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Document Release Date: 
March 8, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 13, 1966
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25X1 Approved For Release 21RynsrlR ? rtln-RnAQ91annmmrinn (c) NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER T-34/85 TANKS VINH YEN AREA, NORTH VIETNAM 2121N 10535E ATTACHMENT TO L-1204 13 JULY 1966 PAGE 1 1. SIG11IFICANCE: THIS BRIEFING BOARD DEPICTS AT LEAST SEVEN SOVIET T-34/85 MEDIUM TANKS IN THE VICINITY OF VINH YEN, NORTH VIETNAM. 2. BACKGROUND: THE T-34/85 BECAME THE STANDARD SOVIET MEDIUM TANK IN 1944 WHEN IT REPLACED THE T-34/76, WHICH IS NO LONGER IN USE. THE T-34/85 FEATURES WELL-SLOPED ARMOR, A LOW SILHOUETTE, AND GOOD CROSS-COUNTRY MOBILITY. THE PRIMARY ARMAMENT IS AN 85 MM GUN. THE WEIGHT OF THIS TANK, COMBAT LOADED, IS 35.2 TONS AND ITS CRUISING RANGE WITHOUT AN AUXILIARY FUEL SUPPLY IS 190 MILES. THE 202ND INDEPENDENT TANK REGIMENT IS REPORTED TO BE LOCATED AT VINH YEN. 3. MISSION READOUT: CONTAINING TWELVE THATCH-ROOFED SHALLOW EXCAVATIONS APPARENTLY BEING USED AS TANK SHELTERS. THREE EXCAVATIONS WITHOUT THATCH ROOFS ARE ALSO OBSERVED. FIVE T-34/85 TANKS ARE NOTED PARKED NEAR THE SHELTERS, AND TWO PARTIALLY EXPOSED TANKS ARE OBSERVED TO BE PARKED IN TWO OF THE TANK SHELTERS. TWO T-34/85 TANKS (NOT SHOWN ON GRAPHIC) ARE NOTED PARKED ON THE SOUTHWEST END OF THE HUU THU TANK FIRING RANGE AT 2121N 10539E. These notes have been prepared for briefing purposes only and should not be used for detailed analytical work. Their use should be restricted to the particular briefing board(s) they were prepared for and must be considered valid only for the re- porting period as indicated by the date of issue. For information concerning these notes contact Chief, Collateral Support Division, NPIC. A lease E.vlN.d l.en e~~em~i. SECRET ..adlnE -11-1 a..ill_lvn 25X1 GA Review Corn lete 25X1 Approved For Release 20 (c) N PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER ATTACHMENT TO L-1204 13 JULY 1966 PAGE 2 These notes have been prepared for briefing purposes only and should not be used for detailed analytical work. Their use should be restricted to the particular briefing board(s) they' hey were prepared for and must be considered valid only for the re. orting period as indicated by the date of issue. For information concerning these notes contact Chief, Collateral Support Division, NPIC. Approved For Release 2006/03/16 : 0002 ECRET CONFIDENTIAL T-34/85 TANKS VINH YEN AREA, NORTH VIETNAM 21-21N 105-35E