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El 6466
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CONGRESSIONAL RECOME)? Extensions of Remarks October 11, 1974
19 percent a year in the last decade. For
1973, it was as high as 12.3 percent.
Free China is 'confidently building for
the future,!yvith o
the sure knowledge that
there are Stiff nations and peoples who
valie freedom and the dignity of the in-
dividual. 'Free China knows that it can
continue to find support among those
nations and peoples.
Speaking recently to the Chinese peo-
ple, President Chiang Kai-shek voiced
the nation's optimism in these words:
The world understands that to strengthen
both the Government and people of the Re-
public of China is to increase the strength
Of the orld, and the free world would
hat strength in any way to be
Thursday, October 10, 1974
Mr. )3/ESTER. Mr. Speaker, the recent
discussions involving the role our Gov-
ernMent is said to have played in the in-
ternal affairs of the Chilean nation has
raised serious questions about the work-
ings of our foreign intelligence gathering
John Farmer of 'the Philadelphia Bul-
letin has written an analysis of the
Chilean incident which contributes to a
better understanding of the problems
which exist when intelligence activities
move beyond gathering information to
actually becoming involved in the
domestic affairs of another nation. The
allegations which have been leveled
against certain agencies of our Govern-
ment provide a strong case for more ef-
fective and aggressive congressional
oversight in this strategic policy area.
I commend this article to the attention
of my colleagues.
(By John J. Farmer)
WAsHINGION.--011 a warm Saturday morn-
ing, June 27, 1970, Henry Kissinger, address-
ing the most secret committee of the United
States government, laid down In highly per-
sona! terms what was to become official
American policy toward Chile.
- "I don't see why we should have to stand
by and let a country go Communist due to
the Irresponsibility of its own people," he
reportedly declared.
That statement, according to government
intelligence sources, was made to the 40
Committee, a five-man group so secret that
its existence was unkruiven at the time to the
Vast majority of Congress, the press, and
even the White House staff.
Kissinger, through a State Department
spokesman, said he could not recall making
the statement but, in any case, could not
conernent on 40 Committee activities,
t,he 40 Committee is elected CY no one, and
resperfelhie to no one except the President,
wile appoints its members.
serious students of foreign-pollicy-neaking
have _questioned whether, in a democracy.
Eno% a five-Man directorate should have this
,kincrof nnlericlled power, whether the five are
really In touch with American public opin-
ion, and whether Cengress should not have
tighter reins on their covert programs.
As a consequence of the 40 Committee's
action however, Janie sums of Central Intel-
ligence Agency modey were poured vainly
into Chile to avert the election of leftist
Salvador Allende. And that money was fol-
lowed in later year by even larger sums to
"destabilize" the Chilean economy and top-
ple the Allende regere.
With the Chilean military uprising in 1973
and Allende's violent death, the policy ul-
timately succeeded.
But it has produc ed in recent days several
developments certain to provoke a new na-
tional debate on tee role of the CIA and
even of Kissinger himself. It has:
?Focused attent-on, at last, cn. the 40
Committee, domina- ed by military and intel-
ligence professienals of the World War II-
Cold War vintage, as the real overseer, even
operator, of the CIA's covert activities and
responsible only to the President.
?Made clear the emergence of Kissinger
as the most powerful non-elected official in
the nation's history, standing astride the in-
telligence, covert-operations and foreign-
policy apparatuses as Secretary of State,
chairman of the Netional Security Council,
National Security iielviser to the President
and Chairman of the 40 Comittee.
?Destroyed wha- was left of the belief
that at least a few members of Congress have
knowledge of and a veto over the cloak-and-
dagger aspects of CIA.
"The CIA is the soot of the President and
it works today for Kissinger," according to
one government source,
The history of the U.S. government's Chil-
ean adventure dates back to 1964 when Al-
lende, a proclaimed Marxist, first E ought the
presidency. CIA to helped his Christian
Democratic opponent, Eduardo Frei, capture
the presidency that. year.
But by 1970, Frei could not succeed himself
and the Allende threat was seen by Washing-
ton as greater thin. ever. This time even
more money was funneled by CIA into anti-
Allende efforts.
In all, according to secret testimony April
22 this year by CIA Director William Colby,
as revealed by Rep. Michael J. Harrington
(fl-Mass.), the agency pumped $11 million
into anti-Allende efforts in Chile, between
1964 and 1973. It was spent as follows:
?$3 million went in 1964 to help finance
the Christian Detisocratic Party, Allende's
chief opposition.
--Abont $500,906 was advanced in 1969 to
help Chilean in.ditduais and organizations
gear up to oppose Allende the next year.
?Another $500.e00 went to opposition
party personnel di ring the 1970 campaign,
and $350,000 was authorized to bribe the
Chilean congress, cut this last effort was
?Following Alleede's election, $5 million
was authorized to disrupt the Chilean econ-
omy from 1971 to 1e73, and $1.5 million more
was spent to inflpence Chilean municipal
elections in 1973. Berne of these funds helped
finance an infivieni tel Chilean newspaper.
?Finally, in August, 1973, just one month
before Allende's closmfall, another $1 million
was authorized to press home the effort to
wreck the Chilean essonomy, already in trou-
ble because of Alter de's own misguided poli-
In each case, the .iffort and the eependiture
were approved by the 40 Committee, Or by
the same committeo operating under another
alias, such as the '303 Committee.
