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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 ~ L' (.~.CC i1 l wr CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEF.LY SUMMARY 21 September 19Ei2 T H E W E E K I N l3 R I E F (Infarmatidn as of 1200 ED'.C 20 Sept) native courses and thus does not yet appear firmly committed to a separate treaty in the period immediately following the US congressional elections in November. The Soviet delegation probably will renew efforts to reorganize UN bodies on the "troika" principle. The Soviets apparently plan to use Iran's declaration banning foreign missile bases on its territory to support their charges of US "provocations" staged from overseas military bases,. Although propaganda on Cuba continues to charge the US with aggressive plans, Moscow welcomed President Kennedy's the next two months will be the final ~~pportunity to negotiat Berlin settlement, Khrushchev has kept open a number of alter the Soviet leaders took steps last weel,~ to make it clear they have not retreated from their commitment to a unilatera settlement if negotiations later this ;year fail to produce results. Despite hints that contacts with US leaders during Although the USSR has declared a "pause" in Berlin talks SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY DEVELOPMENTS Page 1 OK '?realistic" statements in his 13 September press conference. ures and one only a partial success. Venus. In the most recent launching, on 12 September, the space vehicle was put into orbit, but the payload failed to eject from the vehicle. Of seven Soviet attempts at interplanetary probes since 1960, six are considered fail- less than three weeks to send an interplanetary probe toward SOVIET INTERPLANETARY PROBE FAILURES Page 4 The USSR has apparently failed in three attempts in ~; CHINESE COMMUNISTS INTENSIFY U-2 PROPAGANDA Page 5 port by spurring public indignation over the incident. the Chinese Communists are also implying that the Soviet Union has "unrealistic illusions about US imperialism." Domestically, the regime is attempting to rally popular sup- After a slow start Peiping has stepped up its exploita- (yy Lion of the 9 September U-2 incident and is weaving charges of US responsibility for the overflight into a general attack on US "'war preparations." In their treatment of the incident BRIEFS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 SECR~~;T 21 September 19~G2 SYRIA- g . Pa a 10 25X1 Liberation to form a smaller regular army. are to be amalgamated with the former E1rmy of National ALGERIA .. Page 11 Ben Bella's political bureau comm:~nds a substantial ~.Y- majority in the Algerian assembly elec+ted on 20 September. Regional interests are likely to gain ~~trength in the as- sembly, however, after the first flush of enthusiasm for Ben Bella wears off. The National Libc~ration Front, the erstwhile rebel organization, is to be reorganized as a political party. The military forces of the six wilayas regime meanwhile will rule by decree. ment has promised to hold new elections within a year. The astute politician. and forceful executive. Its 21 members are so different in political orientation, however, that their ability to work together is questionable. Army leaders, who have long distrusted Azm, probably retain a veto o~~er cabinet~,decisions; the army commander in chief is still in the cabinet as minister of defense. The govern- A new cabinet has been formed under Khalid al-Azm, an ~~ SECRET ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 ~' SECR iE T CURRENT INTLLLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY 21 aeptember 1962 CONGO . Page Preliminary steps to implement thi= UN plan for Katanga's r t o e an effort to invade South Ifa,sa:i to prevent Kalonj i, the escaped Ka or ~ Katanga. Leopoldville has apparently dropped for the m t zinuing evidence that Adoula's and Tslionab~'s mutual sus- picions may thwart th.e plan and bring serious armed clashes Adoula has voiced fear that the Congo:Lese parliament may be "out to get him" and that it will ~~at ratify the UN- drafted constitution he wants completed by the encl of September. Minor clashes have recent~y occurred in N th sai secessionst from oining force; with Tshamb~. SOUTH VIETNAM , North Vietnamese troops apparently remain in key areas in northern and eastern Laos. South Vietnam has recalled its ambassador from Laos in protest against the establishment of relaons between Laos and North Vietn~~,m, and formal sever- ance o#~..'~el~~.t.,,~~s ,appears imminent . . LAOS Page 15 wring the next year. AFRO-MALAGASY UNION Page ]_4 The Afro-Malagasy Union--the arga.nization of twelve African states which retain some political and strong econom- ic and cultural ties with France--is becoming more active ~u in inter-African and international affairs. Despite the group's relatively conservative outlook, a recent conference of the heads of its member states. endorsed a program of sup- port for militant African nationalists, including rebels against Portuguese and Spanish colonial authorities. Other African states showed considerable interest in this meeting, and Congo (Leopoldville), Rwanda, and Burundi may join the union d The vigorous military effort again~t~=~~~~:.~~g is contributing to a growing sense of :~ldence among Si~~~ Vietnamese officials, Communi~t~;a uerr~'.lla activity has not slackened, however, and Sa.