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Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-009
`" - PAGE
By Spencer Rich
Washington Post Staff Writer
0 e.-qe to ~,e Si S
ag e-- yesterday to dela a to-
treto ,,pf
weapons ' aid to Turkey until
Feb. 5, to give Secretary of
State Henry A. _ Kissinger
mi? -P time to negotiate peke
iri Cyprus.
!p'ie postponement was en-
dorsgd by the conferees after
Kissinger met with House
leaders and foes Q a141oTu
"eyonday night in a plea
for more negotiating time.
The Feb. 5 cutoff date was
then written into the final ver-
Sion of a $2.69-billion foreign
aid authorization bill ., and he They also stressed that the
e~pat p sg~l theconference Feb. 5 date in a bill that will
report, 49 to 4` ~_. become permanent law makes
Ear_Igpproyal is ex- the cutoff absolute and un-
p_cted clearing the measure avoidable, , unless Turkey
for the White House. I agrees to start withdrawing Its
Thomas F. Eagleton (D-Mo.)
and Reps. John Brademas (D-
Ind.), Paul S. Sarbanes (D-Md.)
and Benjamin S. Rosenthal (D-
N.Y.), said they still favor an
immediate end of aid to, Tur-
key tut_ had agreed n t to
tlemen "w
shortly. t
for Indochina, and $145 mil-
lion for South Korea, with an-
other $20 million to }g-avail-
able if South Korea makes
"substantial progress in the
observance of human i hts"
by reducing political regres-
The bill also bars 'weapons
aid to the military government
of Chile, limits economic aid
to Chile to $25 million, allows
$25 million for Cyprus refugee
aid and $25 million for eco-
nomic .aid to Portugal.
The. meaaure.-.0]V jarse
vert_._disruptive activities in
fa_ countries unless ?`(ron-
rss is notified in-_a-d- v ance,
g_ rin wartie or war-
powers emergencies undFr he
WAr 1?.R31' ..5. XUde"cT~enate
langna a imposing a simi'Iar
bal~ on all other aencies of
the gnvernmenwas dropped.
A previous cutoff voted by
Congress was attached to tem-
porary legislation.
Brademas repeatedly re-
fused to say whether 'Kis-
singer had informed them of
plans to open
&Syprus set- ! that . the . hope for talks soon
commence ` is a realistic hope based on
reoresentatinn.e that have
. .rotas foreign arc for camoo-
dia was limited to $371 million
instead of` the $578 million re-
quested by the White House.
Jam` the total, $200 million
.could be for weapons aid. In
addition, $75 million in author-
ity to draw down existiing U.S.
m.ili,xary supplies to help Cam-
-+bodia was provided, for a 'total
sof $275 million in weapons aid.
-The bill also imposes restric-
tions on U?S. training of for-
eign police and security
The ' White House had
sought $3.25 billion in. new au-
thorizations for foreign aid.
The bill was some $555 million
been made to us." He declined
to elaborate.
The aid cutoff resulted from
charges that Turkey was using
U.S.-aid weapons for aggres-
sion in Cyprus, contrary to aid
laws and agreements.
For Israel, the final aid bill
carries $325 million in eco-
nomic aid and $300 million in
military aid. It also carries
$250 million economic aid for
Egypt, $100 million for Syria
(provided Syria removes barri-
ers to emigration of some 4,-
000 Jews), $100 million arms
aid for Jordan, $617 million
economic "reconstruction" aid
See AID, A4, Col. 4
House Foreign AffairsCom-
mlittee Chairman Thomas E.
Morgan (D-Pa.) said the Feb. 5
cutoff date on aid to Turkey
.as included in the bill; "with
the expectation that there's
going to be negotiations . .
The secretary is satisfied. He
would be in opposition to a
complete rimmediatel cutoff
but he felt confident some
progress could be made by
Until Feb. 5, aid to Turkey
may continue, provided it isn't
used to resupply troops on Cy-
prus with "implements of
war" and provided Turkey
doesn't break the Cyprus
cease-fire or increase its
forces there.- Brademas said
Kissinger pledged no accelera-
tion of, arms shipments to Tur-
key in the weeks before; Feb.
y On final passage, both Mary-.
Land senators voted for the
bill, both Virginians against.
Approved For Release 2005/06/16 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100020005-3
Cutoff of Turicish Aid Delayed