"No more myste: ions group exists Within
the government than the 40 Committee," ac-
cording to David Wise, a journalist who has
Tong been a stud,: fit of the American in-
telligency connexhi"ty.
"Its operations ere so secret that in an
appearance' before the Senate Armed Services
Committee, CIA Director Colby was even re-
luctent to identify the chairman," he said.
The Bay of Pigs invasion attempt, the U-2
overflights of Russia, the overthrow of the
Arbenz government in Guatemala?each of
these was a CIA covert operation approved
by the 40 Committee, or its predecessors.
In most cases, it now appears, Congress
was kept in the dark, at least until after
the operations were completed, and some-
times beyond that.
The Chilean intervention is an example of
how this blindfolding of Congress works.
On March 29 this year, Charles A. Meyers,
former Assistant Secretary of State for Latin
American Affairs, told a Senate subcommittee
that "the policy of the government . . . was
that there would be no intervention in the
political affairs of Chile . . . we financed no
candidates, no political parties . . ."
As late as June 12 of this year?two months
after Colby's secret admission ? Harry
Schlaudeman, number two man in the Amer-
ican embassy in Chile from 1969-73, denied
that any such U.S. effort was made.
"There was no funding, of that I am quite
sure," Schlaudeman told a closed hearing of
the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
CIA Director Colby emphasizes when ques-
tioned that the agency makes full secret re-
ports to the "appropriate" Congressional
committees, the so-called CIA "oversight"
subcommittees of the House and Senate,
tilt what they are told, according to a
former top official of CIA, depends on what
questions they ask?and frequently they
don't ask the right questions.
"The CIA deals with Congress in the way
that Congress requests it to," said the offi-
cial, who requested anonymity. "Often they
don't ask the right questions.
But it's their fault."
Among the subjects that have escaped
close congressional questioning have been
the operations of the 40 Committee.
Despite its anonymity, the committee ap-
pears to have existed under one name or
another since at least 1954.
It was apparently formed officially in 1954
as the Special Group and later called the
54-12 Committee. In President Kennedy's
time, it operated under the name 303 Com-
mittee, apparently a reference to the room
it used in the Executive Office Building ad-
joining the White House.
The names, in each case, have been delib-
erately designed to provide no clue as to its
function. Its members communicate mostly
by word of mouth, with little paperwork and
a staff of one man, believed to be a CIA
"You can look all you want but you won't
find any document with the title '40 Com-
mittee' on it," said one former intelligence
officer, "It's like, officially at least, it didn't
Fiona its pre-1954 origins as a loose group
of top State and Defense Department offi-
cials; the group has evolved a fixed member-
ship based on title and formalized in a direc-
tive of the National Security Council. The
name 40 Committee is believed to refer to
an NSC directive number 40.
Kissinger, as national security adviser to
the President, took charge of the 40 commit-
tee under former President Nixon and retains
the chairmanship today.
The other members are Air Force Gen.
George S. Brown, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff; William P. Clements Jr.,
deputy Secretary of Defense; Joseph J. Siseo,
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs,
and Colby, the CIA director.
They are men in their 50s, veterans of
World War II and the Cold War periods.
Colby's membership, according to critics,
is the classic story of the "fox in the hen
eoop"--the CIA director, in effect, sitting in
judgment on piens -and proPosals of his own
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? Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP79-00957A000100060007-7
Ockber ii, 1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? Extensions of *ernarks
request was $28.5 million?the leans
amount was provided in fiscal year
1974. In a letter, to Senator McCeeente,
chairman of th Senate Appropria-
ged the restoration
i le ra to, at the
19'74 level. I
to learn that
restore this
tons Committee,
of funding of ND
very least, the fiscal
was therefore very ple
the committee did in 1
necessary funding.
It is my sincere hope en the
Senate resumes consideration ? le sup-
plemental appropriations bill r the
elections, it will approve the reco en-
detest of the Senate Appropri in
Committee with respect to NDEA.
Friday, October 11, 1974
Mr. TAYLOR of Missouri. Mr. Speaker.
the most single important legislative
business awaiting action before the close
of the 93d Congress is the passage of
legislation to correct the damage that has
been done to the moral fabric of our So-
ciety ftS a result of the disastrous decision
of February 1973, which permits abortion
on demand.
This is an issue that is essential to
the whole range and freedoms and re-
sponsibilities embodied in the U.S. Con-
stitution. The right to life is the startine
point of all other rights. If the right to
life le absolute, Government cannot
rightfully diminish or restrict this right.
In the 14th amendment, the Constitu-
tion guarantees that:
No Etate shall . . deprive any person of
life, liberty or property, witloou: due process
of law: nor deny to any person within its
jurladietion the equal protection of the laws.
In Roe against Wade, the Supreme
Court decided that some human beings
were not 'persons" within tee meaning
of the 14th amendment. The Court held
that the unborn infant can be defined
as a nonperson and subjected to death at
the convenience of others or because
others consider him unfit to live.
I believe that the great majority of
Americans believe this Court opinion
violates fundamental moral and spirtual
principles. I share this conviction. Life
starts at the moment of conception and
the sacred spark should be protected
from that moment onward. It Is inde-
fensible to withhold protection front
human beings, however young.