~,g~~fii''still fasces widespread peas- ant resistance to its ,~~ams. Tncrea~.sed peasant partscs- pativn in rural se~ty measures has resulted partly from coercion. The,....., quality of some of the local leadership implements ro rams contr'b tes to peasant disaffec- tion. WEST NEW GUINEA Page 17 The Indonesian Government, concerned that a separatist tjy movement could develop in West New Guinea, is making in- tensive preparations to ensure its control of the area. President Sukarno has implied that he will use stern measures if propaganda and economic concessions during the next six years fail to win over the native Papuans, The Dutch-Indo- nesian agreement of 15 August provides :Eor self-determination nf'' WPCt Nom ~?_?,~,. .. ., i..~r---- ... - - SECRET ein egration with the Conao are under wav rlta~ni to ..,,,,_ t~urr. ~c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEh:LY SUMMARY 21 September 19h2 THE NETHERLANDS Page ].8 25X1 ment featured some expressions of bittE~rness over the US role in the agreement. Approval of thE~ settlement, however, has removed a potentially disruptive political issue and has refocused foreign policy interest c-n European integra- tion. The dominant Catholic People's ~~arty and the op- position Labor Party appear to be laying the groundwork for resuming cabinet cooperation after the national elections 25X1 next spring. UK-EEC NEGOTIATIONS . . Page 19 opp~ition in Britain to EEC accession. polic~.,~~'"but Commonwealth dissatisfaci;ion will feed the ~~Iegotiations on Britain's entry into the Comm, r~.k~~"t?"` ' . resume ifi ~B~usse,~s on 28 September . D9 f f ~~,;~: '~~~nomic and political issues rem`ain'""t`~~-~-be de~~,?~a'~h', and the EEC is un- likely to make more than mire, e'~5~ces~'t~`~? tQ.~~ Prime ~~. ~ ~r Minister Macmillan s ~xobl~~ns at home and with tYie ~~~,~,~~,~,.~ wealth. At the B~l~ September Commonwealth conference, Macmillan ~e to avert a concerted condemnation of his Algeria in large-unit operations France will hold its largest military exercise since 1939 during the first half of October. Some 50,000 army personnel, 1,100 aircraft, and at least; 60 warships, will be involved. Designed in part to retrain returnees from 25X1 25X1 FRENCH MILITARY MANEUVERS Page 20 25X1 (.s~ It may be inten e to furnish support for his theories on the feasibility of national, rather than NATO, defense of France. President Goulart and Congress have again compromised their differences over the locus of power, thus providing a breathing spell until the 6 January plebiscite on Brazil's constitutional system. Attention now i.s focused on the ? October elections. Gubernatorial races in three states provide a test for left-wing forces, particularly in Pernam- BRAZIL Page 21 25X1 ~~ buco, key state of the impoverished northeast in which pro- communist Miguel Arraes is a leading contender. over the Lauca River waters remains at an impasse. CHILE . Page 22 President Alessandri has apparently decided to delay currency devaluation until mid-October. In return the ~`'? Radical Party, which is about to leave his coalition, may take an independent position rather than.. unite with the opposition. The Communist-dominated apposition continues to gain public support, and Chile's dispute with Bolivia SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0 sECRE ~r implements g a common energy policy if it joins the EEC. ~:~ achieve an economic union by"'~~J~'Q=~, ~ Agreement ha ,;~r?herto Afrrt,~:~res -notabl been blocked by conflicting nationa 'n{~' ~~ Y West Germany's coal industry, France's ~ nts in Saharan oil .development, and Italy's desire off` cheap ~u~~h'~~~ A com- ~r~~;,_ man policy is not likely to be ~ ed on 5 October, `~~xt ~~ some progress toward this ~Saa'~'~has recently been evident Present proposals env-~g~"~~an energy policy less protection- ist than those of of the individual EEC countries which, rf adopted, c ~l" benefit US oil and coal exporters. Brit-- alrn has in '??ated it will participate iln formulating and a common en~rgy:,,~pQ~l~icy--one of the major fields where agr Ministerial representatives from t;he six European Com- mon Market (EEC) countries will meet or.i 5 October to discuss CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEB;LY SUMMARY 21 September 19E~2 SPECIAI, ARTICLES 'THE EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET'S ENERGY POLICY . Page 1 AFRICAN STUDENTS' CONFERENCE Page 5 25X1 this objective. 1JeVelVMlleitLS [1 L l.ilC i"CLCil L lilCC 1.111~~ 111 17C1~'1 L1.uc V1 Africans studying in Europe indicate tY~at Moscow has in- doctrinated many of Africa's potential leaders with its brand of Aiarxism. The meeting was organized largely by the Ghanaian-dominated Committee of African Organiza- tions in London and may have been intended as another vehicle to promote Nkrumah's radical n~~tionalism. However, the preponderance cif delegates from Soviet bloc countries suggests a degree of Communist influence which compromised "BANTUSTANS" IN SOUTH AFRICA . Page 9 The government of South Africa is stepping up the develop- ment of "Bantustans"--areas into which the country's Africans are supposed to be segregated and theoretically allowed to develop along their own lines. One such area has already received a measure of autonomy, and Prime Minister Verwoerd has said that all of them may someday become independent. These developments are designed mainly to impress the country's whites and to make the polic3rof apartheid more acceptable to its overseas critics. Ve~rwoerd will be hard pressed to control the pressures among the Africans which the idea of "Bantustan" independence i:o bringing to the surface. SECRET ~IaT~~~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP79-00927A003800010002-0