *DOC Waiver Letter In ERU File* Approved For Release 2000/09/06 CLA-RDP79-00798A000800020005-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800020005-3 031 O E i" e ~S LA MiIi-Lary L- KDi\ GSS L E S,5 PES k)o\) , ~5 l Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800020005-3 i%WOI iftie App v FRFu s~ f c W ~~ : ~8 U. v . AIP Executive Agent for implementation of this Agreement, whose projects include joint research an ocean-atmosphere interaction, ocean currents, chemistry of the ocean, geological. and biological studies of the ocean, and standardization of oceanographic instruments and methods. NBS also participates in this last project. Familiarization visits have taken place in both directions for most of these projects, and Soviet and U.S. scientists have taken part in each other's cruises as exchange scientists, including the cruises of the U.S.S.R. Akademik Mendeleyev in the Sea of Okhotsk and several legs of the U.S. Glomar Challenger in the North and South Atlantic Oceans. The U.S.S.R. contributes $1 million annually to the funding of the deep sea drilling expeditions of the GlomarChalle er. Environmental Agreements Joint projects and DOC'participation in them include instrumentation and measurement methodology (NBS), the study of marine mammals (NOAA), influence of solar activity on .climate (NOAA), a system of simultaneous warnings on Tsunamis (NOAA), .and harmonization of air and water pollution standards (NBS). This Agreement is one of the most vigorously implemented, and considerable progress has been made in most of the areas. In broader terms, these programs serve to encourage the Soviets to participate more actively in protecting not only their own but the global environment. Energy Agreement: This Agreement has two main objectives: to accelerate research and development in the areas of existing and alternative sources of energy as well as to increase the effectiveness of energy use and conservation, and to achieve. a better understanding of each country's national energy programs and outlook. NBS plays a* .major role in two projects under this Agreement: energy generation through magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and long distance superconducting power transmission. There is considerable potential for mutual benefit in both these areas. Plans are underway to test U.S. designed equipment in the large and very expensive U.S.S.R. pilot MHD facilities, which the U.S. lacks. In return, the Soviets receive the test results. In .superconducting transmission technology, the U.S. will participate in 'the operation of an experimental test center for a demonstration test of a 1 kilometer long superconducting cable. The U.S. will loan a cryogenic refrigerator for these tests. The Soviets will participate in the development of U.S. cable systems at U.S. national laboratories. Progress has been made and visits have been exchanged for other projects under this Agreement, and the establishment of working groups for a large number of new projects related to oil, gas, and coal extraction and processing technology has begun. In the energy information exchange aspect of the Agreement, the U.S. proposed at the first meeting of the Joint Committee establishing a working group to implement this aspect and indicated that we were interested in a high-level dialogue on national energy programs and Approved For Release 2000/09/06 CIA-RDP79-00798A0008Q0020005-3 . Approved For Release 20QIW09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A00080002%95-3 plans as well as a regular exchange of relevant energy data. The Soviets appeared intent on gaining our acceptance that the energy information exchange should consist primarily of technical data related to R&D projects. We resisted this approach, and it was agreed that a temporary working group would be established to work out proposals on information exchange. Housing and Other Construction A- eemant: Specific details of most projects to be carried out under this Agreement have not yet been worked out. In the Record of Discussion of the first meeting of the Joint Committee in June 1975, FrJD lists NIBS as a participating agency in five of the six agreed project areas. These are: --Building Design and Construction Management --Building Systems and Utilities --Building Materials --Construction in Seismic Areas --New Towns Approved For Release 2000/09/06 : CIA-RDP79-00798A000800020005-3