Legislative action is necessary, not
only to protect the young, but also the
elderly, sick and retarded who are also
now in peril of being defined as nonper-
sons by the Supreme Court. In principle
these persons too are capable of being
defined as not self-sustaining.
It is essential to reverse the Supreme
Court on its basic proposition. During
this Congress, the House of Representa-
tives has attached numerous amend-
ments to many different pieccs of legisla-
tion which prohibits the use of Federal
money to perform abortions. I have been
plowed to support the passage of these
amendments. but. we most recognize that
they do not go far enough. A constitu-
tional amendment is needed which
?vould protect the right of he from the
%cry beginning and would guarantee the
equal protection of the laws to all human
beings at every moment of existence.
Several resolutions are pending within
the House Judiciary Committee which
seek a ba.sir reversal of the new Supreme
Court policy. The committee should act
soon to recommend one of these II:was-
ters to the floor where it can be swiftly
paesed and sent to the Senate. We should
delay no longer in proposing a htunan
e'e amendment to she Constitution
itch can be ratified by a vote of the
ate legislatures.
Ili 1 liE Hob
Th ursda
?.tob.r 10, 1974
Mr. its LUGO. Speaker, on Oc-
tober 2. I laser azi article on Mr.
Adam Petersen, wh we in the Virgin
Islands look upon as vine example of
oor Virgin Islands motion."
Today. I want to to My col-
leagues' attention a Si i article on
"Mr. Adam" written by r. Charles
Hewes, a local columnist? ell-known
artist. hiniself?writing for t St. Croix
Avis, a newspaper which has fl eery-
Leg the Virgin Islands since 184 halite
Hawes had this to say.
'I lie a ri icle is as follows:
By Charles Hewes)
. ofien. if you're lucky and
moon is at the right quarter, you reach
per,onal piiiitaele of 'torte Just such a th
reseell!,- 1,appened to us. It's not the kind
or r.tiue money earl buy You jest have to be
sit'!aline in tm. right place at the right time,
and there it 5.
Mr. Leroy Daniel drove Into .our yard not
1,,e1, leo to approach its about doing a paint-
ug ef a Mr. Maim Petersen who lived at the
Hessen Griggs Home. At president of the
SL Croix Cultural Dancers, Inc., a non-profit
otesitizetion founded by MT., Lillian Bailey.
Yr t)artt,O informed us that Mr. Adam Peter-
ms! WM the foremost flootenaster of quadrille
ic the Virgin Wanda, anti that Ma organi-
zes ion %stilled to present Mr. Adam the paint-
lag at e teal imoniel ceremony on the night
o; 6eptember 20.
Now with the possible exception of mu-
:Astons, then. 's act group of people In the
.v]-1,1 alto get. is much flits out of their work
as artists Adis'n Petersen turned out to be
a giant of a men. Badly injured a number of
years ago, he is a polished ebony carving,
waiking wait a cane A totally bald head
sit. squarely on his massive shoulders, and
the deep-se: eyes that peer from beneath
y brow, cannot suppress a smiling
svei }tie that says he knows something that
yf don't know. Square-jawed, his mouth
is tot UptUrned an-tiling slash until he opens
ldely to stout a call to Isla performing
dAiwers. We painted him holding a guitar
-AVI`. A suggestion of a quadrille in the back-
gi ganut. We would like to paint him a hun-
(Jess tittles
E 6465
So the time came and Mr. Adam Petersen
was honored at St. Gerard's Hall. Hundreds
of friends were there to wish him well. He
was honored, in the words Of the Hon. Hor-
tense Rowe, Commissioner of Conservation
and Cultural Affairs (would someone mind
shortening that") the keynote speaker, "for
your contributions to the performing arts,
and for the preservation of the cultural heri-
tage of the people of St. Croix." The Gov-
ernor and his Lady were there. The President
of the Senate was there, as well as our Con-
gressional Representative, Ron de Lugo. Join-
ing the Hon. Gwendolyn Blake, Commissioner
of Social Welfare, in saying a few words, was
Mrs. Dolores Brewster, head nurse at the
Herbert Griggs Home. Pinch-hitting for his
brother Randall James as toastmaster was
old friend, Luz back among us and going
Thus it was fitting that the St. Croix Cul-
tural Dancers should perform before the
maattr on his night of nights. This they did
In perfection and grace, though twice called
to task by the master by shrill blasts on the
whistle for no fault apparent to this neo-
phyte. They executed the Seven Steps and
then that most difficult of all form.s, The
Lancers, to tumultuous and deserved ap-
It Vita somewhere here hi between the rais-
ing or our glass of real Crucian guava berry
and air. Adam's whistling halt at the end of
number four of The Lancers that we found
ouraeleas on this pinnacle we started this
column talking about. There we sat at a table
with the highest officials in this adopted
home of ours, Mr. Adam. five feet to our left,
calling to his daacers, our old friend Stanley
Jacobs ten feet behind us blasting us right
out of the room, and we were higher than
any riches can buy.
So to cicee once more on a note about elec-
tronic amplification; if we have to be blown
right out of a room, let it be by Stanley
Jacobi and The Sleepless Nights.
God bless you Mr. Adam. It was we who
were honored.
Thursday, October 10, 1974
r. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, Thursday,
her 10, marks the 63d anniversary of
public of China. It is both an
d a pleasure to join with so
my colleagues in sending Presi-
ne Kai-shek and the people of
lie of China our sincere con-
the Re
that the fu
is uncertain.
are anything
The Republic
taken its recent
stride, but is e
dented program of
economic expansion
e in the world seem to think
e of the Republic of China
e free Chinese. however,
t uncertain of their own
I China not only has
lomatic reverses in
ed in an unprece-
- I, industrial, and
As citizens of "th
only one of the
world's developing nat ns to have truly
developed," the people Of the Republic
of China now enjoy the second highest
standard of living in Asia, a per capita
income that is five times that of the
People on the Chinese mainland, and a
stable economy whose gross national
product has risen at a real rate of over
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7 , - ?
C ober 11 1974 CONakt5SIONA1.- RECORD Extensions
At times, other Officials liA#e let ih; 'cretST-Of the Ihilted States government,
Miteliell, .as Iliihrire -Attorney General, sides the CIA's coyest projects, it also reviews
WEig: ki.9 go ,n:1011-6-iffei-iiber an there is and-approves monthly a Joint I:Roommate-
serrie;04titg UrZF-Wfiether the late -Robert sance Schedule that involves, among other
KenpadY, turn as Attorney General, things, the use of .--;py satellites around the
, 610, fa -0,--iiiepribet. It is believed that Mr. world.
r.N1,41-cs contrberslal assistants, fl U. KaIde- Outside the intelligence community there
Man lance Jelin Ehthchman also attended is criticism-of the secrecy which shrouds the
Meetings but evidently not as -ineinbers. 'CIA and hands over its operations to a non-?
7 -
Ea-C/-1L40 Conimittee;,aecording to past and elected elite such es. the 40 Committee. But
present intelligence officers, 'has tended- to within the- intellipence -community here?
, bee...erne-an extension of the chairman, chiefly men sympathetic tc- the need for clandestine
because he alone "liaS aCcCse?directlY the PiOlicS, -alternatives in a -divided world?the
PreSide,nt? ' "" ' ' ' that there is not enough control
..ftisSinger has Conte -to dorninata- the 40 of CIA by int.titi Liens such as the 40
CoMinitt4 fsr'boyqji-1.d ? the 4-i.5-vver Of his pre- Committee.
dece.sSor and tO an extent Sdine intelligence For example, Victor Marchetti arid John D.
specialist here 'believe is dangerous. Marks, former U.S. intelligence officers and
the' -,Peat, 'for example, the 40 Commit- authors of "The CIA and the Cull; of Intel-
tee net weekly, but not today"; ; ligence," maintain that covert operations EI,C-
-7,44 .111:P.9,wh,rasperiSibilitie-shaire ekpanded, count for only $440 million of CIA's estimated
- Kissinger has convened the-committee less budget of more tban $750 million a year.
frequently, intelligence-specialists here say. The actual figures a re a closely held secret.
t Much ?of the 7- time, according to several By far the larger. more important opera-
AblirCea, Kissinger Merely atifera With the tion?world-wide espionage?is subject to no
other rnernbers 'dealing with review by the 40 Committee.
them individually rather than as a gronp. This is true even if the espionage involves
and paSsing onto the Pie-skid-it the consensus a,s sensitive an operation as hiring a key
that he alone has had a real; hand in lash- official of a foreign government?as has been
dime in Latin Areetica at the risk of a
- The reetilt, according to specialists who serious diplomatic i acident.
have Sallied, in both the CIA and State
? sows, RESULT ; NEVER
' partment, has been to concentrate decision-
malting , making in fewer hands, mostly Kissinger's Even covert ope ations approved by the
40 Committee have some history of generat-
'han,c1a. ing capers never er visioned by the Commit-
' A lot of, the consultation and argu-
,,.. . . _aing now,' Said tee. The Russian sugar case is an example.
hientation that went on1S-ridis '
one-offlpial. ' Directed by the 40 Committee to do its
"The controversy over Kissinger's role ek-
damnest to foul up the Cuban economy, CIA
tenda-fo the Chilean adventure and who real-
agents picked on a load of Cu an sugar
Russiabound fOr Russia that had been off-loaded in
ly initiated it. an American port. They contaminated the
The CIA _clearly has taken most of the
to date, but at leat one official sugar, risking a real ruckus with the
placed in the State Department from 1970 Russians.
The deed was undone only wher. President
,t0 090, the years of the most ambitious anti-
Kennedy learned of it in time.
Allende effort believes the 'CIA ma t
ting a bum rap."
With the growth of multi-national corpo-
The idea for intervention, he said, appears rations?the spree 1 of American business
to have Coine from the 'white e abroad in the 1960. -he chance for unmoni-
Nixon Or Kissinger. -bared CIA mischief has expandet. mightily.
For many of these -3usinesses, the CIA is fer-
: It *as then faxiiied out to CIA -Lb develop a
tile recruiting ground, and the list of Amer-
plan and providefinicli and routed routinely
lean banks and imernational business is re-
back ;td the 40 COnarnittee, where Kissinger, as
plete with ex-CIA employes whose old loyal-
46 cottinnitee Ohairinaii; aPProireit *Eat May
ties can be tapped by the agency.
4wir:e "Veen his oivid4qtarii, thIS abiiree ; Said:
According to one published report, Colby
According to this Official; the CIA "Was not
that hot" for intervention. has said the CIA maintains some 200 agents
abroad posing as businessmen.
The:, S4lifte Department Was- divided, he
With the disclornre of its role in Chile,
said. Edward 'Kerry, then- anibasadoir
appeared to favor si5nie CIA role, but there are signs at !ast that Congress, which
the $ tat epartthent's.'own -Intenignce and has closed its eyes to the ever-widening CIA
AeSearelie b experts oPPOSed' the
role, may be about. to take a tougher line.
, idea-,- ---not on
grounda, but in the belief it would
Sen. Frank Church (D-Ida), chairman of a
,- -
- Senate Foreign Relation subcom mittee on
not Work and was risky.
mulit-national corporations, is exploring the
.4 .ts ppi known, he" said; how V. Alexis
possibility of perjury prosecutions against
Johnson, then as under Secretarylki the State
Administration offisdals who denied any U.S.
Departinenee -Man on the -40 Corrunittee,
"played it .in the corninittee." But in any effort to topple Allende.
eve-pt.- Kissinger's view Would have been ir-
And even Sen. Si nart Symingto:n (D-Mo.),
reStatihle because of his influence with the a member of the Senate's CIA oversight sub-
re4siderit he
committee and supposedly one of the few men ' ? -
in Congress informed about the agency, ex-
There are seine intelligenbelepacialiets here
whe credit Kissinger With having impeded - pressed surprise at Colby's admission of the
aoilie restraint on CIA aftera-deoade in Which depth of CIA intro ion into Chile.
Among Congress's younger members, like
the White House and the 4:000rkilidittee stood
in awe Of the ageiley'a _C.Molia "dirty
Harrington, there is a rising cry for more .'con-
tricks" department.- trol of the agency.
This, was partletitaily-true-dinder President What form that might take is not yet clear.
Joh But many intelligence specialists questioned
tigii'S hawkish-Katiorial-Seeinity Adviser,
traloi040-vi, v-t-64.ii--6-ye1x-gfase--- deli-bit_ here felt that the CIA might well have to sur-
Ment atelligence sa 4fie scared even
rendersome of its covert operation; to protect
the -CIA."
, t o cer t ' its mroe vital intelligence gathering and eval-
4), 'the 'saiiielifile:_theiTis apprehension nation capability.
al-olig A.616.6' eRireas iii-A.Rigsinger has Colby seemed to suggest that late Friday,
004 tilide'cr 'many 607 all along as a when, at a conference here on "CIA and
real,slior*thing-of the 40 Cernmittee opera- Covert Activities," he declared that an end
ti*-7-the? ciaineentratiOn of a, review function to covert activities "would not have a major
of men b With daily effect on the current security of the United
own 'fields. States."
01 the 40 Committee includes In fact, according to Ray S. Cline, a former.
ROMC6f the'rneet- delicate foreign-policy de- CIA deputy directc,r, covert activity is on the
of Remarks E 6467
decline', and has been since' its hey-day in
the 1950s and 1960s. The thawing of the Cold
War, and the detente in general have made
the difference, he said.
The man who started it all was that first
Cold Warrior, Harry S. Truman, who put to-
gether the CIA in 1947, primarily as an in-
telligence-gathering agency, and saw it
quickly enter the cloak-and-dagger trade.
At the end, it seems, Mr. Truman had some
second thoughts, and it may be that Con-
gress, will take its lead from this comment
attributed to the former President in 1963:
"I never had any thought when I set up
the CIA that it would be injected into peace-
time cloak-and-dagger operations. Some of
the complications and embarrassment that
I think we have experienced are in part at-
tributable to the fact that this quiet intel-
ligence arm of the President has been so re-
moved from its intended role . . .
"I would like to see the CIA restored to its
original assignment as the intelligence arm
of the President and whatever else it can
properly perform in that special field and its
operational duties be terminated or properly
used elsewhere.
"We have grown up as a nation respected
for our free institutions and for our ability
to maintain a free and open society. There is
something about the way the CIA has been
functioning that is casting a shadow over
our historic position, and I feel that we need
to correct it."
Thursday, October 10, 1974
Mr. DENNIS. Mr. Speaker, on Wednes-
day of this week I had the personal
pleasure of attending the ceremonies ad-
mitting my daughter, Martha Ellen
Dennis, to the Bar of the State of
Consequently, I was absent from the
House Chamber during the calling of the
roll on final passage of House Resolution
988, the committee reform amendments,
and on H.R. 16901, the agriculture,
environment and consumer protection
appropriations bill for fiscal year 1975.
Had I been present, I would have voted
in favor of passage of both of these
important measures.
House Resolution 988 represents the
first major undertaking by the House in
the last 25 years to review and reform its
committee system. Had I been present,
I would have voted for the Bolling reso-
lution rather than for the HANsEN sub-
stitute, although I would hope to have
amended the Bol,LING resolution?as I
did the MARTIN resolution?to provide
that the Panama Canal not be placed
under the jurisdiction of the Committee
on Foreign Affairs, and, in this one par-
ticular, I preferred the lisiszsEN version.
However, this measure, even the HANsEN
substitive proposal Which prevailed,
represents a step toward reform of the
House committee system.
As to H.R. 16901 I voted for the pre-
vious bill when it first passed the House,
and later voted to sustain the President's
veto, after the Senate increased the
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COIsiGRESSIONAL RECORD &Iowansoj Rrnarks October 11, 1972
appropriation. present /SEW bill Is
some $192 million than the measure
winch Was vetoed, support the
Pres:nt legislation.
OF sarcasm
Thursday, October 10, 1974
Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. ape
there are, there always have been,
there probably always will be those i
government se Immediate answer to
any fiscal pro em is more taxation ef
American business and the eirnelicaa
people. I know that President Ford be-
lieves his recommendation of a 5 percent
stereharge will be effective in ilentleg in-
flation. While it fate expect to suPPot t
the President of the United States oa
every pOssible occasion, in this case I
whet respectfully disagree.
Tr-te Preehierd has proposed a 5-per-
cent surcharge on corporate and individ-
ual inwretes above a certain level. It is
estimated that this surcharge will bring
an additional $2.6 billion into the Treas-
ury. Unfortunately, since this a ;use
charge, those millionaires who somehow
seem to escape income taxes will Mee
escape this tax, and the burden will fall
on the same taxpayers always hit.
And what happens to Ms money ? It,
will be spent by the Federal Govern-
ment- ?pumped back Into an already in-
flation-ridden economy to further fuel
the inflationary spiral. America's tax -
payers, however, will be even lee.% able to
cope with higher prices because the::
incomes will be further reduced bi the
5 -percent surcharge-
The $2,6 billion is not a large sum,
compared with an overall Federal budget
topping more than $300 billion. It is lees
than 1 percent of the budget, in fact. But
it would be a far more effective approach
to simply reduce the budget by that saint
1 percent?and more, preferably to
balanced budget where spending will ac
longer exceed income. Such a 'eduction
in Federal spending, to effect a balanced
budget, would have a very dramatic ef-
fect on inflation. If we define inflation at
too many dollars chasing too few good:
and services, then it makes sense to have
fewer Federal dollars chasing these goodt
and services and driving up their prices,
As I said on the floor foffewing Presi-
dent Ford's first speech to a Joint session
of Congress, I support him in his fight
against inflation. I want to support me
President on every Possible occasion, and
work with him for the betterment of OUT
Nation. But I netist respectfully disagree
with this proposal to increase income
taxes. Such tax increases have not cured
inflation in the past, and will not care
Inflation now. es
More taxation is not the answer Le in-
flation n just pinches the budgets of
American households even more. The
budget which needs to be Pinched is the
Federal budget. It contains the fat, the
waste, the unnecessary expenditures, the
outmoded programs, the unjustifiable
policies. Let us clean up Our IOWA imouries
JOCtOret we Put a. lien on the Income of
Mr- Sae-Akar, a balanced budget is
essential. and I will Coritinnally strive to
achieve that gesa---Itot by inceeeeluit
taxes- but by damaging, government
*penning. For too long the Federal OCEt -
eminent has been rebbtrue Per to Pay
:Rae. is past time for is to get our
/Mancini house In Order If we can
achieve this, we will filially he getting rid
of one of the major underlying causes of
oeto,er 10, 1974
". slie Bla
Ur. rlayd
tile new
noeted the new
eutegrate the
.Mn Speaker, recently
vat ai Reston,
gave a apeeele on
"meet. as a
. He curi-
ae a major
blacks to
d political
realms of this sac*
The new town p is a reliable
aItertilitiVe to the fICP on SEMI pay-
arLylnourciMesandi areas.
A would like to share th my col-
leagues Mr. bleXissick'S
'In, New IOW?, AS AN I tefflet, OF SOCIAL
A speech delivered by lir. FLOYD
rum. to Coe Keeton klisea, Arts
Statism. Va. on August at, It174)
Mr. McKissick is the developer oe 1
t,ity new town and president ot tbe Soul
I am delighted to be present at t
Iteroon Slack Focus Arta Pestltal,
honored to have been (loosen to give
address. I arn again delighted to
meet 'nth so many Pew Town associates. Kew
Town people ere a peatiliar species of hu-
mane veto believe that reeletiy ts mixture
d people and of bricks said mortar. They be-
lle % o Unit the economic process combined
VinAt people, bricks end mortar can improve
,( y as a whole and car. provide solutions
r individual people of all varieties
ts tent to art. howtier, "what is a new
v a a new corniutintree's It Yes recently be-
come a popular expreaston, not at thrice ex-
pressing what "real" new town developers
are all about. Metals new heessang pro3eCle are
c-..escrilbed erroneously as new communities.
H's a developer defines whets new coin-
ion It- is depends In part Upon the do-
'Torr rroe! f I loot rot/ ni?hts expert -
erces-hfs onneept of gre?his concept of
homanity?Sis love ter people--hLa love for
IS* country and his desire far abetter world
Wilere people can live with dignity because
of Liar color an* their cultural distinctive-
isso. aod be loved and be respected by ail.
? r ew tows l> not just bricks and Mortar,
? stickl and at nes, but a new town must
ire holly by people and is new Vern must have
New communities are reactions to the
many problems of Ponerlean Society. thereby
crato,Ing bold alternatives to orban sprawl
aud maus out-migration loom rural depressed
areas. New towns are the result,of combined
initiative of the Federal Government, private
financing, private developess and concerned
coarsens. TIM Initiative requires that the in-
tercynamIce of social, cultOral, physical and
economic systems must baa part of the tie-
velemaerit Mae of new communities.
Let us now loot at how the concept of a
new town can be broadened to deal with the
basic problems confronting the American
5014e1y today. Let's make a list of the prob-
lents that face America today, those prob-
lem. which have, to a degree, polarized the
races: unemployment and underemploy-
Mal a?lack of economic opportunities?poor
hes4th services--lack of police protection--
rectsm--dcrimlnittion against women, the
Meted/ and the young?crime In the streets?
an inequitable welfare system?poor hous-
ing-- poor transportation?the lack of new
coneepts religion--educatIon?pcditics--
pelt ItIon.
let me make my position on one thisig
mapbeticany clear. I am an integrationist I
believe that the struggle of the 1960's has
not ?bean stopped In spite of the deaths of my
gre4t friends, Martin Luther King, Whitney
Yormg, John P. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Robes It
Kerinedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson, and
tbeimany other laiown and lesser known me i
ane mina,
The probiem is that we have never expert-
eneed, and ant not now Mingo in a fully
tnt*rettal society. We have not tried reel
tntepristiern yet.
Two of the most basic areas in society are
today almost completely segregated?one is
our economic system, that Is, Wall Street and
the ownership and management of produc-
tion. The second is our political system. Both
systems are highly sophisticated and cannot
be Integrated by mere protest or by marching
In the streets singing freedom songs. The
struggle to integrate the economic and polit-
ical realms of this society depends upon
knonledge?akille--endurance--and sagacity.
and Inmany instances It requires the sub-
ordthation of the ego. That is why there 13
a distinction between the strategy employed
In the battle to fight overt segration in the
letkes and the strategy to fight subtle raciam
of the 1970's. Our objectives have not
changed. It is the strategy to accomplish
thosp same objectives that pierced the Amer-
ican, conscience In the 1960's that has
charged. The end Is the same, only the means
has teen changed.
Ifillibrtitriatery, many do not realize that;
e new community is a concept for corn-
the Ms which confront sotiety and
Is mechanism for continuing the struggle
? 960's. Many do not realize that while
nue the struggle?that the struggle
Jettsd to urban development and
at time must be maintained in tin
unity. New communities can be
built vete financing and new commu-
nitlee can raoriels for existing distressed
urban end areas.
The p to the "Urban Growth and
New Comm Development Act"? (Sec -
tion 7101) state "It Is the polity of the Con-
greed and the p of this title to gravid(
for the clever of a national urban
growth policy and encourage the rational.
ordeal!, efaclent. economic growth, de-
vekattment. and red pment of our States,
metropolitan areas, s, counties, towns.
and .cronnaninttles in ednlnlnanuy rural
areal Which demonstra special potential
for arcelerated growth: to ?usage the pru-
dent -1 use and constreatio of our natural
resottrces: and to encourage d support de-
velopment which will emu communi-
ties V adequate tax bases, unity serv-
wig horboods socially, economItglly, and
IcesTijob oppormnities. and well-balanced
ph ally attractive living environments."
This New Community Act was first passed
by tile Congress In /968. Under Title VII, El3
we Lawyers like to call it, more than a dozen
new towns are now being built across Asper-
lea . oul City In one of thew. Yet neither
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H. R. 17256
OCTOBER 10,1974
Mr. BIESTER introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Com-
mittee on Rules
To create a Joint Committee on Intelligence Operations.
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
3 That this Act may be cited as the "Joint Committee on In-
4 telligence Operations Act of 1974".
7 Sm. 2. (a) There is hereby established a Joint Com-
mittee on Intelligence Operations (hereinafter referred to as
9 the "joint committee") which shall be composed of eighteen
10 members appointed as follows:
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I ) nine memb,rs of the 11 Ilse of Representatives,
) five shall be appointed by the House
majority leader, and to include one member from
the, Committee on Armed Services, one from the
Committee on Foreign Affairs'. and one from the
('ommittee on A ppropriati ns; and
(B) four shall he appointed by the House
minority leader, to include one from each of the
above Mimed standing. committ .es; and
nine memln?s of the Senate, of whom?
( A ) five shall be appointed by the Senate
majority leader, and to include one member from
the Committee on Armed Services, one from the
Committee on Foreivn Relations, and one from the
Committeon Appropriations; and
1) lour to be appointed by the Senate minor-
ik leader. to Mel o& one front each of the above
named standing committees.
b) The joilit committee shall select a chairman and a
vice chairman from totiong its members at the beginning of
each Cono.ress. The viee chairman shall net in the place and
23 stcnd of the cluniruuiaji in his a hsencc. The cLairmanship and
94 vice ehairman,liip skill alternate between the Ilouse of Itep-
resematives and the Senate \\ill' each Congress. The chair-
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man during each even-numbered Congress shall be selected
by the Members of the House of Representatives on the joint
committee from among their number and the chairman during .
each odd-numbered Congress shall be selected by the Mem-
bers of the Senate on the joint committee from among their
number. The vice chairman during each Congress shall be
chosen in the same manner from that House of Congress
other than the House of Congress of which the chairman is.
a Member.
(c) A majority of the members of the joint committee
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, ex-
cept that the joint committee may fix a lesser number as a ?
quorum for the purpose of taking testimony. Vacancies in
the membership of the joint committee shall not affect the
power of the remaining members to execute the functions
of the joint committee and shall be filled in the same manner
as specified in, and in conformance with, subsection (a) .
SEC. 3. (a) It shall be the duty of the joint committee
to conduct continuing oversight of, and to exercise exclusive -
jurisdiction over, the legislative authorization with respect -
to the foreign intelligence activities and operations of (1)
the Central Intelligence Agency, (2) the Defense Intelli-
gence Agency, Department of Defense, (3) the National
Security Agency, (4) the Bureau of Intelligence and Re=
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1 search. Department of State. (5) Army, Navy, and Air
Force In and (() other agencies, bureaus, or
3 departments insofar as their operations include foreign in-
4 telligence activities.
5 (h) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency,
6 1 Di n
_ reel of the Defese Intelligency Agency, the Direc-
7 tor of the National Security Agency, the Director of the
8 Bureau of Intelliffe re anti Research. the Commander of
9 United States Army Intelligence. the Commander of Naval
10 Intelligence, and the Air Force Deputy Assistant Chief of
11 Staff for Intelligenve shall keep the joint committee fully
12 and currently informed with respect to all of the foreign
13 intelligence activities and operations of their respective
14 organizations, and the heads of all other departments and
15 agencies of the Federal Government conducting foreign in-
16 telligence aetivities and operations shall keep the joint
17 committee fully and currently informed of all foreign in-
18 telligence activities and operations carried out by their re-
19 departments and agencies. The joint committee
20 shall have authority to require from any department or
21 agency of the Federal Government periodic reports regard-
22 ing activities and operations within the jurisdiction of the
23 joint committee.
24 (e) (1) All bills, resolutions, and other matters in the
25 House of Representatives or the Senate relating primarily to
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1 the functions of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense
2 Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the
3 Bureau of Intelligence and Research, or Army, Navy, and
4 Air Force Intelligence, or to foreign intelligence activities or
5 operations of any other department or agency of the Federal
6 Government shall be referred to the joint committee. Nothing
7 in this 'subsection shall be construed to deprive 'any committee
8 of either House from exercising legislative oversight with
9 respect to foreign intelligence activities and operations related
10 to the jurisdiction of such committee.
11 (2) Members of the joint committee who are Members
12 of the House of Representatives shall from time to time
13 report to the House, and Members of the Senate shall from
14 time to time report to the Senate, by bill or otherwise, their
15 recommendations with respect to matters which are within
16 the jurisdiction of their respective Houses and which are
17 referred to the joint committee or are 'otherwise within the
18 jurisdiction of the joint committee.
20 SEC. 4. (a) The joint committee, or any subcommittee
21 thereof, is authorized, in its discretion, to make expenditures;
22 to employ personnel; to adopt rules respecting its organiza-
23 tion and procedures; to hold hearings; to sit and act at any
24 time or place; to subpena witnesses and documents; with
H.R. 17256-2
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the prior consent of the Federal department or agency con-
mimed. to use on fi reimbursable basis the services of person-
nel, information, and facilities of any such department or
4 agency; to procure printing and binding services; to pro-
,- cure the temporary services (not in excess of one year) or
in services of individual consultants, or organiza-
7 lions thereof. and to provide assistance for the training of
its professional staff, in the same manner and under the same
conditions as a standing committee of the Senate may pro-
10 cure such services and provide such assistance under sub-
sections ) and (j), respectively, of section 202 of the Leg-
12 islative Reorganization Act of 1946; and to ike depositions
13 and other testimony.
14 (I)) Subpenas may be issued over the signature of the
15 chairman of the joint committee or by any member desig-
16 iiatcd by hint or the joint committee. and may bc served
17 by such person as may be designated by such chairman or
18 mcmhcr. Time chairman of the joint co unittee or any wm-
1.9 her thereof may administer oaths to witnesses. The pro-
20 of sections 102 to 104 of the Revised Statutes (2
21 1".S.(. 192-194) shall apply hi the case of any failure of
22 any witness to comply with a sulipena or to testify when
summoned under authority of this subsection.
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2 SEC. 5. (a) The joint committee shall be charged with
3 the establishment ?of guidelines for the classification of in-
4 formation originating within the joint committee in accord-
5 ance with standards used generally by the executive branch
6 for classifying restricted data or defense information.
7 (b) ?The joint committee shall be charged with the
8 establishment of guidelines under which its data and records
9 shall be maintained and be made available to (1) any
10 Member of 'Congress who requests such records or data or
11 (2) any officer or employee of the House of Representatives
12 or the Senate who has been designated by a Member of Con-
13 gress to have access to such records and data and who has
14 the appropriate security clearance to have such access.
16 SEC. B. The joint committee shall keep a complete record
17 of all joint committee actions, including a record of the
18 votes on any question on which a record vote is demanded.
19 All records, data, charts, and files of the joint committee shall
20 be the property of the joint committee and shall be kept in
21 ?the offices of the joint committee or such other places as the
2`2 joint committee may direct.
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2 SEC. 7. The expenses of the joint committee shall be paid
3 front the contingent fund of ibe Senate from funds appro-
4 pria ted for the point committee, upon vouchers signed by the
5 eituirinan of the joint committee or by any member of the
6 joint committee authorized by the chairman.
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